
From no way to start to handy - remember the village team of Shangguoer Village, Bazanggou Hui Township, Ping'an District, Haidong City

author:Qinghai Legal News

Qinghai Legal Daily, Legal Eye Reporter Zhang Xiaojuan

"How do I move forward at the grassroots level? How to do something for the people? Ma Qiongjie, the first secretary of Shangguoer Village, Bazanggou Hui Township, Ping'an District, Haidong City, from the People's Procuratorate of Ping'an District, Haidong City, often asks herself, and she always feels that what she has done for the villagers is far from enough.

From no way to start to handy - remember the village team of Shangguoer Village, Bazanggou Hui Township, Ping'an District, Haidong City

Household surveys

In June 2023, according to the organizational arrangement, Ma Qiongjie came to Shangguoer Village, Naoshan District, Ping'an District to serve as the first secretary of the village. In the village for a year, Ma Qiongjie, Li Qizi, and Zhao Zhiqiang formed a team of 3 people to deal with the affairs of the village every day, and they are familiar with the people and things in the village.

Changing roles is rooted in the grassroots

"Due to their long-term work in the government, the three members of our village-based team did not have any grassroots work experience when they first came to Shangguoer Village, so can they adapt to the environment here and do a good job in the village...... Our hearts beat drums. Ma Qiongjie told reporters.

From no way to start to handy - remember the village team of Shangguoer Village, Bazanggou Hui Township, Ping'an District, Haidong City

Door-to-door visits

During the initial period of being stationed in the village, Ma Qiongjie was nervous and anxious to the point of insomnia in the face of tedious work. In order to find out the village conditions and public opinion as soon as possible and adapt to the change of roles, the village-based team went to the village to understand the situation during the day, concentrated on learning various policies benefiting farmers and the people at night, and humbly asked the town and village cadres for advice while groping.

"Slowly, we clarified our work ideas, found the direction, and gradually calmed down our impetuous hearts." Ma Qiongjie said with a smile.

Ma Qiongjie and her colleagues from the village-based team immediately conducted a comprehensive household visit to 378 people in 103 households in the village, carried out four rounds of monitoring and investigation to prevent poverty return to poverty, and actively solved the sales number of rural households whose income did not increase but decreased in the first half of 2023.

"The establishment of the ledger helps us accurately grasp the employment and work situation of the whole village, so as to help farmers increase production and income in a targeted manner." Li Qizi, a member of the task force, introduced.

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and the branches and leaves are always related. In the interviews with the villagers, the village-based team recorded in detail who in the village had difficulties and what difficulties they had. Always keep the well-being of the villagers in mind and try to solve the problem.

In order to let young people stay in the village, Ma Qiongjie and the team members stationed in the village tried to find ways to increase employment and income, organized 15 people to participate in forklift machinery operation training, set up 5 public welfare positions, and hired 6 public welfare forest ecological rangers. Go to the household to understand the information of unstable workers in poverty alleviation households, and match them in a timely manner through multiple channels to find suitable jobs to ensure that their income continues to be filed. At the same time, it actively applied for and issued 9,000 yuan of employment subsidies for foreign workers in the province, and won 56,000 yuan of education policy subsidies for 19 poor students enrolled in universities and junior high schools.

Broaden ideas to help farmers increase income

The village-based team visited houses and carried out four rounds of monitoring and investigation to prevent poverty return and poverty, comprehensively grasped the economic situation of the whole village, and learned that the people's income sources mainly rely on animal husbandry and odd jobs.

From no way to start to handy - remember the village team of Shangguoer Village, Bazanggou Hui Township, Ping'an District, Haidong City

Policy advocacy

In order to find the direction and path of industrial development, Ma Qiongjie actively contacted the Haibei Plateau Modern Ecological Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Experimental Demonstration Park, and led the party branch, the village-based team and the representatives of the village farmers to the Haiyan County Plateau Ecological Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Demonstration Park and the large-scale cattle and sheep breeding base in Haiyan County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

Tian Tashi Cairang, secretary of the Party branch of Shangguoer Village, told reporters: "Not long ago, Secretary Ma also took us to observe the black donkey breeding base of Mutual Aid Tu Autonomous County, and then went to relevant units to learn more about the conditions, technology, infrastructure, sales channels and specific cooperation matters required for breeding donkeys. Don't look at Secretary Ma as a female general, the idea of seeking development and finding a way for the village industry is not bad at all. ”

In less than a year, Ma Qiongjie and the team stationed in the village have already become a member of the village, and they have done a lot of practical things to the hearts of the villagers, and the villagers trust the team very much and express their gratitude in the most simple way.

During the visit, the elderly who lived alone stuffed the reluctant milk into the pockets of the team members; The women gave them flower insoles that they had made with their own hands; During the Chinese New Year, pigs and sheep were slaughtered, and the villagers warmly invited them to their homes for dinner...... During the days in the village, Ma Qiongjie and the members of the village-based team were touched and warmed by the simple and kind villagers, and strengthened their determination to do more practical things for the villagers with heart and soul.

Alleviate people's worries and do more practical things

Shangguoer Village is close to the Ayi Saimai Mountain Scenic Area, and the mountain spring water flows down the mountain, which is the common water source of the three villages. In the early years, in order to develop tourism, the infrastructure construction of the scenic spot has begun to take shape, but the scenic spot is in a state of closure and idleness because the ecological and environmental protection of the water source has not been properly handled.

How to develop in conservation? This has become an urgent problem for the village-based team to solve. "The village has invested a lot of money in the scenic area, and it would be a pity if it could not be used. However, due to the long-term exposure of the water sources of the three villages in the scenic area, the protection problem cannot be delayed, and a win-win solution must be found. Since Ma Qiongjie was stationed in the village, Tian Tashi Cairang and her have discussed the most about the protection and later development of water sources in the scenic spot.

From no way to start to handy - remember the village team of Shangguoer Village, Bazanggou Hui Township, Ping'an District, Haidong City

View the water source This version of the picture is provided by the Qinghai Provincial People's Procuratorate

"After our investigation, we found that tourists pollute the water source of the scenic spot from time to time, and the villagers' drinking water health problem is the primary problem, but the scenic spot has beautiful scenery and is suitable for the development of rural tourism. Revitalizing the scenic spot is an effective way to increase the collective income of the village, and then increase the income of the villagers. Ma Qiongjie told reporters.

Old people often say that the mountain spring water here is sweet and longevity water. "The village-based team took water samples and found relevant departments to do water quality identification, which is a high-quality spring water resource. In the next step, we will rely on the green mountains and clear waters to build an upgraded industry. The economic benefits of the village collective have risen, and the villagers are the biggest beneficiaries. Ma Qiongjie said.

The village-based team is well aware that striving for support policies is one thing, and the full realization of rural revitalization is inseparable from talent support and technical support.

The village-based team of Shangguoer Village organized a symposium for college students to introduce the basic situation of Shangguoer Village in detail, talk about changes and development, provide objective suggestions for the employment direction and career planning of the graduating students, and encourage college students to return to their hometowns for employment and actively participate in the construction of their hometowns.

In her work, Ma Qiongjie extensively collects the opinions and suggestions of the masses, identifies the problems of the masses, and solves the outstanding practical and difficult matters reflected by the masses in a timely manner through coordination and assistance, policy consultation, and agency agency.

The village-based team regularly carries out health assistance to understand and check the contracted services, types of medicines, shelf life and other information. Focus on regular door-to-door health check-up services for patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and the whole village rural households enjoy full coverage of policies such as outpatient clinics for chronic diseases and proportional reimbursement of drugs, of which 85 rural households have completed the family doctor contract service. Actively publicize the inclusion of marginal households in the subsistence allowance policy, and change the assistance and security from "preferential" to "inclusive". Apply for temporary assistance and other assistance for rural households in real difficulty.

"Although these young people came down from the agency, they are very approachable, mingle with us villagers, they are careful and studious, they work rigorously and seriously, they enter the role quickly, and they are always concerned about us everywhere." Tian Tashi said that all the people in the village have given high praise to the village-based work team.

"There is no trivial matter at the grassroots level, everything is closely related to the masses, and only by using reason, affection, and heart can we win the hearts of the masses." Ma Qiongjie said confidently.

Editor: Daniel Zhang

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