
Chen Geng died in 1961, and after the memorial service, Su Yu said to the central government: I have only one request

author:Red history whispers

Chen Geng and Su Yu.

The friendship between these two generals is also very worth mentioning. Although the two met relatively late, they hit it off at first sight, and in their subsequent lives, the two have always had a deep friendship.

Let's talk about it today......

Chen Geng died in 1961, and after the memorial service, Su Yu said to the central government: I have only one request


Although both were awarded the rank of general at the 1955 investiture ceremony, the trajectories of their revolutionary careers can be described as completely different.

Chen Geng is a student of the Whampoa Military Academy, has studied regularized military affairs, and his qualifications can be said to be very high, and he has worked under Chiang Kai-shek and saved Chiang Kai-shek's life.

Su Yu, in the early days, it was relatively ordinary, first of all, Su Yu did not go to a military school, until the Nanchang Uprising, Su Yu was just a little-known junior officer, and in the War of Resistance against Japan, Su Yu was generally unknown.

However, when the time came for the War of Liberation, it was completely different!

In 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched a full-scale civil war.

In the War of Liberation, Su Yu suddenly burst out with wonderful combat art and command ability, first in the Soviet Union and China, Su Yu created the myth of seven battles and seven victories, and directly fired the first shot of the Communist Party's counterattack.

In 1947, during the Battle of Pinghan.

Chen Geng died in 1961, and after the memorial service, Su Yu said to the central government: I have only one request


At this time, Su Yu served as the deputy commander of the East China Field Army, and Chen Yi served as the commander.

At this time, Chen Geng was under the command of Liu and Deng, serving as the commander of the 4th column.

In the Battle of Pinghan, Chairman Mao instructed that the victory must be won, and Hua Ye and Liu Deng's army cooperated, and it was also at this time that Su Yu and Chen Geng cooperated for the first time and finally met each other.

In the early days, Su Yu and Chen Geng had already heard each other's names, and they had been looking forward to meeting each other, and now, the two finally met, and they were very excited.

Su Yu is calmer, he doesn't like to be in shape, although he is happy that Chen Geng finally got to see him, but he has always been calmer, and Chen Geng, who has always been lively and enthusiastic, is more extroverted, after seeing Su Yu, Chen Geng immediately said happily:

"It's better to be famous than to meet, and when I see it today, it's really good!"
Chen Geng died in 1961, and after the memorial service, Su Yu said to the central government: I have only one request

Chen Geng

Chen Geng's direct and hearty personality also made Su Yu a little embarrassed, and in the next Pinghan Campaign, how to annihilate Chiang Kai-shek's army that tried to oppress Wuhan in the movement depends on the cooperation of the two.

The cooperation between the two can be said to be full of tacit understanding, and they have defeated more than 40,000 Chiang Kai-shek, and also conquered Xuchang and other cities.

After winning the victory, Chen Geng took the initiative to say that the spoils of war should belong to Huaye, because Huaye had made more contributions in this battle, and Su Yu was very moved and ordered the spoils to be distributed to Chen Geng's troops.

The two cherish each other, and their friendship is getting deeper and deeper!

For many years after that, the two have always helped each other, trusted each other, and worked together to complete many important tasks, whether in private friendship or at work.

On March 16, 1961, Chen Geng unfortunately died of illness!

The death of an old friend also plunged Su Yu into grief, and with a sad heart, Su Yu immediately set off for Shanghai to see off his old friend for the last time.

Under the care of the central government, Chen Geng's body was cremated, and then a small memorial service was held.

Chen Geng died in 1961, and after the memorial service, Su Yu said to the central government: I have only one request

Chen Geng

Su Yu, together with Li Kenong and other comrades, personally came to Chen Geng's memorial service, and at the memorial service, Su Yu has also been comforting Comrade Fu Ya and the children, persuading them to mourn.

The memorial service soon ended in everyone's mourning.

After the memorial service, Chen Geng's ashes will also be transported from Shanghai to Beijing under arrangement, and placed in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, and the plane transporting Chen Geng's ashes is also waiting at the airport.

After thinking deeply, Su Yu said to the central government:

I only have one request, that is, I hope to go to the airport to transport Chen Geng's ashes in person.

The central government understood Su Yu's mood very well, so he agreed to Su Yu's request to transport Chen Geng's ashes to the airport.

Chen Geng died in 1961, and after the memorial service, Su Yu said to the central government: I have only one request

Chen Geng

Then, Su Yu and Chen Geng's family transported Chen Geng's ashes to the airport, and then Su Yu watched his friend's ashes board the plane to Beijing, until the plane took off, Su Yu still refused to leave!


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