
S36 Mage T degree ranking, 4 T0 Dharma Kings rarely appear, Zhou Yu has been urgently weakened

author:Old Encounter Game Commentary

The T-degree of heroes in each position of the new season has undergone major changes, so a version of the T-degree ranking of the S36 season will be launched as soon as possible. Because many hero development has not yet been completed, there are some elements of prediction~

S36 Mage T degree ranking, 4 T0 Dharma Kings rarely appear, Zhou Yu has been urgently weakened

T0: Son of the Edition

T0.5: preferred for upper scores

T1: Version of the strong hero

T2: The intensity is decent, and it is better to choose the lineup

T3 and below: Only specific lineups or unique brother selections are recommended

S36 Mage T degree ranking, 4 T0 Dharma Kings rarely appear, Zhou Yu has been urgently weakened

For the first time in the current version, there are so many T0 heroes in the mid lane, which can be regarded as a version of the rise of the mage. Zhen Ji's performance is as stable as ever, so I won't say much. Although the new version of the fire dance has decreased due to the problem of increasing the number of soldiers, the strength is definitely top-notch, and there is only one that is easy to use now.

The strength of the new hero Yuanliu Son is very high, but he is the most lineup among the T0 heroes, he is like a shooter, although the output ability is strong, but the self-protection ability is too poor, too easy to be cut, and the lineup must be appropriate to play a good effect. Zhou Yu is the new version of the enhancement plus eating the version of the dividend, the increase in the number of troops, most of the mages' line clearing speed has decreased, Zhou Yu is not affected, the line clearing speed is fast, and the early stage can be strong to compete for neutral resources, plus itself has also been enhanced, and the strength has gone up all of a sudden. On the second day of the version update, the experience server cooled down Zhou Yu, which shows how strong it is.

S36 Mage T degree ranking, 4 T0 Dharma Kings rarely appear, Zhou Yu has been urgently weakened

T0.5 Wu Zetian and the cadre Mo Ye, one represents the ultimate control, and the other represents the ultimate damage. The optimization and upgrading of the cadre Mo Ye this time is very successful, the first big core in the middle lane must be the son of Yuanliu, and the second is the cadre Mo Ye, as long as your skill hit rate is okay, the strength of the current version of this hero is very high, if you are accurate, it is the strength of T0, the continuous output ability is very strong, and the unique buddy can take it out to score.

S36 Mage T degree ranking, 4 T0 Dharma Kings rarely appear, Zhou Yu has been urgently weakened

Because there are too many strong mages in this version, some of these heroes in T1 are not enough to see, after Yi Xing was cut, Zhen Ji was too far ahead of others in the track of tool man, and the appearance of the son of Yuanliu and the new cadre Mo Xie also lowered the status of Shen Mengxi, a turret mage. Angela is because the tank hero is rampant and needs her to counteract, and in recent seasons she has eaten all the way to the version bonus.

Although Jiang Ziya has also been optimized and upgraded, but the symptoms are not cured, and the strength is playable, but there is still a big gap with the heroes of the higher T degree, and there are still bugs that have not been fixed, and the current recommendation is to only use it for restraint in a special lineup.

Hero recommendation: Zhen Ji, Ignorant Fire Dance, Son of Yuanliu, Zhou Yu (the mage didn't say this question, and the choice of strong ones has a high tolerance rate)

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