
There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

author:Chinese Writers Network
There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

Moderator's remarks

Literature is not only about the spiritual journey of loneliness, but also about the pure, trendy and warm life scene. As one of the most important positions of literary communication, the current attention of literary journals to literary hotspots, the exploration of service functions, and the expansion of social influence have shown an unprecedented trend. Combined with the development path and exploration experience in recent years, this issue of "Attitude" column invites "Flower City", "Novel Monthly", "Tianya" and "Xinghuo", from the perspectives of literary live broadcast, new columns, professional and personalized social account operation, innovative activity forms, and visual design that reflects literary systematization, to share their "self-transcendence" and "poetic creation". In the final analysis, the efforts of literary journals to occupy a place in the midst of all kinds of things also provide a possibility to show a "different attitude to life" in addition to real existence.

——Column host: Du Jia

Issue 5: "Self-transcendence" and "Poetic Creation" in Literary Journals

Reshaping the relationship between literature and public life

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

Xu Fuwei, the editor-in-charge of his works, has won the China Publishing Government Award, the Central Propaganda Department's "Five One Project" Award, Lu Xun Literature Award and other awards, and his review articles have been published in "Guangming Daily", "Literature and Art Daily", "People's Liberation Army Daily", "Selected Novels" and other newspapers and periodicals. He is currently the deputy editor-in-chief of Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House and the executive editor-in-chief of Novel Monthly.

For more than 40 years since its founding, Novel Monthly has always firmly established the awareness of readers, acted as a ferryman between writers and readers, explored an effective communication path to reach readers through market vitality, and was deeply related to the earth under its feet, the people, and the pulse of the times, and reshaped the relationship between literature and public life.

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".
There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".
There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".
There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".
There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

Some representative covers of "Fiction Monthly" since its inception

"Novel Monthly" adheres to the publishing tradition of "for life" created during the period of the Literary Research Association, focuses on human narratives, pays attention to social progress, and resonates with the times, so that every novel selected is rooted in the earth, breathes the breath of ordinary people, and has the "language form, modeling ability and poetic expression" to empathize with the public. Over the past 40 years, the novels selected by Novel Monthly have constituted the micro-life history of ordinary people since the reform and opening up, carrying their profound experience and resonance of emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and sorrow, and reflecting the magnificent development process of Chinese society.

"Novel Monthly" has actively participated in the cultural life and literary reading of the public since the new period, just as Wang Huiren, editor-in-chief of Hundred Flowers Literature and Art Publishing House and editor-in-chief of "Novel Monthly" and "Prose", said: "The literary life of countless Chinese is related to it. It brings the vast number of readers from the noisy and noisy real world to the deep and quiet literary world, and has become spiritual friends with many writers, and even amiable and respectable life mentors, accompanying them through one after another lonely or enthusiastic life journey, making their spiritual world rich and broad. It can appear in newsstands on the street in any city in China, or even in supermarkets in places where Chinese people gather in Canada and other countries. On the way to get off work or buy groceries, I came across a newsstand, stopped to buy the latest issue of "Novel Monthly" and eagerly flipped through the catalog, which used to be an important part of Chinese people's lives and has continued to this day.

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

Recently, a Xiaohongshu blogger discovered that the publication that actor Yu Shi was carrying with him was "Novel Monthly". The picture comes from the Xiaohongshu app.

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

The interaction between netizens and the official account of Xiaohongshu of "Novel Monthly".

With the advancement of urban beautification projects, the number of newsstands has decreased significantly, and at the same time, the consumption and reading habits of the Chinese people have also undergone great changes. Readers began to gradually disperse to various new media platforms to find new ways of reading and cultural experiences. Finding and serving our readership on new media platforms, and using the Internet to do a good job of increment, Novel Monthly is always working hard. Just last month, many users on Xiaohongshu launched a campaign to purchase "Yu Shi Tong Novel Monthly". In a relatively short period of time, sales on various online platforms have surged, and offline newsstands have also been snapped up by Xiaohongshu bloggers. Xiaohongshu is positioned as a "life guide", and its users are mainly young people. After reading "Yu Shi's same "Novel Monthly", some people liked reading, and left messages "The best reading materials for the subway", "It's really good not to read books on my mobile phone, I want to be like this", "It makes me want to ship a year's "Novel Monthly", and their spare time may change. This is due to the advance layout of "Novel Monthly" on online platforms where intellectual youth gather such as Xiaohongshu and Bilibili - Station B will be opened in November 2022 and will officially settle in Xiaohongshu in May 2023. When the sharp-eyed Xiaohongshu blogger found out that the publication Yu Shi was carrying might be "Novel Monthly" and asked the official account to confirm, we confirmed and officially announced it as soon as possible, thus contributing to the emergence of a sales climax. At present, the new media platform of "Novel Monthly", which is composed of WeChat public account, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Toutiao, Bilibili, Xiaohongshu, etc., has formed a matrix, effectively covering readers of all walks of life and all ages, and accelerating the encounter with them. This year, the "Fiction Monthly" APP will be fully launched, on the one hand, it can allow the content of literary journals to reach a wider audience through digital platforms, and on the other hand, it can better interact with readers, provide more diversified services, and meet the needs of reading and interaction anytime and anywhere, which is an inevitable choice to adapt to the development trend of the digital era.

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

One of the posters of "Open Class for Chinese Writers".

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

"Chinese Writers Open Class" Lu Min lectured on the scene

In order to inject the current fresh literary factor into the hearts of the widest range of writing lovers and readers, "Novel Monthly" and Beijing Language and Culture University jointly opened a large-scale literary public welfare course - "Chinese Writers Open Class", which is carried out online and offline, offline is mainly for students of different grades and majors of Beijing Language and Culture University, and online is open to the public, and simultaneously to the University of Tehran, Iran, Iran Alama Tabatabai University, Iran Shahid Beheshti University, Egypt British University, Live broadcast of Chinese departments of foreign universities such as Minya University in Egypt. The course officially opened in April 2021, and more than 30 writers, critics, and scholars who are currently active in the literary scene, such as Li Jingze, Zhou Daxin, Shi Zhongshan, Pan Xiangli, Lu Min, Sun Pin, Ma Boyong, and Chen Qiufan, took the stage to teach. In the first semester of this year, Baoerji Yuanye, A Yi, Yang Qingxiang, Jiang Yitan, and Xinghe respectively taught hot topics in traditional literature and science fiction writing, such as "Constructing the Unique World of Literature: Looking Inward and Outward", "Stories Are Not Good Stories", "Someone Will Rewrite the South: Several Problems of New Southern Writing", "The World Science Fiction Tree and Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction Literature", and "Time is Enough for You to Love: Science Fiction Literature and Film and Television", which aroused strong responses. On the one hand, these courses provide a sense of the scene of literary creation and criticism for academic literary education, and face the practical problems of writing. On the other hand, many beginner writers and grassroots writers have been encouraged to find creative inspiration and methods, and to inspire their creative confidence. Through this platform, Chinese and foreign readers and researchers can deeply feel the vigorous vitality of the Chinese literary scene and the respectable and lovely image displayed by Chinese writers, which is conducive to the dissemination of Chinese literature at home and abroad.

There is an attitude | Getting the same paragraph is only the first step in getting to know "Novel Monthly".

"Novel Monthly: From Fiction to Film and Television" book shadow

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