
In 1963, Liu Yalou visited the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang", and said during the banquet: Change the last sentence

author:Red history whispers

Liu Yalou, the first commander of the Air Force.

After taking office as commander of the Air Force, Liu Yalou was not only very concerned about the construction of the Air Force, but in fact, Liu Yalou also attached the same importance to literary and artistic work.

Let's talk about it today......

In 1963, Liu Yalou visited the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang", and said during the banquet: Change the last sentence

Liu Yalou

Literary and artistic work is often overlooked.

However, Liu Yalou understands the importance of literary and artistic work very well, it can inspire people, and it is a microcosm of the progress of the times, so in addition to the construction of the Air Force, Liu Yalou is also equally attentive to literary and artistic undertakings.

For example, the famous opera "Sister Jiang" was born under Liu Yalou's care!

In 1962, Comrade Yan Su, a creator of the Air Force, created the first draft of "Sister Jiang", and after Liu Yalou learned about it, he read it for the first time, and after reading it, Liu Yalou was very satisfied and strongly supported Yan Su to create.

In order to improve the script even more, Yan Su personally visited many relatives and comrades-in-arms related to Sister Jiang, and in the process, Yan Su also had a deeper understanding of Sister Jiang.

The script is also being polished again and again, and it is more refined.

1963, May.

In 1963, Liu Yalou visited the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang", and said during the banquet: Change the last sentence

Liu Yalou

Liu Yalou is very concerned about the progress of "Sister Jiang", and often meets with Yan Su to ask about the progress, in addition, Liu Yalou also personally participates in the selection of actors, who will play them? Liu Yalou quickly selected a person:

Wanfeng Xiang.

Liu Yalou is familiar with Wan Fuxiang, she was an actor in the Suzhou Prefecture Song and Dance Troupe, and later entered the Kongzheng Art Troupe, Liu Yalou fully trusts Wan Fuxiang, she is definitely qualified for the role of Sister Jiang.

Soon, the opera "Sister Jiang" entered the rehearsal stage!

Liu Yalou is very concerned about the progress of the opera and the performance of the actors, and often comes to visit the rehearsal of the opera.

On this morning, Liu Yalou came to the theater to watch the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang".

In 1963, Liu Yalou visited the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang", and said during the banquet: Change the last sentence

Liu Yalou

The actor has memorized the lines and begins to sing along with the plot, and during the rehearsal, the actor sings:

"The thread is long, the needle is dense, and the red flag is embroidered with tears."

The actor's delicate and delicate singing voice immersed Liu Yalou in it, moved by the actor, and he was very satisfied with the actor and the script.

Then, the actor continued:

"Tears follow the needle and thread, and I can't tell whether they are sad or happy."

When he heard this lyric, Liu Yalou frowned, and the last lyric, he felt a little strange, and after thinking for a while, Liu Yalou came up with a strange reason.

The main reason is the difference in emotional and ideological expression, and the last lyric "I can't tell whether it is sad or happy" feels more like personal joy and sorrow, weakening the joy and sorrow of the revolution. After thinking about it, Liu Yalou said:

Change the lyrics of the last line.
In 1963, Liu Yalou visited the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang", and said during the banquet: Change the last sentence

Liu Yalou

Then, Liu Yalou also told the actor and Yan Su his advice:

The last lyric "I can't tell whether it's sad or happy" was changed to "It's not so much sad as joy." ”

In this way, I feel that the meaning of the lyrics has been sublimated a lot, and the joys and sorrows of the individual are more closely linked with the joys and sorrows of the times, so that more people can feel the value of the revolution.

Liu Yalou's suggestion was adopted by Yan Su and accepted by the actors, and he sang it after the correction, which really made people feel more profound, and the play became more moving.

In the blink of an eye, the year 1964 came.

After several years of polishing, the opera "Sister Jiang" finally came out with the best appearance, and then, the opera "Sister Jiang" was performed for the first time at the Beijing Children's Theater.

For several days in a row, day after day!

"Sister Jiang" not only received high praise from the audience, but also attracted many party leaders to watch the theater, such as Premier Zhou and Deng Yingchao and his wife, who came to the theater to watch the opera in person.

In 1963, Liu Yalou visited the rehearsal of the opera "Sister Jiang", and said during the banquet: Change the last sentence

Deng Yingchao, Premier Zhou

Soon, the news spread:

The Air Force is really capable, and the opera it does has attracted Premier Zhou!

This is undoubtedly the highest commendation for the Air Force's literary and artistic work, and Liu Yalou is also very happy, he is in awe of the literary and artistic work, and he must persist in working hard.


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