
The country is calling you to lose weight! After reading the detours, you will definitely not lose more and more fat

author:Lingtai released

Yishui release

A few days ago, 16 departments, including the National Health Commission, the National Health Office, and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, jointly launched a three-year "Weight Management Year" activity.

Zhao Wenhua, a researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the most fundamental cause of overweight or obesity lies in the imbalance between eating and moving. Therefore, the key to losing weight and losing weight must be to strictly control the total energy intake of eating, so that "enough is good", or even "it is better to eat less". On the other hand, we must spend the energy we eat, especially the energy we eat more, and insist on "moving more is better" to maintain a balance between entering and exiting.

How to eat?

Total energy intake is strictly controlled

Fasting is not recommended

It is not recommended to over-diet and skip staple foods

Have you been tricked into the weight loss misconceptions about eating?


Meat should not be eaten during weight loss

Scientific studies have found that not eating meat will lead to a decrease in the enzymes that break down fat in the body, and the chain of fat breakdown will be broken. The lack of decomposition enzymes will cause body fat to be stored only but not decomposed or very little decomposed, which is the reason why you will lose more and more weight if you don't eat meat to lose weight.


Eating more diet foods can help you lose weight

Some people will choose to take diet pills to lose weight, but in fact, eating too much diet food will also make you fat. Because diet foods can lose weight because they are lower in calories than other foods, but if you eat more other foods and do not cooperate with exercise, the total calorie intake in the body will also increase, which will lead to weight gain.


It is easy to gain weight when eating at night

The country is calling you to lose weight! After reading the detours, you will definitely not lose more and more fat

This view is also incorrect. Eating calories at night is not directly related to gaining weight. After a busy day at work, you can be tired at night, so if you are really hungry, you can choose to eat some low-calorie foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and there is no need to stay awake at night.


You can lose weight by not eating carbohydrates

Losing weight quickly by not eating carbohydrates, but losing water instead of fat. Insufficient carbohydrate intake can easily lead to fatigue and other physical discomforts. Therefore, the intake of certain carbohydrates is the basis for maintaining the normal activity of the body.


Eating only fruits and vegetables can lead to weight loss

It is undeniable that eating more fiber-rich foods such as vegetarian foods, vegetables and fruits does help with weight loss. However, if you only eat vegetables and fruits, and do not eat staple foods, you may lose more and more weight. In fact, many fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of carbohydrates. In addition, fruits are also quite high in calories and sugar, so dieters should avoid eating fruits and vegetables without restrictions.

What exactly do you eat during weight loss?

Which ones to eat more? Which ones to eat less and not eat?

A table to make it clear! Remember to save ↓↓

The country is calling you to lose weight! After reading the detours, you will definitely not lose more and more fat

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Recommend 4 medicinal diets suitable for people who are losing weight:

The country is calling you to lose weight! After reading the detours, you will definitely not lose more and more fat

Lotus seed and lily soup

Ingredients: 50g of lotus seeds and lilies, 250g of lean pork, green onions, ginger slices, salt, and cooking wine.

Method: 1. Wash the lotus seeds, lilies, and lean pork, remove the lotus seeds, and cut the lean meat into thin slices. 2. Put lotus seeds, lilies, and meat slices in the pot at the same time, add an appropriate amount of water, and then add green onions, ginger slices, salt, and cooking wine. 3. Put the pot on the fire, boil over high heat and simmer for 1 hour.

Efficacy: Nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish the heart and spirit, moisten the lungs and kidneys, dispel heat and relieve cough.

Suitable for people: obese patients with palpitations, insomnia, low-grade fever and dry cough.

Three-color sticky rice

Ingredients: 50g of red adzuki beans, barley, glutinous rice, appropriate amount of winter melon seeds and diced cucumbers.

Method: 1. Wash the red adzuki beans and barley with water, put them in the pot and steam for 20 minutes. 2. Wash the glutinous rice and winter melon seeds, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and steam them together. 3. Sprinkle with diced cucumber and serve.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and water, reduce swelling and lose weight.

Applicable people: suitable for obese patients with spleen deficiency and dampness, easy to edema.

Stir-fried bean sprouts with lotus root and lotus root

Ingredients: 200g lotus leaves, 50g lotus seeds, 150g mung bean sprouts, 100g fresh lotus root, appropriate amount of peanut oil, salt and water starch.

Method: 1. Put the lotus seeds and lotus leaves into the pot first, add an appropriate amount of water, fry the soup over low heat, pick out the lotus seeds and lotus leaves, and put the soup aside for later use. 2. Wash the fresh lotus root, peel it and cut it into thin strips. 3. Put the wok on the fire, add a little peanut oil to heat, add the lotus root and stir-fry until 7 mature, add the ripe lotus seeds and washed mung bean sprouts, and stir-fry until the bean sprouts are ripe and soft. 4. Pour lotus seed and lotus leaf soup into the pot, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and thicken with water starch to taste.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and dampness, reduce swelling.

Applicable population: obesity with hyperlipidemia and edema.

Ginseng Qi chicken shredded winter melon soup

Ingredients: 200g of chicken breast, 3g of codonopsis and astragalus, 150g of winter melon, appropriate amount of salt and rice wine.

Method: 1. Wash the chicken breast, cut it into shreds, put it in a casserole together with Codonopsis and Astragalus, add a large bowl of water (about 500ml), and simmer over low heat until the chicken is 8 mature. 2. Peel the winter melon, wash it, slice it, put it in a pot, and add an appropriate amount of rice wine. 3. Wait until the winter melon slices are ripe and add a little salt to taste.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, dilute water and reduce swelling, and lose weight.

Applicable population: It can be eaten by people with all types of obesity, and it is more suitable for those who are tired and eat less and have a puffy face.

How to move?

The country is calling you to lose weight! After reading the detours, you will definitely not lose more and more fat

Most obese people, children, middle-aged and elderly people, suitable for low- and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, including walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, tai chi, yoga, etc.

People who are young, have good physical strength and do not have serious chronic diseases are suitable for moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, including mountain climbing, aerobics, skipping rope, dancing, rowing, etc.

With a history of more than 800 years, Baduanjin can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, smooth qi and blood, and calm the nerves, but also help you on the road to weight loss.

Source: Yishui release

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