
In 1972, Chen Yi passed away, and the posthumous photo was not selected for a long time

author:Red history whispers

1971, after November.

Mr. Chen Yi's condition suddenly began to deteriorate. Although Mr. Chen has always claimed that he is fine, the increasing illness makes people worry.

What happened next......

In 1972, Chen Yi passed away, and the posthumous photo was not selected for a long time

Chen Yi, Zhang Qian

Since his illness, Mr. Chen has always faced the disease with an optimistic and positive attitude and resisted the disease.

However, the changes in the body and the deterioration of the condition still made everyone very worried, because of the changes in the condition, Mr. Chen began to be unable to eat independently, but Mr. Chen still did not forget to comfort everyone.

Premier Zhou learned that Mr. Chen's condition was serious, and he also came to the hospital to visit his old comrades-in-arms.

Although he couldn't say much, Mr. Chen still held on to his spirits, held Premier Zhou's hand and said:

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

Then, Liu Bocheng and Mr. Zhu and other bosses also came to the hospital one after another to visit Mr. Chen, Liu Bocheng comforted Mr. Chen, he must receive good treatment, and when he is well, he will climb Xiangshan together.

In 1972, Chen Yi passed away, and the posthumous photo was not selected for a long time

Chen Yi

Mr. Chen smiled and nodded, he was also looking forward to climbing Xiangshan again with his old comrades.

December, the end of the month.

Mr. Chen's spirit was a little better, and Mr. Chen's wife, Zhang Qian, also took the children to her father's bedside, asking the children to visit their father and encourage their father.

Seeing that the children were coming, Mr. Chen was also very happy and encouraged the children:

"Don't worry about me, you have to keep doing your best!"

Afternoon, January 6th.

Mr. Chen suddenly fell into a coma, and the doctors immediately rescued Mr. Chen, but fortunately, Mr. Chen finally regained his spontaneous breathing.

But at night, Mr. Chen fell into a coma again, this time, although the doctor still rescued in time, but there was no way to recover, Mr. Chen passed away, and his heart stopped beating forever!

In 1972, Chen Yi passed away, and the posthumous photo was not selected for a long time

Zhang Qian, Chen Yi

The news of Mr. Chen's death was quickly notified by the central government.

Mr. Chen's old comrade-in-arms, Comrade Wang Zhen, after learning of Mr. Chen's death, hurriedly took his granddaughter to the hospital to see Mr. Chen for the last time.

After coming to the hospital, Wang Zhen's little granddaughter saw Grandpa Chen lying motionless on the bed, and instantly burst into tears, pushing Grandpa Chen's body while crying:

"Grandpa Chen, don't die ......."

Those present shed tears!

The deceased has passed away, and it is imperative to deal with the aftermath of the deceased!

Under the care of the central government, the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery was also immediately responsible for arranging Mr. Chen's funeral, cleaning the auditorium, and arranging the memorial service site.

In 1972, Chen Yi passed away, and the posthumous photo was not selected for a long time

Zhang Qian, Chen Yi

Under the decision, a memorial service for Comrade Chen Yi will be held on January 10!

Time is tight! The task is heavy!

On the other hand, Mr. Chen's wife, Zhang Qian, also had a sad mood and held on to her husband's funeral, and she also had to carry out a lot of work on the handling and arrangement of her husband's funeral.

For example, the selection of photos of Mr. Chen's posthumous portrait is also very important, according to the arrangement, the responsible comrades found two photos of Mr. Chen, for Zhang Qian to choose one as Mr. Chen's posthumous photo, and then held a memorial service.

Zhang Qian looked at these two photos and was not very satisfied.

One is a photo of Mr. Chen when he was awarded the title in 1955;

One is a photo of Mr. Chen when he was foreign minister;

Looking left and right, Zhang Qian felt that it was not suitable, but she had no idea which one to choose for the time being, so Zhang Qian instructed the staff:

Find Mr. Chen's secretary Xiao Du and ask him to help choose.
In 1972, Chen Yi passed away, and the posthumous photo was not selected for a long time

Chen Yi

Zhang Qian said that Xiao Du is Comrade Du Yi, the secretary of Mr. Chen, Zhang Qian believes that Comrade Du Yi has worked beside Mr. Chen for many years and is one of the people who knows Mr. Chen best, so Zhang Qian hopes that Du Yi can come to help select.

Subsequently, Du Yi came to meet Comrade Zhang Qian, and after discussing with Zhang Qian, he decided to choose a photo of Mr. Chen's plainclothes as a posthumous photo, which was taken by Xinhua News Agency for Mr. Chen that year.

Zhang Qian nodded, she was also very satisfied with this photo, and in this way, the selection of Mr. Chen's posthumous photo was completed.


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