
It is scheduled to be put into operation on September 1st! The latest progress of the second phase of Changping School of the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress is here

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Changping Edition

Recently, Zhi Xianwei, deputy secretary of the Changping District Party Committee and head of the district of Beijing, led a team to the second phase of the Zijin Shinkansen School construction project to investigate the progress of the project. Su Junshan, deputy secretary of the Education Work Committee of the District Party Committee, director of the District Education Commission and director of the Education Supervision Office of the District Government, Qin Jinsen, principal of Changping School of the Affiliated Middle School of Chinese People's University, and Mi Jidong, general manager of the construction department, accompanied the investigation.

It is scheduled to be put into operation on September 1st! The latest progress of the second phase of Changping School of the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress is here

Zijin Shinkansen School Phase II Construction Project is located in Huoying Street and Dongxiaokou Town, Changping District, Beijing, with a total construction area of 49953.15 square meters, which is the second phase of the reconstruction and expansion project of Changping School, a middle school affiliated to Chinese People's University, with a total of 36 classes of complete middle school, the project started construction on November 15, 2021, and is scheduled to be put into use on September 1, 2024.

Zhi Xianwei and his entourage came to the site of the second phase of the Zijin Shinkansen School construction project, inspected the progress of the school's construction on the spot, and affirmed and praised the work of the project department.

It is scheduled to be put into operation on September 1st! The latest progress of the second phase of Changping School of the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress is here

Zhi Xianwei emphasized that it is necessary to improve the political position, seize the current golden period of construction, make overall arrangements for various tasks, and ensure that it will be completed and put into use on September 1; All relevant departments should strengthen exchanges and cooperation, effectively solve the blockages and difficult problems in the work process, do excellent and detailed government services, improve the convenience of handling matters, and escort the smooth operation of the project.

At present, the second phase of the Zijin Shinkansen School construction project is in the stage of finishing decoration and small municipal construction, and 90% of the overall construction content has been completed. Next, all members of the project department will uphold the iron army spirit of "the soul of the national craftsman and the mission must be achieved", strictly follow the requirements of the project plan, reverse the construction period, seize the progress, accelerate the project construction, and ensure that the project is completed and accepted as soon as possible, and put into use with high quality and high standards.

It is scheduled to be put into operation on September 1st! The latest progress of the second phase of Changping School of the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress is here

Source: General Contracting Department of Construction Engineering of Beijing Urban Construction Group