
Conference Notice丨2024 "Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology" Conference Notice

author:Zhang Huang Guoxue
Conference Notice丨2024 "Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology" Conference Notice

Advanced Seminar in Chinese Language and Philology

Since 2010, the Commercial Press has added the "Scholarship for Advanced Seminar in Chinese Language and Philology" on the basis of the original "Scholarship for the Summer Advanced Seminar in Chinese Chinese Language and Philology" to reduce the tuition fees of Chinese mainland graduate students who sign up for the seminar, including full exemption for full-time graduate students and half exemption for full-time graduate students. The scholarship is used to finance the conduct of the workshop.

The 2024 Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology is hosted by Peking University. Applicants for the scholarship can log on to the of the Commercial Press's website, download the "Application Form for the Commercial Press Advanced Seminar in Chinese Language and Philology Scholarship", fill in the relevant contents, ask the supervisor to sign, and send the word file of the application form and the scanned PDF file signed by the supervisor to the mailbox [email protected] of the Commercial Press. Application deadline: July 15. The list of scholarships will be announced on the Commercial Press website in late July. Scholarship recipients will be given priority admission to the workshop.

2024 Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology

Notice of Meeting

The Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology was initiated by Beijing Normal University and Peking University, and jointly organized by 22 universities and the Commercial Press, and has been held every summer since 2010. The purpose of the seminar is to inherit and carry forward the academic spirit of traditional Chinese language and philology, fully absorb the new achievements of contemporary Chinese scholarship at home and abroad, cultivate reserve talents in traditional Chinese language and philology, and give full play to the important role of traditional Chinese language and philology in cultural inheritance and innovation. The seminar is mainly attended by master's and doctoral students majoring in Chinese language and philology and young teachers from colleges and universities, and invites famous linguistics experts to teach professional courses or cutting-edge topics. It is hoped that this will be an opportunity to gather academic resources, strengthen academic exchanges, expand academic horizons, and cultivate elite talents for the further development and innovation of traditional Chinese language and philology and Chinese culture. The 11th Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology in 2024 will be hosted by the National Language Promotion Base (Peking University). The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

Meeting time

July 31–August 7, 2024

Meeting place

Yanyuan Campus, Peking University (Headquarters)

Topics to be discussed

The development and innovation of Chinese linguistics and Chinese modernization

Some of the teaching experts

Prof. Dong Zhiqiao (Beijing Language and Culture University, Senior Expert in Chinese Lexical History, Grammar History and Exegesis)

Prof. Hu Yirui (Peking University, Senior Specialist in Middle Chinese Studies)

Prof. Hua Xuecheng (Beijing Language and Culture University, Senior Expert in Literature Linguistics and Dialect Studies, Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education)

Prof. Huang Dekuan (Tsinghua University, Senior Expert in Paleography and Unearthed Documents)

Prof. Jiang Lansheng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Senior Expert in Modern Chinese Studies)

Prof. Li Guoying (Beijing Normal University, Senior Expert in Chinese Character Studies and Exegesis)

Prof. Li Zongjiang (National University of Defense Technology, Senior Expert in the History of Chinese Vocabulary and Grammar)

Prof. Shao Yonghai (Peking University, Senior Expert in the History of Chinese Grammar and Poetry Rhythm)

Prof. Yuwen Sun (Peking University, Senior Expert in Chinese Phonology, Lexicology, and History of Grammar)

Prof. Wang Weihui (Zhejiang University, Senior Expert in Chinese Lexical History Research and Exegesis)

Prof. Wang Lijun (Beijing Normal University, Senior Expert in Chinese Character Studies and Exegesis, Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education)

Prof. Wang Ning (Beijing Normal University, Senior Expert in Exegesis, Famous Linguist)

Prof. Yang Rongxiang (Peking University, Senior Expert in Modern Chinese Grammar)

Prof. Zhao Ping'an (Tsinghua University, Senior Expert in Philology Research, Unearthed Literature Research, Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education)

Prof. Zhu Guanming (Chinese National University, Senior Expert in Chinese Vocabulary History, Grammar History, Buddhist Chinese Language, Changjiang Scholar Young Scholar)

(The above lecturers are listed in alphabetical order of surname, if there is any change, please refer to the actual course arrangement)

Enrollment target

1. Ph.D. and master's students majoring in Chinese language and philology at home and abroad.

2. Young scholars from universities and related research institutions.

How to register

Method 1: Online registration

1. Log on to the official website of the Department of Continuing Education of Peking University and;

2. Click on Advanced Training;

3. Select a public item;

4. Find "Peking University 2024 Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology" and click to register now;

5. Log in with your mobile phone number, submit complete registration information, upload a photo of your student ID card or work permit in the "Attachment", and indicate in the remarks whether you participate in the Youth Forum, apply for scholarships, and whether you need to book accommodation and meal cards on your behalf.

Please be sure to submit the above complete information, otherwise the registration will be invalid.

After successful registration, you will receive a review reminder, and you can only pay online after the review is passed.

Method 2: WeChat registration

1. Pay attention to the WeChat public account "Peking University Continuing Education";

2. Click "My" - "Account Information";

3. Log in after registering with your mobile phone number;

4. After successful registration, return to the homepage and click "Project Registration" - "I want to register";

5. Find "Peking University 2024 Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology" and click to register now; In the "Attachment", you need to upload a photo of your student ID card or work card, and indicate in the remarks whether you want to participate in the Youth Forum, apply for scholarships, and whether you need to book accommodation and meal cards on your behalf.

Please be sure to submit the above complete information, otherwise the registration will be invalid.

After successful registration, you will receive a review reminder, and you can only pay the fee on WeChat after the review is passed.


1. The invoices for the training fees are electronic bills, which require the students to accurately fill in the information such as the invoice title and taxpayer identification number when registering and paying the fees in the continuing education system of Peking University, and apply for the issuance of invoices by themselves.

2. After enrollment, students will sign the "Peking University Social Enrollment Non-degree Continuing Education Social Enrollment Program Informed Agreement" with the Department of Chinese of Peking University;

3. Students are advised to pay through the registration website or WeChat Pay.

Instructions for Registration

1. Registration on July 31, 2024, expert lectures in the morning and afternoon from August 1 to August 6, 2024.

2. During the seminar, two forums for young scholars will be held, and experts will be invited to comment on the spot. Students who intend to participate in the forum should submit their papers for publication at the forum after successful registration. The experts of the preparatory group of the advanced research class will select the papers participating in the Youth Forum, and inform the authors of the selection results before the start of the class.

3. Students can apply for the Commercial Press's Advanced Seminar in Chinese Language and Philology Scholarship, which will be selected by a scholarship selection panel composed of experts from the preparatory group of the Advanced Research Course and experts from the Commercial Press, to determine the scholarship winners, and publish them on the website of the Commercial Press. Tuition fees for approved applicants will be paid by the Commercial Press.

Certificate issuance

Those who have completed the prescribed courses and passed the examination will be issued a certificate of completion by Peking University, which can be found on the website of Peking University.


Please contact us for details

National Language Promotion Base (Peking University)

Contact: Mr. Wang 13581913005 (working hours: 9:00-17:00)

Email: [email protected]

Department of Chinese Chinese Chinese Literature, Peking University

National Language Promotion Base (Peking University)

Preparatory Group for the 2024 "Advanced Seminar on Chinese Language and Philology".

June 25, 2024

Reprinted from the official account "The Chinese Center of the Commercial Press"

Special thanks to you

Dunhe Foundation

Laboratory of Chinese Character Research and Social Application, Beijing Normal University

Article original|copyright|Please note the source for forwarding

Editor-in-chief of the official account: Meng Zhuo, Xie Yan, Dong Jingchen

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