
Light and shadow recording | Slim crape myrtle flowers

author:Tanfang Melter
Light and shadow recording | Slim crape myrtle flowers

Purple romantic

Auctioneer: The sea

When: June 27

Location: Weifang Botanical Garden

Light and shadow recording | Slim crape myrtle flowers

  The summer sun is so intense that it is a little stifling, it means long days, the heat and strength of nature, and some inevitable irritability and fatigue. The crape myrtle flowers bloom in such sunlight, and the shade is pink and pink, like gentle clouds, and when the eyes touch, the heart is soothed.

Light and shadow recording | Slim crape myrtle flowers

  Crape myrtle is nicknamed "whooping red" because it blooms for a long time and can bloom from hot summer to mid-autumn. First with the pomegranate to bloom, and then with the hollyhock, the begonia bud bloomed in the cool wind, and it is still blooming. When other flowers bloomed, people said: Go and see it, or you will miss the flowering period. Crape myrtle opened, and everyone said: It will bloom for a long time, don't worry. Yang Wanli said, "Who has no red flowers for a hundred days, crape myrtle blooms for half a year", crape myrtle has to bloom for so long, it is really a very rebellious flower.

Light and shadow recording | Slim crape myrtle flowers

  The flower language of crape myrtle is "indulged love", which symbolizes people's endless pursuit of beautiful things. In the summer when the heat wave is rolling, crape myrtle quietly conveys this perseverance and enthusiasm, and conveys a gentle and eternal power, just like its other name "Durable Friend".

Weifang Daily all-media reporter: Shi Fenghua/text

Edit: Banxia

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