
went to her boyfriend's house to discuss the marriage, and when she saw the gold bracelet on his mother's wrist, she decisively proposed to break up

author:Entertainment analysis
went to her boyfriend's house to discuss the marriage, and when she saw the gold bracelet on his mother's wrist, she decisively proposed to break up


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"The biggest regret in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and stubbornly insist on what should not be insisted on."

This is a sentence that Qin Ziyue saw after the breakup, and it is also a true portrayal of her heart at the moment.

Qin Ziyue, 28 years old, a sales manager of a foreign company, and her boyfriend Li Jie, who has been in love for 5 years, were originally preparing for a wedding.

Just two months ago, a seemingly ordinary quarrel brought the relationship to an end.

"Ziyue, what do you think of our marriage, ......" Li Jie stopped talking again.

"What do I think? Do you want to say that you don't have any money at home? Lee Kit, we've been in love for 5 years, you know what I want my wedding to look like. ”

Qin Ziyue's tone was a little impatient.

"I know, but I really can't afford that much money at home for the gold bracelet you mentioned last time."

"My parents are old and in poor health, and we still have to provide for them to die, which is really unaffordable." Li Jie explained helplessly.

Qin Ziyue was silent, she felt a trace of disappointment. But after thinking about it, what Li Jie said also made sense, and he couldn't be so inconsiderate of him.

So, she smiled reluctantly, "Forget it, I don't want a gold bracelet, I'm not such a material person." ”

Just when Qin Ziyue thought that this was the end of the matter, an unexpected discovery made her completely angry.

That day, she and Li Jie went to his parents' house to discuss the marriage, and accidentally caught a glimpse of Li Jie's mother's wrist, wearing a big gold bracelet!

Qin Ziyue felt dizzy, she couldn't believe her eyes, didn't Li Jie say that the family had no money to buy gold bracelets? But his mother's wrist is clearly wearing one!

She held back her anger until she left Li Jie's parents' house, when she could no longer control her emotions and scolded Li Jie:

"Li Jie, you're a liar! You said that the family didn't have money to buy a gold bracelet, but didn't your mother wear one on her hand? You're trying to lie to me! ”

Faced with Qin Ziyue's questioning, Li Jie was speechless for a while, and he couldn't explain clearly. Qin Ziyue couldn't listen to any explanation, she only felt that she had been deceived and hurt.

"Li Jie, let's break up." Qin Ziyue said this coldly, and left without looking back.

Qin Ziyue and Li Jie's breakup was not impulsive, but accumulated too many contradictions and incomprehensions.

Ever since Qin Ziyue saw the gold bracelet at Li Jie's parents' house, she couldn't calm down anymore.

She began to recall Li Jie's words and deeds in the past five years, and he always said that the family's economic conditions were not good and could not meet her material requirements. But now it all looks like a lie.

Qin Ziyue felt painful and confused, she didn't know whether the relationship in the past five years was true or false.

went to her boyfriend's house to discuss the marriage, and when she saw the gold bracelet on his mother's wrist, she decisively proposed to break up

She began to doubt Li Jie's sincerity and her own judgment.

At this moment, Qin Ziyue's mobile phone suddenly rang. She glanced at the caller ID, it was Li Jie.

Qin Ziyue hesitated, but still connected the phone. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Ziyue, I have something very important to tell you, let's meet." Li Jie's voice sounded eager.

Qin Ziyue frowned, she really didn't want to see Li Jie at this time. But Li Jie's tone made her feel that maybe there was really something important.

"Well, where are you? I'm looking for you. Qin Ziyue said helplessly.

Hanging up the phone, Qin Ziyue explained the situation to Zhang Wen. Zhang Wen expressed her understanding and told Qin Ziyue to take care.

Qin Ziyue rushed to the location mentioned by Li Jie and found that it was a quiet park. Li Jie was already waiting for her there.

"Ziyue, you're here." Seeing Qin Ziyue, Li Jie showed a bitter smile.

"Tell me, what's important?" Qin Ziyue asked coldly.

Li Jie took a deep breath and seemed to be brewing something. Then, he slowly spoke: "Ziyue, I know I was wrong. ”

"Over the years, I have always used the poor economic conditions of my family as an excuse that I haven't really thought about you. I only realize now how selfish and cowardly I am. ”

Qin Ziyue was a little surprised, she didn't expect Li Jie to say that. But there was still a trace of doubt in her heart. "What's the point of you saying this now? We've broken up. ”

"Ziyue, I know you're disappointed in me. But I really don't want to just give up on our relationship. ”

"Give me a chance and let me prove that I can change and can be a man worthy of you." Li Jie's eyes were full of pleading.

Qin Ziyue was silent, she didn't know what to say. She can feel Li Jie's sincerity, but there is still a gap in her heart that cannot be crossed.

At this moment, Li Jie's mobile phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID, and his face instantly turned pale.

Li Jie answered the phone tremblingly, and after a few brief conversations, his face was already full of tears.

"Li Jie, what's wrong?" Qin Ziyue felt uneasy.

Li Jie choked up and said, "My dad ...... My dad suddenly fell ill and is now on his way to the hospital. The doctor said that the situation was not optimistic......"

Qin Ziyue covered her mouth in shock, she didn't expect such a thing to happen at all.

went to her boyfriend's house to discuss the marriage, and when she saw the gold bracelet on his mother's wrist, she decisively proposed to break up

Li Jie wiped his tears and said to Qin Ziyue, "Ziyue, I have to rush to the hospital now." I know that there are still a lot of unresolved issues between us. ”

"But I hope that you can give me a chance to prove my change. When things settle down with my dad, I'll definitely talk to you. ”

After speaking, Li Jie left in a hurry, leaving Qin Ziyue standing alone, his heart full of complicated emotions.

She remembered the love of Li Jie's parents and their love for her. She suddenly realized that maybe she had been too self-centered all along.

In love, there may really be no right or wrong, only tolerance and understanding. Qin Ziyue looked at Li Jie's departing back, and a warm current rose in her heart.

She decided to give Li Jie a chance and give herself a chance. Perhaps, after these twists and turns, their feelings can be more firm and mature.

Qin Ziyue took a deep breath and took a step to catch up with Li Jie. She knows that there are many difficulties and challenges ahead, but she believes that as long as they work together, nothing is impossible.

When Qin Ziyue arrived at the hospital, Li Jie was pacing anxiously outside the ward. Seeing Qin Ziyue, he showed a grateful look.

"Ziyue, you're here......" Li Jie's voice was full of exhaustion.

Qin Ziyue nodded lightly and held Li Jie's hand. "Don't worry, Uncle will be fine."

Just then, the door to the ward opened, and the doctor walked out. Li Jie hurriedly stepped forward to ask about his father's situation.

The doctor took off his mask and smiled reassuringly. "Your father's condition has stabilized, but he will need to stay in the hospital for a few days."

Hearing the news, Li Jie was relieved, and his tense body instantly relaxed. He thanked the doctor gratefully, then turned to look at Qin Ziyue.

"Ziyue, thank you for coming. I feel relieved to have you there. Li Jie said sincerely.

Qin Ziyue smiled and patted Li Jie's shoulder. "You're welcome, this is what I'm supposed to do. By the way, what about Auntie? Is she okay? ”

At the mention of his mother, Li Jie's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. He stumbled, "My mother...... She rests at home. She is also very tired from taking care of my dad these days. ”

One day, while Li Jie went to buy lunch, Qin Ziyue quietly came to Li Jie's father's hospital bed.

"Uncle, are you feeling better?" Qin Ziyue asked with concern.

Li Jie's father smiled and nodded. "Much better, thank you, Ziyue."

Qin Ziyue hesitated for a moment, but still asked the doubts in her heart. "Uncle, why hasn't Auntie come to see you? Is it because you are not feeling well? ”

went to her boyfriend's house to discuss the marriage, and when she saw the gold bracelet on his mother's wrist, she decisively proposed to break up

Hearing this question, Li Jie's father's face instantly turned pale. He sighed and said slowly, "Ziyue, actually...... Li Jie's mother and I are divorced. ”

Qin Ziyue's eyes widened in shock, she didn't expect such an answer at all. "Divorce? But...... Li Jie never mentioned it to me. ”

Li Jie's father smiled bitterly. "Li Jie has been hiding this from you. He doesn't want you to worry, and he doesn't want you to see our family's predicament. ”

Qin Ziyue's heart suddenly surged with complex emotions. She remembered the gold bracelet on Li Jie's mother's wrist she saw before, and remembered all kinds of doubts and distrust she had about Li Jie.

It turns out that there is another reason for all this, the reason why Li Jie always says that the family's economic conditions are not good is because his parents have divorced and the family situation has changed dramatically.

And that gold bracelet may be the last thought of Li Jie's mother before her divorce.

Thinking of this, Qin Ziyue's eyes suddenly became a little moist. She realized that she had misunderstood Li Jie all along. She was ashamed of her selfishness and narrow-mindedness.

At this moment, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and Li Jie walked in. Seeing Qin Ziyue with his father, he seemed to realize something.

"Ziyue, I'm ......" Li Jie wanted to say but stopped.

Qin Ziyue stood up and walked in front of Li Jie. She looked at Li Jie's eyes and said slowly, "Li Jie, my uncle told me." I'm sorry I misunderstood you all along. ”

Li Jie was stunned for a moment, and then showed a bitter smile. "It's me who is bad, I should have told you sooner. I was just...... I don't want you to see my vulnerability and helplessness. ”

Qin Ziyue shook her head and reached out to hug Li Jie. "You don't need to be tough in front of me. I love you, not because of how perfect you are, but because you are who you are. ”

Li Jie's eyes were also a little moist, and he hugged Qin Ziyue tightly. "Thank you, Ziyue. With you, I feel like I can face everything. ”

In the ward, Li Jie's father looked at the two people hugging each other, with a relieved smile on his face.

He knew that these two children had finally ushered in true understanding and tolerance.

And Qin Ziyue and Li Jie also really understood the meaning of love at this moment.

It's not a one-time perfection, it's a journey that moves forward hand in hand. Only after experiencing wind and rain can you see the rainbow.

They believe that as long as they are honest with each other and trust each other, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

The relationship between Qin Ziyue and Li Jie seems to have reached a new height after experiencing misunderstandings and confessions.

They begin to truly understand and tolerate each other, and begin to learn to think from each other's point of view.

In the following days, Qin Ziyue and Li Jie took care of Li Jie's father together. They would go to the hospital every day, read the newspaper to my father, chat, and encourage him to recover as soon as possible.

went to her boyfriend's house to discuss the marriage, and when she saw the gold bracelet on his mother's wrist, she decisively proposed to break up

Gradually, under the careful care of the two, Li Jie's father finally recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

Looking at the renewed brilliance on his father's face, Li Jie felt extremely relieved.

Li Jie and Qin Ziyue looked at each other and smiled, they knew that in this long-distance race of love, they finally crossed the finish line.

From then on, they will hold hands and move together to the next starting point in life.

And all this stems from a misunderstanding. This misunderstanding made them see each other and themselves clearly.

It makes them understand that love is never perfect, but as long as they are honest with each other and achieve each other, they can create their own perfection.

Li Jie's father looked at the two people hugging each other, and a relieved smile appeared on his face. He knew that his son had finally found his happiness and found his home.

And Qin Ziyue and Li Jie finally understood that the true meaning of love does not lie in earth-shattering, but in the long flow of water; It's not about being vigorous, it's about being bland.

They believe that as long as they love one another, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. Because they have the most precious treasure of all—each other.

The relationship between the two has also become stronger and stronger with the tempering of time. They got married, bought a new house, and had a lovely daughter.

Every day when they come home from work and see their daughter's sweet smiling face, they all feel extremely happy and satisfied.

Li Jie's father, under Qin Ziyue's careful care, recovered well. He moved in with the young couple and took his granddaughter at home every day, enjoying himself.

Occasionally, Qin Ziyue and Li Jie would also think of the misunderstanding back then, and they would look at each other and smile with a lot of emotion.

This story seems to be unremarkable, but it contains a profound philosophy of life.

It tells us that love and life are never smooth sailing. Misunderstandings, contradictions, and difficulties are inevitable.

But true love lies in how to face these difficulties. It needs to be honest, it needs to be inclusive, and it needs to achieve each other.

Only after experiencing wind and rain can you see the rainbow; Only when it has been tested can love be stronger.

The story of Qin Ziyue and Li Jie is a microcosm of love and family in ordinary life.

It tells us that life may not be perfect, but as long as we have love and hope, we can create our own perfection.

Let us all be like Qin Ziyue and Li Jie, face the challenges of life with love, care for our feelings with sincerity, and understand our families with tolerance.

Because love is the most precious treasure in life. With love, you have everything.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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