
"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......

author:Live Texas

"SF, I want to send 10 gold bracelets"

If you are a courier

This is the case

What will you do?

June 26th

Fuzhou SF Express (Xiafang)

Courier Chen Hongbin

A man with the surname Lian was received

The items that Mr. Lian wants to mail

startled Chen Hongbin


10 gold bracelets

"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......

I don't think the situation is right

Chen Hongbin immediately contacted

Xindian Police Station E110 WeChat Ping An Account

After receiving the message

The police immediately contacted Mr. Lian's family

and found him in Houban Community, Xindian Town, Jin'an District

"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......

It is understood that Mr. Lian is 61 years old this year and a native of Fuzhou.

A week ago, he saw a stock recommendation on his WeChat public account, so he took the initiative to contact him.

The other party asked the man to download the "Tongyou" chat software to contact, and said that the stock market was not good, and told him to enter the webpage to participate in the investment of public welfare projects, that is, to buy fake lottery tickets on the fraudulent webpage to win.

In order to gain Mr. Lian's trust, the other party also asked him to withdraw 200 yuan and continued to trick him into recharging.

Due to the effectiveness of the public security organ's "card breaking operation", the other party could not receive bank transfers, so he told Mr. Lian that it was faster to recharge in kind, and asked Mr. Lian to buy gold worth 200,000 yuan and mail it to the other party, and the other party helped him recharge on the fraudulent website.

"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......

In order to deceive Mr. Lian's trust, there is also a "trust" to send a recharge photo of the purchased gold in the WeChat group.

In the end, Mr. Lian believed it and bought 10 gold bracelets worth 200,900 yuan on June 26 and prepared to mail them to Chaoshan, Guangdong Province through SF Express.

Fortunately, the courier staff became suspicious after chatting with Mr. Lian when receiving the mail, and pushed the clues to the police station.

"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......


The police led Mr. Lian

Find the courier at the courier station

Looking at the 10 gold bracelets placed in front of him

Mr. Lian suddenly woke up

thanked the police and the courier brother again and again

"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......


The police of the Xindian Police Station have returned all the gold bracelets

and collect evidence of fraud

for further study

Fuzhou SF Express gave Chen Hongbin

$1,000 cash prize

Engage other employees to learn from them

"SF? I'm sending 10 gold bracelets! The courier turned around and called the police......

Source: Fuzhou Evening News

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