
After Liu Qingshan was shot, his three sons found the whistleblower Li Kecai: Please help my father overturn the case

author:History of Logical Literature

In the early days of reform and opening up, the state rehabilitated a large number of unjust, false and wrongful cases, during which Liu Qingshan, a major embezzler who was shot in public trial in the 50s, and his three sons approached Li Kecai, a former whistleblower, and begged: "Please help my father overturn the case." ”

In the face of this request, how did Li Kecai respond?

Liu Qingshan, born in Anguo, Hebei Province in 1916, devoted himself to the cause of the Communist Party of China in his early years, and made great achievements for the country and the people in the difficult years of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

After Liu Qingshan was shot, his three sons found the whistleblower Li Kecai: Please help my father overturn the case

It is regrettable that with the improvement of his status inside and outside the party and the expansion of his power, he gradually lost his original intention and embarked on the road of corruption.

In 1949, Liu Qingshan was transferred to Tianjin to serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee, which was a new starting point for him to continue to contribute to the country and the people, but unexpectedly became a turning point in his degeneration.

At that time, Tianjin's economy was just starting and facing many challenges, and Liu Qingshan should have shouldered the heavy responsibility of leading Tianjin's economy to prosperity, but he could not resist the temptation of money and material things, and gradually fell into the quagmire of corruption.

Liu Qingshan accepted bribes from businessmen, embezzled public funds, and even embezzled disaster relief funds to satisfy his own selfish desires.

At the same time, Liu Qingshan's partner Zhang Zishan was also deeply involved, and the two colluded with each other to jointly create economic chaos in Tianjin.

When they were in charge of key projects such as river control, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan openly betrayed their duties and stole a large amount of local grain funds, special funds for flood control and water conservancy, disaster relief funds, and relief funds that should have been used for the families of cadres.

After Liu Qingshan was shot, his three sons found the whistleblower Li Kecai: Please help my father overturn the case

They took these huge sums of money for themselves and used them for illegal business activities under the guise of construction projects, defrauding banks of loans.

Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan's embezzlement has brought immeasurable losses to the country and the people, and their behavior has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the vast number of cadres.

Li Kecai, who had just arrived in Tianjin, had great respect for Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, two revolutionary predecessors, and with the passage of time and in-depth observation, he gradually found that their behavior was completely different from what he imagined.

Li Kecai was devoted to the public good, deeply saddened by the corrupt behavior of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, and bravely exposed the crimes of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan at the party congress.

After investigation, the central authorities found serious corruption problems in the two men and decided to severely punish them.

On February 10, 1952, the Hebei Provincial People's Government held a public trial meeting, and Liu Qingshan was sentenced to death, which was very happy.

After Liu Qingshan was shot, his three sons found the whistleblower Li Kecai: Please help my father overturn the case

Liu Qingshan's three sons have suffered a lot of pressure because of their father's crimes.

Taking into account some actual situations, the central government gave Liu Qingshan's children some care and help, but their psychological wounds were difficult to heal.

Li Kecai, as the person in charge of handling Liu Qingshan's case, witnessed the plight of Liu Qingshan's three children and felt sympathy.

Therefore, Li Kecai often reaches out to provide additional help to the three children, such as sponsoring their education.

With Li Kecai's care and help, Liu Qingshan's three sons were able to grow up healthily and find jobs.

At the beginning of the reform and opening up, Liu Qingshan's three sons came to visit Li Kecai in the name of "visiting" Li Kecai.

What Li Kecai didn't expect was that the children made a surprising request to overturn the case for their father.

The three children believe that only by doing so can they get rid of the social prejudices brought about by their father's crimes and truly live with their heads held high.

After Liu Qingshan was shot, his three sons found the whistleblower Li Kecai: Please help my father overturn the case

Faced with such a request, Li Kecai firmly refused and told them seriously that there was already conclusive evidence about their father's affairs, and the iron case could not be overturned.

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