
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance

author:Qingbaijiang Housing Construction

Recently, in Linyi, Shandong, the crape myrtle flowers in the riverside scenic area are in full bloom. The flowers are clustered in clusters, bright and beautiful. Netizen: #这组图建议转到相亲相爱一家人群里#↓↓@CCTV record

Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance
Share the good! Crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom and full of romance

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