
Listen, Zheng Zheng vows to fist the original intention! They gloriously became......

author:Huzhou Police

One badge, one responsibility

An oath, a responsibility


Yesterday, they were here

It became gloriously

A member of the Chinese Communist Party

Listen, Zheng Zheng vows to fist the original intention! They gloriously became......

On the morning of July 1, the Municipal Public Security Bureau held a collective oath-taking ceremony for new development party members, and the new development party members of the Municipal Public Security Bureau solemnly swore in front of the party flag and honorably joined the Communist Party of China. Mei Genhua, member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, attended the ceremony and wore the party emblem for the new party members. Party branch secretaries of relevant departments of the municipal bureau attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Mei Genhua, member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, put forward ardent expectations. First, it is necessary to be infinitely loyal to the party, and temper the loyal police soul of "serving the party wholeheartedly" in public security work. Consciously arm the mind with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, keep in mind the "16-character" general requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping for public security work, strengthen political determination, stand firm in political positions, and always maintain the political nature of absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability. Second, we must keep in mind the party's purpose and interpret the love for the people of "serving the people wholeheartedly" in public security work. Firmly establish the people-centered development thinking, always take the masses' dissatisfaction, high dissatisfaction, and disagreement as the starting point and end point of public security work, base themselves on their own posts, keep a good position of safety, and exchange the hardship index for the safety index and happiness index of the masses. Third, we must always maintain the true character of clean government, and demonstrate the iron-blooded responsibility of "wholeheartedly serving the public" in public security work. We must always keep a clear head and be vigilant in preventing corruption and resisting degeneration, and set an example in our work, dedicate ourselves to public service, and be diligent and honest; In life, we must be strict with ourselves, be a decent person, and deal with things fairly, so that we can stabilize our minds, resist temptations, and withstand tests under any circumstances, and always maintain our political nature of honesty and integrity.

Moments of glory

Listen, Zheng Zheng vows to fist the original intention! They gloriously became......

The party emblem shines according to the original intention, and the red police shield reflects loyalty!

Under the bright red party flag, Mei Genhua, member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, led the secretaries of the party branches of the relevant departments of the municipal bureau to wear the party emblems on the chests of the new party members who joined the party this year. The light of the party emblem is reflected on the faces of youth, guiding the young people of the Lake Police to move forward bravely.

Oath to join the party

Listen, Zheng Zheng vows to fist the original intention! They gloriously became......

The original heart is like a rock, and the mission is on the shoulder! The oath is solemn and echoes for a long time!

Under the bright red party flag, the party members wore the party emblem uniformly, raised their right fists, solemnly swore an oath, and the sonorous oath strongly shocked every party member present.

Party members have expressed that in the future work, they will strengthen their ideals and beliefs, build a loyal police soul, forge the Huzhou public security iron army, and make new and greater contributions to the cause of public security with a never-slackening mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

Representatives of new party members spoke

Listen, Zheng Zheng vows to fist the original intention! They gloriously became......

Robert, a police officer from the Intelligence Command Center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau: I have grown from an active member of the party to an honorable probationary party member. I will take the solemn oath I just took to face the party flag as a driving force, and I will set stricter demands on myself in the future: First, I will strengthen my conviction and heart for the party. Always keep in mind your identity as a member of the Communist Party, consciously strengthen the study of political theory, improve your political position, strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the party organization in thought and action. The second is the ability to study diligently. As a party member and policeman, I will always regard learning as a political requirement and a spiritual pursuit, strive to become an expert in the post, and give full play to the leading role of a pioneer and model. The third is to obey orders and listen to commands. Resolutely obey the arrangements of the party organization, conscientiously complete every task assigned by the party organization, contribute their wisdom and strength to the realization of the vision and goal of "three beauties", and practice today's Zheng Zheng oath with practical actions.

Wear the party emblem on your chest

The oath echoed in his ears

Dressed in a police uniform, I remember it in my heart

Justice in law enforcement is a word that never fades

The party flag fluttered and the police badge flashed

This is the belief of the public security people

Public security to the party, loyalty and safety

Source: Huzhou Public Security

Edit: Xiaohuo