
The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

author:Tachibana Angakusha

In summer, many of our friends often feel loss of appetite, weakness in their limbs, and poor spleen and stomach function.

This is mainly due to the hot and humid weather, which causes the pores of the human skin to open, sweat more, and qi and blood float outside the body. At this time, if you eat some raw and cold things, it is more likely to hurt the spleen and stomach, further aggravating these discomforts.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the "acquired foundation", and the strength of a person's spleen and stomach function is directly related to the health of the body. In general, people with weak spleen and stomach often have weak speech, weak bodies, and are more likely to suffer from various diseases.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

Of course, although summer is a period when the spleen and stomach are more fragile, it is also the best time to nourish the spleen and stomach, and our usual diet should be light, easy to digest, and protect the spleen and stomach, such as millet, red dates, yams, poria cocos, etc.

In addition to dietary conditioning, we can also dredge qi and blood through exercise, regulate the spleen and stomach, and let's take a look at it with Atractylodes.

Regulating the spleen and stomach must be done alone

The spleen and stomach play a vital role in our human body and are the main places for food digestion and nutrient absorption.

However, the food we eat cannot be 100% completely absorbed and utilized by the body, and some of it will be converted into the subtleties of the water valley, and the useless part of the turbid waste will be excreted from the body.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

Under normal circumstances, the spleen qi is mainly ascending and is responsible for transporting subtle substances throughout the body. And the stomach qi descends, moving the rotten water valley downward. Only the coordination of lifting and lowering can make food digest normally, convert it into qi and blood subtle distribution throughout the body, and maintain the normal function of the body.

If the spleen and stomach qi are out of balance, there may be problems such as bloating, food accumulation, decreased appetite, constipation, diarrhea, etc., so we must follow the changes in the qi of various organs to regulate the spleen and stomach.

Baizhu recommends the third form of Baduanjin "Single Arm Lifting", which can effectively massage and comb the spleen and stomach by pulling up and down with both arms, one loose and one tight, helping Mizutani subtlety to better transport to the whole body and nourishing all parts of the body.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

How to do it: First of all, keep standing with your legs and knees slightly bent, palms of your hands up, and hold them in front of your lower abdomen. Then turn the palm of your left hand and raise it up, and press down on the side of your right hip with your right hand with your right hand.

The two palms are stretched up and down, and they can be maintained for 2 seconds at a time, and the two hands return to the original state, close in front of the lower abdomen, and relax the whole body, after a set is completed, change to the right hand and repeat it again, repeat 30 times.

Precautions: When the arm is raised, you should inhale slowly, and the lower abdomen should be slightly retracted, and when the arm is down, you should exhale slowly, and the lower abdomen should be slightly loose.

Rub the abdomen and soothe the spleen and stomach

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "If you are blocked in the middle of the heart, your whole body will suffer". Our upper abdomen belongs to the middle focus, including the spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder and other organs, which is the center of the body.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the abdomen belongs to yin, relatively speaking, there is less yang qi, coupled with the recent rain is too much, the humidity is heavier, so a lot of "garbage" in the body is easy to accumulate in the abdomen, affecting the flow of qi and blood.

At this point, we can relieve it by rubbing the abdomen.

Proper abdominal rubbing can stimulate the stomach meridians of Zuyangming, Tianshu, Zhongguan, Guan Yuan, Shenque and other acupuncture points, regulate the visceral function of the spleen and stomach, and dredge congestion. It can also promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, speed up the metabolism of food, help defecation and improve constipation.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

Specific operation: We first overlap our hands naturally, knead with the umbilicus as the center, pay attention to the action to be gentle, press the kneading strength from small to large, and feel slightly warm.

It is recommended to knead 30 times clockwise, then 30 times counterclockwise, 1~2 times each time.

It is normal to have a gurgling sound in your stomach, want to fart, burp, or go to the toilet when rubbing your belly, indicating that your body is expelling turbidity and waste.

Toe grip

Although our feet are the farthest away from the heart, 6 of the 12 meridians of the human organs start and end at the feet, and there are more than 100 acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, corresponding to the five organs and six organs.

Doing the action of grasping the ground with toes can not only stimulate the foot Taiyin and spleen meridians and the foot yang and stomach meridians between the calves and toes, thereby regulating the spleen and stomach function, but also help to promote the circulation and circulation of qi and blood throughout the body.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

How to do it: Sit or stand, with your feet open and flat on the ground, your toes bent and straight, and practice gripping. It is important to note that you should hold your toes for 2-3 seconds, then relax and do 60-90 reps in a row.

If you find it difficult to put on your shoes, you can also take them off and practice on the floor in the room, but remember to wear socks or a blanket to avoid cold feet.

After this set of movements, it is recommended to use both palms to pat the calves from top to bottom.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

This is because the spleen meridian and stomach meridian will pass through the calf area after leaving the toes, and important acupuncture points such as Zusanyin and Zusanli also happen to be located in the legs.

By tapping and stimulating these meridians and acupuncture points, it can not only promote the smooth flow of qi and blood, but also effectively strengthen the function of the spleen and stomach, so as to achieve the effect of maintaining the body.

The spleen and stomach are good, and the person is not old! Practice these 3 movements often, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish your body's qi and blood!

Friends, the key points about raising a good spleen and stomach in summer are shared here, and you can stick to exercising according to your own situation. Friends who have read the article, you may wish to share these three actions and pass on your health to more people!