
I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

author:Affection and dew

My name is Liu Zhihua and I am 72 years old. I have two sons, the eldest son is named Liu Qiang and the younger son is named Liu Wei.

My eldest son, Liu Qiang, is my pride. He has been smart and sensible since he was a child, and his academic performance has always been among the best. After graduating from university, he entered a state-owned enterprise, and with his own efforts and talents, he soon took on the position of middle leader.

Every time I go home to see me, he always brings a lot of gifts and asks for warmth, which makes me feel very gratified. In comparison, the youngest son Liu Wei is far behind. He was always a fool when he was studying, and after graduating from high school, he did not continue his studies, but chose to break into society.

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

Although his job is not as decent as that of the boss, and his income is unstable, he can barely support himself. My broke my heart, and I always hoped that he could find a suitable girl and live a peaceful life.

A few years ago, my wife and I talked about the marriage, but I didn't expect that not long after the marriage, the little daughter-in-law became pregnant.

Although we felt a little hasty, we decided to respect the children's choice and look forward to the idea of our grandson.

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

Who knows, the little daughter-in-law ran away not long after giving birth and threw Liu Wei and the child behind. I was so angry that I couldn't sleep for three days and three nights, hating Liu Wei and saying that he didn't have the ability to take care of his mother-in-law.

Since then, Liu Wei has lived alone with his children. My wife and I saw that our grandson was really pitiful, so we took our grandson Xiaobao to live together.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaobao is 12 years old and has grown up with us since childhood. I have two houses under my name, one is an old house handed down from my ancestors, and the other is a resettlement house that was allocated to the urban village when it was demolished a few years ago.

I have always had a plan in my heart, one day after I am a hundred years old, the old house will be left to Liu Qiang, and the resettlement house will be left to Liu Wei. Although Liu Wei is not as good as his brother, he is also my son after all, and I can't treat him badly.

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

Besides, it is not easy for him to live alone with children, and when I am a hundred years later, having a house can be regarded as leaving him a way out. Thinking of this, my heart is somewhat relieved. Xiaobao is already in the sixth grade, and time flies so fast.

I still remember when he was born, he was a small lump, with a pink face, soft in his arms, and his heart was about to melt. In the blink of an eye, they have grown so big.

Xiaobao doesn't follow his father at all, he loves to study since he was a child, and his grades have always been among the best. A few days ago, I heard that the final exam results came out, and I couldn't wait to visit Xiaobao, and I specially prepared a big red envelope before I went, wanting to reward him well.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Xiaobao running towards me, and shouted with his eyebrows: "Grandpa, I took the first place in the grade again!" "Seeing his radiant appearance, my heart blossomed.

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

"What a good grandson for me! Grandpa has already prepared a reward for you! I took out the big red envelope I had prepared in advance and happily stuffed it into Xiaobao's hand.

Xiaobao took the red envelope and smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a slit. I looked around and saw a few brand new certificates on the wall. took a closer look, and saw that the signature of the award certificate on the top was impressively written "Wang Xiaobao".

I was stunned, rubbed my eyes, thinking that I had seen something wrong, and then looked at it, and it was indeed written "Wang Xiaobao".

I turned to Liu Wei suspiciously, frowned and asked him, "When did Xiaobao's surname change?" What's going on? ”

Liu Wei looked embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "This, that, it's Xiaobao's mother, she came to me some time ago, and she has to ask the child to have her surname ......."

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

"Nonsense! The child's surname is Liu, how can he change his surname casually!

How did you say yes? "My face turned red with rage, and my voice couldn't help but raise an octave.

Liu Wei was also a little annoyed, and defended: "I didn't promise!" It was the ex-wife who went to the court to sue, saying that she wanted custody of the child and changed Xiaobao's surname to hers, and the court ruled that she won the lawsuit, and I couldn't help it! ”

"Bastard thing! If you had the ability, would you let her go to court? When she said that the good child belonged to you, she regretted it like this, and you didn't fight for it, let her do it? ”

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

I was so angry that I trembled all over, and I hated that the iron was not steel.

"It's not because of you! When I wanted to marry Xiaoli, you and your mother disagreed, saying that Xiaoli's family is not good and she is not worthy of our family. finally got married, and you still ignore Xiaoli's love. She couldn't stand this anger, so she divorced me! Liu Wei's face turned pale, and his tone became tough.

I was hit by him, and I was even more angry, and I stretched out my finger and pointed at his nose and scolded: "Okay, it's all our fault, right?" If it weren't for Xiaobao's sake, you think I'd be happy to meddle with your business? You don't have the ability to take care of your mother-in-law yourself, but it's our head to blame! ”

"If I had the ability, as for letting her run away? It's not because this family has never helped me at all, I work hard to make ends meet! Liu Wei's eyes were red, and his voice trembled a little.

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

Liu Wei and I quarreled so much, the two of you shouted at me word by word, and no one would give in. Xiaobao was so frightened by us that his face turned pale, and he hid timidly to the side, not daring to say anything. It took a while for the two of us to stop. I let out a long sigh and had mixed feelings.

As a father, I naturally feel distressed when I see my youngest son's life in shambles; But after thinking about it, he is also an adult, and he has to learn to take responsibility, and he can't rely on his parents for everything.

Besides, Xiaobao is so old, it is when he needs his father, Liu Wei can't only take care of his own feelings, but also have to think about his children.

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

I had a stomach to say in my heart, but looking at Liu Wei's gloomy face, I still swallowed back the words that came to my mouth. Forget it, it's hurt and angry to talk too much, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and I still don't get involved in the affairs of their father and son.

I turned around and beckoned to Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, come here, go home with grandpa, and stay at grandpa's house tonight, okay?" The next day, I picked up my phone and called Liu Qiang and Liu Wei to me.

Liu Qiang didn't know why, and looked at me with a puzzled expression. I took a deep breath and announced word by word: "Liu Qiang, I've already thought about it. The two houses in my name, the old house will be left to you, and I will sell the resettlement house and give you the money. As for your brother......"

I glanced at Liu Wei and said categorically, "He doesn't want anything, and he won't give him a penny." ”

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

Liu Qiang was stunned, looked at me with his mouth open, and then looked at Liu Wei, not knowing what to say for a while.

It was Liu Wei who jumped up all of a sudden, his face was blue with anger, and he pointed at my nose and roared: "Dad, why did you give my brother two houses, but I don't have one?" I'm alone with my son, and my life is difficult, how can you be so partial? ”

"Eccentric?" I sneered, "Just because I'm your father, I'll have the final say!" You don't have the ability to do it yourself, you deserve to be poor! Dare to talk to me about the conditions, I don't know what to do! I was trembling with anger, my eyes were round, and I wanted to tear Liu Wei apart.

Liu Wei was so scolded by me that he couldn't speak, his eyes were red, and his lips were trembling. He looked at me, then at Liu Qiang, and suddenly pushed Liu Qiang away and grabbed the door.

There was a loud "bang" that startled everyone in the room. Liu Qiang came back to his senses, hurriedly ran to my side, helped me sit down, and said with a worried face: "Dad, don't be angry, your body is important."

I went to see my grandson happily, and after seeing the name of the award, I made a will: you don't have a share of the two houses

Xiaowei, he didn't mean anything else, he was just impulsive......" I waved my hand irritably, signaling Liu Qiang not to say more. I don't care about being angry anymore, and my mind is full of the scene just now.

Liu Wei's angry expression and desperate eyes made my heart tingle. I know that I, the father, owe him too much.

I took Liu Qiang's hand and said earnestly: "Qiangzi, I will give you all the houses in the hope that you can take care of my brother for me in the future." I know that Xiaowei is not angry, and he has a strong temper, but he is your own brother in the end. You grew up together, and you have a deep relationship. When I'm a hundred years from now, I'll have to rely on you brothers to support each other. ”

Liu Qiang nodded again and again, saying that he would definitely take good care of Liu Wei. I said, "Actually, I plan to let you transfer the resettlement house directly to Xiaobao when he becomes an adult." Your brother's life is not easy, and his son is even more innocent, so you can't really let them sleep on the street. ”

Liu Qiang suddenly realized, patted his chest and promised that he would definitely fulfill my wish. I patted him on the shoulder and felt a lot of emotion.

Actually, the reason why I gave Liu Qiang all the houses in front of Liu Wei and didn't let Liu Wei get a piece of the pie was not entirely because of his divorce.

I want to stimulate him so that he can completely wake up and reflect on what he has done over the years. I know my little son, he is very stubborn, and the more you get used to him, the more unscrupulous he becomes. Only when he is cornered will he catch up.

I gave the house to Liu Qiang, just to let Liu Wei know that although the house is not in his hands for the time being, his brother will not treat him badly. I did this to let Liu Wei know that he was not fighting alone, and that he still had a family to rely on.

I hope that through this incident, Liu Wei can really grow up, and stop being like before, getting by and being confused. He's still young, he's having a good time, and he shouldn't just sink in.

What's more, he also has a son who needs his care and pampering. Alas, it's really not easy to be a parent. For the sake of the future of my children, it is really heartbreaking.

But I believe that one day, Liu Wei will understand the good intentions of me and his brother. Maybe he couldn't accept it for a while, and felt that we were too strict and unkind. But when he looks back on it in the future, he will definitely be grateful for the heavy love we gave him.

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