
After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

author:Lao Bai narrated 5r4t

Cows: A walk from the peak of laughter to the various states of life


The years are like a song, and they flow endlessly. In the long river of show business, there is such a cross talk actor, his name is Niu Qun. He was once a bright star on the stage, fighting side by side with Feng Gong, bringing countless laughter to the audience.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

However, as time passed, his laughter seemed to fade away, and his life was like a drama, full of twists and turns. Today, let's walk into the world of cattle and explore his walk from the peak of laughter to the various states of life.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

1. Golden partner, composing a legend in the laughing world

When it comes to the herd, people will naturally think of his golden partner - Feng Gong. The two artists worked hand in hand on the cross talk stage and created many popular classics together.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

They are full of tacit understanding, and they cooperate with each other seamlessly, presenting a wonderful performance for the audience. Their cross talk works are humorous and witty, entertaining and educational, and are deeply loved by the audience. On stage, they are not only partners, but also close brothers.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

The cooperation between Niu Qun and Feng Gong began by chance, but the two quickly developed a deep friendship. They have experienced many ups and downs together, and have faced difficulties and challenges together.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

When the cattle were in trouble, Feng Gong always did not hesitate to lend a helping hand and give him firm support. The friendship between them is touching and enviable. In the cross talk world, they are known as "golden partners" and jointly wrote a legend in the laughing world.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

2. Cross-border exploration, the multi-faceted life behind the comedy star

Niu Qun, who has made brilliant achievements on the cross talk stage, is not satisfied with the status quo, he bravely stepped out of his comfort zone and began to get involved in many fields such as politics and business. These cross-border attempts have brought him new challenges and opportunities, and made his life more colorful.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

In the political arena, Niu Qun has served as a local official and is committed to promoting local economic development and social progress. He went down to the grassroots level, listened to the voices of the people, and worked hard to solve practical problems for the masses. His pragmatic style and people-friendly image have won praise and respect from the general public.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

In the business world, the herd has also shown extraordinary talent and courage. He has invested in a number of projects, involving film and television, catering and other industries. With his keen business acumen and unique business philosophy, he has successfully pushed his business to new heights.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

However, these crossover attempts did not make the herd forget its original intention. He has always maintained his love and pursuit of the art of cross talk. In addition to his busy work, he still finds time to create cross talk works to bring joy to the audience. Although he no longer appears on stage frequently, his place in the hearts of the audience has never changed.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

3. Fade out of the stage and return to ordinary life

As they grew older and their careers developed, the herd gradually faded out of public view. He no longer appears frequently on stage and in the media, but chooses to return to ordinary life. He lived a low-key and fulfilling life, enjoying warm moments with his family and friends.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

Although Niu Qun is no longer the beautiful cross talk actor, he still maintains his love and pursuit of art. He will still pay attention to the development of the cross talk industry and exchange his experience with his peers. He is also working hard to inherit and promote the art of cross talk, and contribute to the cultivation of a new generation of cross talk talents.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

Fourth, the tossing and thinking of the stage of life

Niu Qun's life is as colorful as a drama, and he has experienced the transformation from a cross talk actor to a cross-border attempter and then to return to ordinary life. In the process, he constantly faced choices and challenges, but he always maintained the pursuit and belief in his dreams.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

The story of the herd makes us wonder: how should we face choices and challenges on the road of life? Do you stick to your original intention or bravely pursue new dreams?

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true
After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

Niu Qun uses his life experience to tell us: no matter what kind of situation we are in, we should maintain our love and pursuit of life. At the same time, we must also learn to adapt and respond to changes and challenges in the outside world, and bravely forge our own path.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true
After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true


The story of the herd is a life legend full of twists and turns. From a cross talk actor to a cross-border attempter to an ordinary person returning to ordinary life, every step is full of choices and challenges. But it is these choices and challenges that have shaped his unique life trajectory and personality.

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

The story of the herd makes us understand that on the road of life, we need to be brave to pursue our dreams and beliefs, and at the same time, we must cherish the people and things around us, and be grateful to everyone who has accompanied us through the journey of life. Let's draw strength from the stories of the herd and bravely face the challenges and opportunities ahead!

After the current situation of the herd was exposed, I understood why Feng Gong was separated from him back then, and what Ma Ji said came true

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