
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back

author:Sissy News

Safety is no trivial matter, everything is always a matter of circumstances. Summer vacation is not only a time for children to play happily, but also a period of easy and high incidence of safety accidents. Going out, at home, transportation...... How to ensure the safety of children during the summer vacation? What should parents pay attention to? Pick up this "summer tip" and keep your safety firmly in your hands!

Children have summer vacation, safety is not on vacation, safety knowledge is around, happy summer vacation, safe return to school.

@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back
@青少年: Summer safety is not a "holiday"! A tip pats you on the back


Editor: Xi Jing

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