
11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

author:Explore a world of wonders

Have you ever felt the urge to break the rules but didn't know why? This impulse comes from something called "resistance". When freedom is squeezed, the brain is eager to find a way to regain independence.

Or have you ever wondered why some people are more sarcastic than others? It's not just a matter of personal preference. Irony is actually a powerful indicator of brain health and maturity. It requires more brain activity to process.

Our brains make us do things we never thought about. But understanding the psychology behind it gives you more control. From how to tell someone's level of empathy to simple phrasing techniques that have been shown to help motivate, we've rounded up some of the most interesting research in the field for you.

Let's dive into 11 shocking psychological facts!

1. Any friendship between the ages of 16 and 28 is more likely to be long-lasting

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Psychologists believe that there are two main factors behind building strong friendships: "persistent unplanned interactions and shared vulnerability." Both of these factors come naturally when going to school or college, but as you get older, it becomes more difficult to find an environment that nurtures these experiences.

One study estimated that adults need to spend around 50 hours with someone to be considered a "normal" friend, and 200 hours to be a "close" friend. Between the ages of 16 and 28, it is much easier to find such a time. Once jobs, responsibilities, relationships, and children pile up, time becomes a precious commodity.

2. Why do women like deep voices while men like high-pitched voices?

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

It turns out that women are attracted to men with deep voices. Why? Because it means that men are physically stronger. It is even better if the male voice carries a "breath" because it means that the male is less aggressive. This is evidenced by a study that used computers to show women different intonations and had them rate them on a scale of 1 to 5.

Men, on the other hand, prefer a higher pitched voice because it represents a smaller stature.

3. When one rule seems too strict, we want to break more rules

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Have you ever rebelled? Or don't do well in school? It may not all be your personality issue. There is a theory that dates back to the 60s of the 20th century and uses the concept of "defiance" to explain rule breaking and misbehavior.

The psychology behind it is that when some of your freedoms are taken away, it triggers a mechanism that produces "unpleasant motivational arousal". Put simply, this means that you will try to "restore" your sense of control and freedom by breaking the rules.

4. The way a person treats employees reflects his character

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Want to know what kind of person a person is? Take them out to dinner. The restaurant can serve as a microcosm of society, where the larger power dynamics are on full display. Since the waiter plays a "subordinate role", some people try to show their dominance by being rude. This is especially true for the wealthy. If someone is used to doing what they want all the time, a small mistake on the part of the waiter can make them appear aggressive.

So, if you see someone in a restaurant who is disrespectful to an employee, it's a pretty accurate reflection of how they see themselves.

5. Guilt complex

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Guilt can play a variety of roles, and it helps to build and maintain social relationships. But guilt complexes can take advantage of this and make it unhealthy. It can make guilt a chronic condition, making you feel like you're always doing something wrong, exacerbating stress and anxiety. It can come from your actions or something you think you're doing wrong.

But on the bright side, the tendency to feel guilty can enhance your ability to understand and empathize with others.

6. Men are not more interesting than women

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Twenty-eight studies analyzing "humor production capacity" were pooled and the results showed that, on average, men had slightly more humor than women. To be precise, 63% of men scored higher than women's "ability to humor." The material used is as objective as possible, using cartoon or written comedy as evaluated by the participants, so that the jokes have no face.

At a sufficiently large sample size, this difference is not significant. This means that the probability that an interesting person is male is 1 in 10.

7. Women have twice as many pain receptors as men

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Who is stronger, man or woman? As it turned out, the answer was not so simple. For almost every disease, women report more intense pain. Whereas the pain threshold is higher in men. But in both cases, it can be because women have more pain nerve receptors.

On average, males have 17 nerve fibers per square centimeter, while females have 34 – exactly twice as many as males. This means that women experience more intense pain, but it also depends on the timing of their menstrual cycle. During ovulation, women tend to have a lower pain threshold.

8. The average time a woman spends keeping a secret is 47 hours

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

You should always be careful when choosing who you trust. There's evidence that you're better off not telling women. According to a study in the United Kingdom, women can only keep secrets for an average of 47 hours. However, a study a few years later found the opposite, with men being able to keep it secret for only 2 hours and 47 minutes, while women were able to keep it for nearly three-quarters of an hour longer.

Keeping secrets can have a negative impact on our psyche, leaving us feeling ashamed, guilty, and anxious. That's part of the reason we like to confide in secrets. But it's also because more than half of our normal conversations are filled with gossip. Can't we just find something else to talk about?

9. The happier we are, the less sleep we need

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

A good night's sleep can change your entire life. It helps to feel happier in life. Science backs this up – there is a clear correlation between well-being and sleep quality. It's unclear exactly what this correlation plays a role, but it's likely that people who feel more relaxed, content, and happier fall asleep and sleep longer.

Poor sleep quality and sleep disruption can lead to a range of conditions, from stress to cardiovascular disease and cancer. Sleep is good for the body, but having nightmares can be a sign that you're about to die – number 12.

10. Smart people tend to have fewer friends

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Would you rather live a secluded life away from the crowds and socially? Well, you might just have an extremely high IQ.

Most people with average or low intelligence find pleasure by interacting with others. But smart people are the complete opposite, they prefer to have less contact with their friends.

11. The personality of bilingual people changes

11 Incredible Psychological Facts to Subvert Your Perception!

Your personality may not be as stable as you think. It will change depending on the language you speak. This may be because people naturally take advantage of the cultural norms, expressions, and behaviors of each language. When you change the language you speak, you take advantage of the differences in that population.

One study found that Spanish-speaking Hispanic American women were more extroverted and confident, and more reserved when speaking English. So, if you don't like your personality, try learning a new language!

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