
The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

author:China Metallurgical News

China Metallurgical News, China Iron and Steel News Network

Reporter Wang Zhi reports

Reporter Gu Xuechao photography

On July 1, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the China Iron and Steel Association held the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China. The meeting reviewed and summarized the work of the past two years, awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members, commended the advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding communist party members and outstanding party workers who emerged in the activities of pioneering and striving for excellence, and further guided the majority of party members, cadres and workers to emancipate their minds, advance with the times, unite and work hard, and work hard, so as to promote the work of the steel association to a new level and new achievements.

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The picture shows the scene of the conference

All members of the leadership team of the Steel Association and all party members of the organs; members of the leadership team of each managed enterprise and institution and the secretary of the grass-roots party organization to which they belong; The main person in charge of the party and government of each escrow association, society and research association and the secretary of the grass-roots party organization to which they belong; In the past two years, about 200 representatives of party members and young party members, and about 200 people who have been awarded and commended this time attended the meeting.

At the meeting, He Wenbo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Steel Association, made a report on "Strengthening Ideals and Beliefs, Practicing the Original Mission, and Building a "Steel Backbone" for the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation. The conference commended 7 advanced grassroots party organizations, 24 outstanding Communist Party members, and 10 outstanding party workers. Four award-winning representatives made exchange speeches. The meeting also held an oath-taking ceremony for new party members and awarded a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of veteran party members who have been in the party for 50 years. Comrade Sun Qing, as the representative of the winner of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", shared the deep feelings of the veteran party members themselves at the meeting.

The Party Committee of the Steel Association called on party organizations at all levels, the majority of party members, cadres and workers to learn from the commended advanced collectives and advanced individuals, and create new achievements and make new contributions in their respective positions.

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Secretary He Wenbo awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of old party members

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The commended advanced grass-roots party organizations came to the stage to receive the award

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The commended outstanding party workers came to the stage to receive the awards

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The commended outstanding Communist Party members took the stage to receive the award (the first batch)

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Commended outstanding Communist Party members took the stage to receive the award (the second batch)

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Commended outstanding Communist Party members took the stage to receive the award (the third batch)

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Secretary He Wenbo made a speech

In his speech, He Wenbo fully affirmed the achievements of the steel association system in the past two years, systematically expounded the two profound understandings of the development law of the steel industry and the operation law of social organizations under the leadership of the party, and put forward clear and specific requirements for strengthening the party building of the steel association.

"In the past two years, in the face of the complex and severe international and domestic development situation, the party organizations at all levels of the Steel Association have thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthened the deep integration of party building and central work, vigorously carried forward the spirit of steel, united and led the majority of party members, cadres and workers to climb the slope and provide a strong political guarantee for the smooth operation and high-quality development of the industry." He Wenbo concluded.

He Wenbo said that in the past two years, we have a deeper and deeper understanding of the development law of the steel industry under the leadership of the party. The party organizations of the functional departments of the Steel Association, the enterprises and institutions managed by the association and the research association of the association give full play to the role of the fighting fortress, keep in mind the "great man of the country", strengthen the "four services", withstand the downward pressure, adapt to the new cycle, stabilize the fundamentals, and lead the majority of member companies to overcome various difficulties and challenges, focus on the "1231" industry development goals, solidly promote the "232" key work, make new breakthroughs in the high-quality development of the industry, and achieve new results in high-end, intelligent and green transformation. It demonstrates the great resilience and potential of the steel industry. Over the past two years, we have gained a deeper and deeper understanding of the laws governing the operation of social organizations under the leadership of the party. The Party Committee of the Steel Association takes the initiative to take on the initiative and actively acts, and strives to shoulder the main responsibility of party building for the sustainable and healthy development of social organizations with the "Chinese prefix and national brand", and all units of the system unite to grasp reform, seek development and promote innovation, and strive to implement the goal of "letting the principle of enterprise holding meetings take root and let the purpose of serving members blossom and bear fruit", the rotating president system and the working committee system continue to play a role, and the coverage of the roving office extends from member units to the upstream and downstream leading enterprises in the industrial chain, the party's "five advantages" Promote the governance structure of the service industry system of the Steel Association to be more scientific and more perfect.

He Wenbo put forward three requirements for deepening the innovation and striving for excellence, further strengthening the party building of the steel association system, and continuing to promote the work of the center.

The first is to inherit the great spirit of party building, continue to shoulder the important task of strengthening the country, and temper the resolute political character of iron and steel people in the new era.

From more than 50 members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) when it was founded to the world's largest ruling party with more than 99 million members, leading a country with a population of more than 1.4 billion and having great global influence, generation after generation of Chinese communists have strengthened their ideals and beliefs in order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed down from generation to generation. Practice has proved that the deeper the understanding of the party's history, the firmer the ideals and beliefs; Practice has proved that the more you love China's iron and steel industry, the more brilliant your life and career will be! It is hoped that all party members and cadres of the steel association system will take this commendation as an opportunity to insist on carrying forward the glorious tradition, continuing the red blood, inheriting and carrying forward the great spirit of party building, highlighting the unique perseverance and unique spirit of responsibility of Chinese iron and steel people, and casting a solid 'steel backbone' for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He Wenbo said.

The second is to adhere to the party's innovative theory, realize the transformation of work momentum, and constantly consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education.

He Wenbo pointed out that the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres of the Steel Association have consciously practiced Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and have drawn the wisdom and strength to forge ahead. Honesty and dedication to public service to establish a new style of goal requirements.

He Wenbo said, "If you don't hear big talk, you won't be ambitious; If you don't listen to what you say, your heart will not be fixed. "Strengthening the party's innovative theoretical armament is not completed, but only in progress. Party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres of the steel association system should adhere to the party's innovative theoretical study, firmly grasp the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to and use the positions, views and methods that run through it, and constantly enhance the political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity and emotional identity of the party's innovative theory, and constantly strengthen the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of using the party's innovative theory to guide practice and promote work.

The third is to comprehensively strengthen party building, lead and deepen the pioneering and striving for excellence, and give full play to the exemplary and leading role of excellent models.

He Wenbo emphasized that ideas are the precursor to action. Persisting in guiding and promoting party building with scientific concepts is a valuable experience and an important advantage that the CPC has summed up over the past 100 years and more. In the face of the new situation, new tasks and new goals, party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels of the Steel Association should bear in mind the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century, unswervingly adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely focus on the continuous promotion of Chinese-style modernization and the development of new quality productivity, take the realization of the high-quality development of China's iron and steel industry as their own responsibility, implement the overall arrangements of the Central Social Work Department for party building work, and take the key points of party building work of the Party Committee of the Steel Association in 2024 as the main line. Encourage party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres to base themselves on their own work, be determined to work hard, and strive for excellence in an all-round way.

"Ideals and beliefs are the political soul of the Communists, we must always adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the First and Second Plenary Sessions and the upcoming Third Plenary Session, strengthen ideals and beliefs, practice the original mission, carry forward the great spirit of party building, and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, uphold the confidence and determination of a strong steel country, and contribute new and greater steel power to the development of new quality productive forces and the journey of Chinese-style modernization!" He Wenbo called.

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Comrade Jiang Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, vice president and secretary general of the Iron and Steel Association, presided over the meeting

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Comrade Qu Xiuli, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of the Steel Association, read out the commendation decision of "Striving for Excellence".

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Comrade Chen Hongfei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Steel Association, led the new party members to take the oath

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

"50 years of glory in the party" veteran party member representative Comrade Sun Qing shared his speech on being awarded the commemorative medal

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

On behalf of the Party Committee of the Metallurgical Industry Economic Development Research Center, the advanced party organization made an exchange speech

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The advanced party organization made an exchange speech on behalf of the party branch of the China Steel Structure Association

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Representatives of outstanding party workers made exchange speeches

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

Representatives of outstanding Communist Party members made exchange speeches

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The national anthem and the international anthem were played at the beginning and end of the conference

The Party Committee of the Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference

The national anthem and the international anthem were played at the beginning and end of the conference