
Six new era language and writing demonstration schools in Zhuoni County were evaluated and accepted at the state level

author:Jonny release
Six new era language and writing demonstration schools in Zhuoni County were evaluated and accepted at the state level

In order to thoroughly implement the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Standard Language, and the Regulations on the National Standard Language of Gansu Province, according to the Notice of the Gansu Provincial Department of Education on the Establishment of Demonstration Schools for the New Era and the Work Arrangements of the Education Bureau of Gannan Prefecture, Zhuoni County has carried out the establishment of a new era of language and writing demonstration schools, so as to strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation. From June 26th to 28th, 2024, a group of 4 experts from the evaluation team of the New Era Language and Writing Demonstration School of the Gannan Prefecture Education Bureau conducted a state-level evaluation and acceptance of 6 schools (kindergartens), including Shanghe Kindergarten in Zhuoni County, Zhuoni County Kindergarten, Liulin Second Primary School in Zhuoni County, Liulin Town Central Primary School in Zhuoni County, Muer Town Central Primary School in Zhuoni County, and Nalang Nine-Year School in Zhuoni County.

Six new era language and writing demonstration schools in Zhuoni County were evaluated and accepted at the state level

The evaluation team closely followed the "Evaluation Index System and Evaluation Points of Gansu Province New Era Language and Writing Demonstration Schools", listened to the school report, consulted the archives, went deep into the classroom to listen to the class to grasp the standardization of teachers and students' language and words, inspected the language and word environment on campus, randomly selected some students for questionnaire surveys and interviews, and conducted interviews with school teams, teachers and parent representatives, and community (village committee) personnel on the work of the national common language. Nineteen indicators were evaluated according to the standards.

Six new era language and writing demonstration schools in Zhuoni County were evaluated and accepted at the state level

The evaluation team believes that the six schools that have created a new era of language and writing demonstration schools attach great importance to the creation of the work, the organization is effective, the teachers and students are active, and the overall performance shows the characteristics of solid work promotion, improvement of teachers and students' understanding, standardized campus language and words, various highlights of activities, and innovative characteristic construction, which have been fully affirmed and praised by the evaluation team. Finally, the experts of the evaluation team put forward specific suggestions on the shortcomings, requiring all schools and kindergartens to continue to promote the work of the national standard language to a higher level and a higher level, and greatly improve the level of the national standard language to serve the society. (Correspondent: Lu Qizhuman)

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