
Sew a cloth tiger → with your own hands

author:Tanfang Melter
Sew a cloth tiger → with your own hands

  Weifang Daily Weifang Rong Media News A few days ago, an activity of "intangible cultural heritage inheritance, skillfully sewing cloth tigers" was held in the intangible cultural heritage space of Shihu Garden in the urban area, and Sun Xiulan, the provincial inheritor of Weixian cloth toys, explained the origin and production process of Weixian cloth tigers on the spot.

Sew a cloth tiger → with your own hands
Sew a cloth tiger → with your own hands

  Visitors to the event were eager to try their hand at making cloth tigers. They filled the body of the cloth tiger with space cotton, then sewed the filling mouth with needles and threads, then pasted the nose, eyes, eyebrows and mouth of the cloth tiger, and finally sewed the ears, and a cute cloth tiger was completed.

Sew a cloth tiger → with your own hands

Weifang Daily all-media reporter: Zhang Chi/Wentu

Edit: Banxia

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