
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

author:Barcelona Films

This season of "Singer" is real!

From the popularity of the live broadcast at the beginning, to saving the ratings with Adam Lambert's own efforts, to the ups and downs of the recent episodes, it doesn't matter whether the song is good or not, the audience has seen a lot of fun anyway, and the live broadcast shows really reveal the real entertainment industry.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

First, the big coffee refuses and the paste coffee rubs the heat

After the first episode of the program was broadcast, the song was not out of the circle, but the stalks of Na Ying shaking people, saving Na Ying, and the fifty-year-old lady guarding the country started to play one after another.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

And many singers have become "invited" and "registered" status. Eh, you weren't like that before, were you?

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Director Hong Xiao said before the first episode of the program was broadcast, many singers politely refused because of the form of the live broadcast, why did they suddenly feel like they could do it after one episode?

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Hong Xiao also deliberately posted a circle of friends, "Thank you to the singers for the icing on the cake after the broadcast", but did not confirm the schedule?

Can't come? So what does it mean to sign up? Do you want to run away when you come and sing an issue? Don't be too obvious about the heat.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Second, Na Ying fell from the altar

Before the live broadcast of "Singer", the strength of the iron voice Naying in the Chinese music scene was undoubted. In the first issue, Na Ying's golden song "Mo" was sung tightly, and the next few performances began with tension and ended with difficulty.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

At the beginning, everyone used "nervousness" as a reason, and it wasn't until the last two issues that everyone really realized that she was just not good at strength.

Especially in the seventh episode of the program, Na Ying won a penultimate place, and many viewers confirmed that Na Ying's problem was not her singing skills, but that her voice was not good, her breath was unstable, and her voice couldn't be released, and she didn't have the momentum of the year at all.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

I still remember when I first heard Na Yinglai "Singer", I thought she was the first candidate for the king of singers, but I didn't expect that she not only didn't get any praise this time, but she was not guaranteed to be late.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

3. Wang Sulong and Sun Nan exposed their shortcomings

Also in the same predicament as Na Ying are Wang Sulong and Sun Nan, but what is slightly better is that they were not held so high in the first place, and this time they just exposed their shortcomings.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Wang Sulong, who has shown his talent in major music comprehensives, is obviously not capable enough on the stage of singers. Every big adaptation is rated as ugly by netizens, and every time you return to the comfort zone of a small love song, you can stay for one more issue.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

So almost all of them asked Wang Sulong why he hadn't been eliminated yet.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Sun Nan's return debut song "Rescue" won praise from the audience, but it is a pity that every subsequent performance makes people feel that there is a "saving flavor" in everything they sing.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Although Sun Nan's singing skills are online and his voice is as good as it was back then, after a few issues, Sun Nan still put a lot of effort into getting rid of this singing tone, and he came all over the slow Cantonese songs.

But for the audience, the singing style has not changed much, especially the shoddy Cantonese accent in the latest issue is even more difficult to evaluate.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Fourth, Huang Xuan's word-of-mouth is polar

On the stage of "Singer", the maverick Huang Xuan only received half of the praise, and the other half of the evaluation was all unpleasant and unappreciative.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

It can be seen from Huang Xuan's ranking and ratings that the rankings are rarely high, and the eighth episode is still at the bottom, and many viewers expressed their desire to change the channel as soon as he appeared.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

This situation is too real, although Huang Xuan sings very steadily, and the typhoon is also relaxed, but there is a bit of a horse-catching character and style, and it is true that not everyone can get it.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Fifth, there is a big difference in the aesthetics of national style

In the eighth issue of "Singer", the big singer Tan Weiwei ushered in, and her song "Orchid Flowers" exploded the audience, and she won the first place just after she came.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

is also a national style, Tan Weiwei's song obviously has a wide audience, but the previous second-hand rose and hangai bands failed to receive so much praise.

On the one hand, because the national style also has a style difference, although Tan Weiwei's song is an adaptation of northern Shaanxi folk songs, the essence is still rock and pop feeling, which is more acceptable to everyone than the Mongolian songs of the Hangai band. The same goes for second-hand rose's country rock, with its unique and playful style that is not destined to please the masses.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

On the other hand, the lyrics and songs of "Orchid Flowers" all have their own shocking aura, and the more popular folk songs of northern Shaanxi make people's blood gush, especially with Tan Weiwei's own bold temperament and majestic singing, it can resonate with the public even more.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

6. Arrogance or blind confidence?

After watching a few episodes of the show, I really feel that the public and the singers have a wall, are they really unaware of their true strength, or are they blindly confident?

Na Ying feels that she is at the bottom of the ranking, either because she didn't sing the songs that the audience likes, or because everyone has high requirements for her?

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Na Ying not only didn't figure it out, but she also felt that she should not cater to the audience's preferences, and would still choose songs that would be emotional.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

But Yingzi, you chose your emotional ...... Still hasn't sung well for so many periods, is it really an external reason?

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

It's better to put down your live performance one more time.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Wang Sulong thinks that everyone who can come to the singer has been "picked" by everyone, no, why don't we pick up the tricky and mean comments? Can you see some constructive suggestions?

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

As Wang Sulong said, the appearance of "Singer" is indeed a carnival of public opinion, but as the protagonist, should you also think about how to improve your singing skills, tap your potential, and always stay in your comfort zone and sing some lonely songs, it doesn't make much sense.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

It's really better to be like Sun Nan who wants to change his heart-rending singing style, or sing more songs like Huang Xuan who sings quietly and heartily, even if it doesn't match his original intention, he still learns the real thing.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Just like Tan Weiwei said, the audience is qualified to evaluate them, after all, they have been protected by the sound repair stage for so many years, isn't this time an opportunity to awaken and change?

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

7. Is the Chinese music scene coming to an end?

watched this year's "Singer", there are not a few disappointed people, the old-timers in the music scene have overturned one after another, and the new forces are not capable enough, is there a successor in the Chinese music scene?

This time Huang Xiaoyun came again, but unfortunately his performance was too poor, and he still failed to prove himself after a series of mistakes and show-offs.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Zhang Yuqi, who was born in the 00s, was also ridiculed for being thunderous and rainy, and was hastily eliminated after two issues, with personal charm, but also lack of strength.

As for whether there will be more powerful newcomers in the follow-up, it's hard to say, but it can only be said that the current ones are not qualified.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

The old man can't do it, and the newcomer can't do it, and even the singers can't make up for their "works will stay", I'm afraid it's difficult.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

Yuan Yawei feels that what is lacking on the singer's stage is not a good singer, but a new form and new music, she only said half a sentence correctly, there is a lack of new music, and there is a shortage of good singers.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience
Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

A singer who can shoulder the flaws of live broadcasting, has both singing strength and sings sincerely, is the most scarce in this era.

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

"Singer" is also coming to an end, the singers are tired of singing, and the audience is also aesthetically tired, can it bring you a new auditory impact in the future? Either way, let's wait and see!

Review of the eighth issue of "Singer": Na Ying frequently showed timidity, the ratings were ups and downs, and Tan Weiwei exploded the audience

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