
Testify to history! Listen to the stories behind these eight red artifacts

author:Anning posted

Memories have never faded, and history still resonates.

They come from the depths of history, with the legend of the smoke of war; They silently interpret the stories of the past and let the revolutionary spirit shine on the road to revival.

In the red land of Gansu, there is a glorious revolutionary history, and many precious revolutionary cultural relics are preserved. The red cultural relics that have experienced the vicissitudes of life tell the eventful years of the year, leave the Gansu imprint of the century-old party history, and embody the majestic strength of our brave progress.

Today (July 1) is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the new Gansu client specially planned to launch a series of audio posters "Echoes of History" 8 issues, let us listen to the touching and bloody stories behind the red cultural relics, and recall the glorious years of the past.

Testify to history! Listen to the stories behind these eight red artifacts

The first issue of Xinlong magazine

The first issue of Xinlong magazine is 01:21

In March 1920, Su Yintang, Fan Zhonglan, Wang Jinjian, Deng Chunjiao, Deng Chunlan, Han Shumiao, Wang Zizi and other students from Gansu Province in Beijing organized the "Xinlong Magazine" in Beiping, recommended more than 20 people including Wang Zizi as "staff", and actively founded the "Xinlong" magazine, which was a monthly magazine and continued to be published until September 1930.

The "Notice" issued by the inaugural issue of "Xinlong" fully indicates the original intention and purpose of its founding publication: "Wulong is located in the west, and the transportation is inconvenient...... The new tide is surging, a thousand miles a day, looking back on my Zixiang, the long night is long, and the twilight is gloomy...... So that I can stand in the modern trend, so that I will not be unable to survive."

"Xinlong" disseminated new ideas and new culture, and was a progressive publication that won the love of scholars and people of insight in the early days of the founding of the party, and played a positive role in the awakening of the people of Gansu, especially young students.

In 1959, one of the parties, Deng Chunjiao, a former member of the Xinlong Society, donated a total of 4 volumes of Xinlong magazine, including the inaugural issue, to the Gansu Provincial Museum.

Zhang Yiwu's "New Youth"

Zhang Yiwu's "New Youth" 02:05

The first volume of "New Youth" was originally called "Youth Magazine", which was founded by Chen Duxiu in September 1915, and the second volume was renamed "New Youth", and Zhang Yiwu was a loyal reader of "New Youth".

Zhang Yiwu (1895-1951), a native of Beiguan Village, Chengguan Town, Yuzhong Town, Gansu Province, served as the secretary of the Gansu Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, the first organization of the Communist Party of China in Gansu.

In 1918, Zhang Yiwu was admitted to the preparatory class of Peking University. During this period, Zhang Yiwu carefully read progressive books and periodicals such as "New Youth", "Enlightenment" and "Guide", and was inspired by them. Among them, "New Youth" had the greatest influence on Zhang Yiwu's thoughts. In May 1919, Li Dazhao published "My View of Marxism" in the New Youth, which initially and systematically introduced the Marxist world outlook and methodology, and provided a new theory for Zhang Yiwu to observe society and understand the world. These volumes of "New Youth" now in the Gansu Museum are what Zhang Yiwu read and treasured during his studies.

Zhang Yiwu's collection of New Youth includes Volume 6, No. 2, published on December 15, 1919, and Volume 8, No. 4, published on December 1, 1920, respectively, and contains articles such as Li Dazhao's "Women's Issues after the War", "The Value of Historical Materialism in Modern Historiography", and Chen Duxiu's "Re-Ask the Oriental Magazine Reporter" and "Discussion on Socialism". In addition, the first issue edited and published by Guangzhou Civilian Publishing House, dated June 15, 1923, published "The Internationale", "Five Years of the Russian Revolution", "The Fourth Congress of the Communist International", "Communist Cultural Movement" and other contents.

Zhang Yiwu died in Lanzhou on January 3, 1951, at the age of 57.

The People's Anti-Japanese Red Army "Letter to Compatriots from All Walks of Life"

The People's Anti-Japanese Red Army "Letter to Compatriots from All Walks of Life" 02:07

The People's Anti-Japanese Red Army "Letter to Compatriots from All Walks of Life", Gansu Provincial Museum, first-class cultural relics. In 1955, it was collected in Zhenyuan County. Thin paper, yellowish color, mimeographed, a total of one page, 20 cm long, 27.7 cm wide. Entitled "In order to resist Japan and save the country, we must realize democracy and freedom, and release the seven patriotic leaders of Shanghai". The main contents included demanding that the Nanjing government stop the civil war, unite to resist Japan, realize democracy and freedom, and release the patriotic leaders of Shanghai.

On July 15, 1936, Shen Junru, Zhang Naiqi, Zou Taofen, and Tao Xingzhi jointly published "Several Basic Conditions and Minimum Requirements for Uniting and Resisting Insults", echoing the proposition of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to stop the civil war and form an anti-Japanese national united front, and demanding that the Kuomintang stop "suppressing the Communist Party". On November 12 of the same year, the Shanghai Salvation Association held an event to commemorate Sun Yat-sen, and Shi Liang, who was a member of the presidium, also called on the Kuomintang authorities to stop the civil war, unite with Russia and the Communist Party, and help the peasants and workers. In the middle of the night of 22 November, the Kuomintang government in Nanjing arrested seven leaders of the National Salvation Association, Shen Junru, Zhang Naiqi, Zou Taofen, Shi Liang, Li Gongpu, Wang Zaoshi, and Sha Qianli, in Shanghai on charges of "endangering the Republic of China." Since all 7 people have considerable social status, it is called the "Seven Gentlemen Incident". When the news broke, the world was in an uproar. People from all walks of life protested to the Kuomintang authorities and demanded that the people be released unconditionally.

This "Letter to Compatriots from All Walks of Life" shows the urgency of the joint War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and also shows the attitude of the People's Anti-Japanese Red Army towards the "Seven Gentlemen Incident": "In order to resist Japan and save the country, we resolutely strive for freedom of speech, assembly, association and publication!" ”

Manuscript of Wang Xiaoxi's "Draft for Resolving the China Question".

Wang Hsiao-seok, Draft for Resolving the China Question, manuscript, 01:59

Wang Xiaoxi (1903-1928), a native of Taichang Town, Ning County, Gansu Province.

In 1924, he was admitted to Xi'an National Northwest University. After the May Day massacre, he led his classmates out of the school gate to demonstrate and carry out a struggle in solidarity with the workers in Shanghai. After the August Seventh Conference in 1927, Wang Xiaoxi returned to his hometown of Ning County to carry out revolutionary activities, and in the autumn of the same year, he served as the secretary of the Ning (County) branch of the Communist Party of China. The establishment of the Suining branch of the Communist Party of China became the first rural grassroots organization of the Communist Party of China in Gansu.

In addition to developing the party organization, he also organized progressive youth and students to conduct in-depth social surveys. Through in-depth investigation and careful analysis of the economic conditions, political status, and attitude toward the revolution of the various strata in the countryside, the "Draft for the Settlement of the Chinese Question" was written in October 1927.

The "Draft for Resolving the China Question" put forward 15 methods for resolving the peasant and land problems, the main ones being: confiscation of all landlords' land at no cost, complete public ownership of all private land by the working poor who formed the Soviet government, and the realization that "the tiller has his own land."

The manuscript of the Draft of the Settlement of the Chinese Question, which is in the collection of the Gansu Provincial Museum, consists of four pages, written in ink pen in Zhulange Yuanshu paper, 26 centimeters in length and 22 centimeters in width. The content consists of 15 articles, including the "Draft for the Settlement of the Chinese Question" and the "Preamble", and a pencil page with articles 7-11, which are related to the establishment of the revolutionary armed forces. This manuscript is a summary and sublimation of Wang Xiaoxi's revolutionary practice, and it shows between the lines the eloquence and foresight of this early communist in Longshang.

On December 30, 1928, Wang Xiaoxi bravely died in Lanzhou.

Red Army slogans

Red Army Slogan 02:23

Red Army slogan, Gansu Provincial Museum, first-class cultural relics. During the Long March, the slogans of the Red Fourth Front Army were written on wooden boards, 98.7 centimeters in length and 51 centimeters in width. Collected in Lintan New Town. On both sides of the object, there are three lines of writing in ink pen, one side of which reads: "United the anti-Japanese forces of all parties and factions to fight against Japan", and the other side reads "All the military and civilians who do not want to be slaves of the country unite with the Red Army to resist Japan and oppose Chiang", followed by the words "Red Army Baoning Political Propaganda". It was around August and September 1936.

On August 10, 1936, when the news of the Red Army approaching Lintan came, the 5th Regiment of the Lu Dachang Division of the 14th Division of the Kuomintang, which was deployed to defend Lintan, hurriedly withdrew to Minxian. On the evening of August 14, the Red Army entered the new city. According to the memories of the old people in the new town, when the Red Army entered the city, some people spontaneously welcomed them at the south gate. After the Red Army occupied the new city, it took over the county government and wrote and posted slogans on the streets and on the walls of the station, such as "The Red Army does not oppress the poor" and "The Red Army is the army of the poor people." On August 19, 1936, the Red Army held a meeting of 1,000 people attended by representatives of all classes in Xincheng and announced the establishment of the Lintan County Soviet Government. After the establishment of the county Soviet government, anti-Japanese fund-raising activities were carried out in various localities, and the activities of donating food, donating money, and joining the army increased.

Another first-class cultural relic in the collection of the Gansu Provincial Museum, the "Red Army Slogan", is a propaganda slogan written by the Red Fourth Front Army during the Long March. It is wooden, with a purple ink pen written on it in nine large characters of "creating an anti-Japanese base in the northwest", and a line of small characters signed after it is signed "Political Department of the Anti-Japanese Red Army". 50.6 cm long, 98 cm wide. In August 1956, it was collected in the old city of Lintan.

A copper pot used during the Red Army's Long March

Copper pot 00:57

Copper pot, Gansu Provincial Museum, first-class cultural relics. Brass forged, 10 cm high, 19 cm caliber, concave bottom folded edge, the main body is hemispherical, the handle is missing.

This copper pot was left as compensation by the Red Army in 1935 after resting in the people's homes, and on June 18, 1964, Wang Mo, the recipient of the copper pot, donated the item to the Gansu Provincial Museum.

Hadapu is an important decision-making place for the Red Army's Long March in northern Shaanxi, and it is also a veritable gas station on the way to the Long March. After conquering the dangerous Lazikou, the Red Army troops successively arrived at Hadapu Town, Danchang County, which was a prosperous commercial market town at that time, a 1.5-kilometer street, lined with shops along the street. When the Red Army units arrived, they were recuperated and replenished. During the period of recuperation, the Red Army strictly abided by discipline and did not take a stitch from the common people, and its fine style touched the people of Hadapu.

"Hygienic soy milk" carrying box

"Hygienic soy milk" box 02:29

"Hygienic soybean milk" box, Gansu Provincial Museum, first-class cultural relics. It is the utensils used by Zhao Ziming, secretary of the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, who was engaged in the party's secret work and used his profession as a cover to open a soybean milk shop in Huangjiayuan, Lanzhou City. The soybean milk box is a rectangular wooden handle, with paper skin pasted inside and outside the main body, and the words "hygienic soybean milk" or "soybean milk" are written with ink pens on all sides. Overall height 42 cm, box length 37.5 cm, width 18.5 cm, height 24 cm.

Zhao Ziming (1894-1988), formerly known as Fang Siwen, was born in Shouguang City, Shandong Province.

After the September 18 Incident in 1931, he actively participated in the Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement. He joined the party in April 1932 and served as the secretary of the party branch of Linhe Street. In February 1936, Zhao Ziming came to Lanzhou from Yinchuan as a special correspondent of Tianjin's "Yishi Daily" and opened the "Xinglongpai Newspaper" to distribute various progressive newspapers and periodicals in Tianjin, Shanghai and other places. He often went to the 51st Army of the Northeast Army stationed in Lanzhou and various organs, schools, and factories in Lanzhou to sell newspapers and publicize anti-Japanese propaganda. Subsequently, a soybean milk shop was opened in Huangjiayuan.

In 1937, the Eighth Route Army Office in Gansu and the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China were established in Lanzhou. Zhao Ziming lent the opportunity to send soybean milk to the responsible persons of the Eighth Route Army Office in Gansu and the Gansu Working Committee to report on work, ask for instructions, and pass documents. Most of the documents and instructions of the office and the working committee were passed to him through the intervals between party members or traffic officers who came to the store to drink soy milk, and the Huangjiayuan soybean milk shop became a secret contact point for the party.

In October 1937, the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China was formally established, and Zhao Ziming served as the secretary of the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, responsible for providing accommodation to comrades who came to work in Lanzhou, introducing social occupations, mailing parcels to the Working Committee, issuing meeting notices, printing documents, and transmitting messages. The progressive youth who went to Yan'an and the Red Army diaspora were all in charge of solving the problem of transportation. He was also responsible for printing the publication "Party Life" of the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China. At first mimeographed, later switched to lithographs. During the day, he sold soybean milk in Huangjiayuan, and when he needed to print documents, he went to the printing office in Shangxi Garden in the evening, rushed to print overnight, and before dawn, packed the printed materials at the bottom of the vegetable basket and secretly sent them to the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Horn kettle used by the Red Army

Horn kettle 01:21

The horn kettle used by the Red Army during the Long March, collected by the Gansu Provincial Museum, is a first-class cultural relic. Made of horns, it has a tough texture and a unique shape, with a diameter of 3 cm, a base diameter of 10-12 cm and a diagonal length of 39 cm. In 1956, it was collected in Whirlpool Township, Nanchuan District, Minxian County.

The horn kettle is a daily necessities left behind in Gansu during the Red Army's Long March. At the beginning of July 1936, the Red Fourth Front Army and the Red Second Front Army, which had moved to western Sichuan, met in Ganzi. According to the instructions of the central authorities, the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies decided to go north together. In early July, the Red Second and Fourth Front armies marched north from Ganzi, Luhuo, and Suijing, respectively, and arrived in the Banyou and Baoza areas in early August. In order to carry out the instructions of the party Central Committee to "get out of Gannan as soon as possible, seize Lazikou, and capture Minxian County," the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies jointly implemented the "Mintao Xigu Campaign Plan," and decided to form the first column with the 30th Army, the Ninth Army, and the Fifth Army to seize Minxian City, and the Fourth Army and the 31st Army as the second column to seize Lintan.

Red artifacts

Coming through history

Behind every artifact

All have a touching story

All of them are buried in the unrepentant youth of the revolutionary ancestors

Let's reminisce about the red years

Inherit the red gene and continue the spiritual bloodline

Overcome difficulties and move forward bravely on the new journey

(Source: New Gansu)

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