
Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart

author:Lingtai released

As the saying goes: the mountains will fall, and everyone will run.

Life in the world, relying on no one can work, even if you rely on a while, it is impossible to rely on a lifetime, only by relying on yourself is the most secure, safe and reliable.

As said in the movie "Spirited Away": "There is still a long, long way to go." You have to go it all alone, and you have to rely on yourself, with your own ability to do it, not on anyone. ”

Life is a long road, and no one can accompany you through the whole journey. Only by relying on one's own people can one master the sailboat of life.

Wang Yangming's "unity of knowledge and action" and "tempering in things" teach us to transform our inner wisdom into action and maintain independence and tenacity at all times.

In this way, we can become the masters of our destiny and move forward with determination no matter what the future holds.

Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart

The heart grinds in things

Wang Yangming was born in a famous family, but he is not the kind of idle and uninhibited son. Since he was a child, he has set his ambition - to study and become a sage.

In order to realize this ambition, he had many brushes with death, and finally became a generation of saints as he wished, and proposed the "Yang Ming Mind".

In the Ming Dynasty at that time, the eunuchs were in power, and the emperor was in name only, only symbolically going once in the early dynasties, and eating, drinking and having fun at other times.

Faced with such a situation, many officials resigned resolutely, and some wrote to the emperor asking the emperor to kill the eunuchs so that they would not cause trouble to the court. However, the emperor did not listen to the persuasion, and also killed these officials one by one, and for a time the government and the opposition were in a panic, and no one dared to stand up and speak out.

In this stormy period, Wang Yangming appeared on the stage. He was not afraid of power, dared to speak out, and advised the emperor to kill the eunuchs and take back power. Therefore, Wang Yangming offended the eunuch Liu Jin, and in addition to being imprisoned by the court staff, he was also degraded and exiled to another country, and went to the remote place of Longchang to work as a postman.

Seon lost his horse, but he didn't know if it was a blessing. Wang Yangming seemed to be in a desperate situation, but he found his life's pursuit here, successfully realized his enlightenment, realized his ambition, and finally became a master of mind.

As the saying goes: No, the pole is coming. When a person falls into a low point in life, it is time to rebound, just like the phoenix is reborn. But if you blindly are affected by your own emotions, you will only fall deeper and deeper, and you will not be illuminated by the dawn at all.

We must learn to be the masters of our emotions, and we must not be at the mercy of them, otherwise we will only suffer and will not be able to jump out of this emotional circle.

The calmer the heart, the more calm the judgment and the right choice. If you want to be successful, bad emotions can't be the "stumbling block" on the road to success.

Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart
Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart

Practice things in your heart

Wang Yangming was once appointed by the imperial court to go to Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province to suppress bandits, perhaps in the eyes of many people, he was just a literati and should know nothing about military warfare, but it turned out that they were all wrong.

As we all know, Nangan is a bandit-stricken area. The terrain was steep, and over the years the imperial court had sent countless officials, but no progress had been made in the fight against bandits.

At that time, after Wang Yangming arrived in Nanjiang, he first became a "confidant". Take a look at your own internal situation: the local government has no practical experience; Enemy forces have long been infiltrated within the government; Bandits are rampant, and their eyes and ears are everywhere.

After "confidant", Wang Yangming must second "know the other". He confronted Zhan Shifu, the leader of the bandit army, and although he failed, it also allowed Wang Yangming to learn a lot of experience in suppressing bandits. As the saying goes, "attack people first and attack the heart".

According to Zhan Shifu's previous experience, the bandit army sent by the imperial court would retreat after defeat, and he thought that Wang Yangming would do the same, but he never thought that Wang Yangming was waiting for the opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

After about three months, the bandit army in Nanjiang was finally completely wiped out, and Wang Yangming also created a myth on the battlefield!

Wang Yangming has always adhered to a principle, that is, "practice things in your heart". Even when he was suppressing bandits, he was able to calm down and give lectures.

No matter how much you say, it is empty, and when you are really faced with a crisis, you can handle it calmly and calmly, which can be regarded as cultivating to the realm of "unity of knowledge and action".

Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart
Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart

This heart does not move, it moves randomly

Anything that has an impact on your heart is "emotional" and can only be solved on your own.

When we focus on a certain point in others, we reflect our own inner shortcomings, because you focus on what you lack.

Social animals like humans are inevitably influenced by the sounds around them, and they unconsciously listen to what others say and see what others do, but they cannot empathize. At this time, we must be anxious and uneasy.

Don't resist the emotions in your heart, whether it's good or bad, you should learn to go with the flow. Stabilize your emotions and strengthen your heart with some deliberate practice. At any time, if you can "keep your heart moving", you will truly find the light that illuminates you in the night.

Everyone's life will encounter unsatisfactory things. Throughout Wang Yangming's life, he has fallen into a trough, experienced life and death, and almost gave up on himself and left the world. But because after finding the meaning and direction of life, he looked down on all this, and his heart could no longer be shaken!

How powerful was Wang Yangming later? It is said that the rebels had already surrendered upon hearing of his name. It is enough to see people who are truly capable, even in the dark, who will radiate a dazzling light.

This heart does not move, it moves randomly. In the face of a chaotic and complex situation, it is easy for people to be led by the nose by the situation and lose their direction.

Only those who are firm in their hearts can remain unmoved by external objects and become a light in the darkness, illuminating the way forward for themselves and others.

Wang Yangming famously said: "People must grind in things to be able to stand; Only then can it be static and stable, and the movement can also be fixed. "Hardship and hardship are the best tempering of the mind.

Life is about accepting challenges again and again, transforming again and again, and it is the weak who are attached to others. A truly brave person faces life, faces himself, faces the shortcomings of life, never gets discouraged, and moves forward bravely.

In this life, relying on oneself is the right way, and relying on one's own people has the best life!

Encourage your friends!

Wang Yangming: The heart grinds on things, and things are practiced in the heart

▍Source: There are books

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