
[217]: Xiao'e and Ganda

author:Love to write

The iron pot I just bought can't be used, so I have to wash it with water and wipe it dry, pour oil to moisten it, and if I don't use it for a long time, it will rust. An iron pot like this is born to eat oil, and it has to be fed with oil.

When Xiao'e was pulling water to wash the pot in the backyard, Gao Gao accidentally broke the bowl. The kind of open-mouthed sub-bowl that is commonly used by hospitality, rolled around with blue glaze, is very shallow, suitable for eating dry noodles, rice, and serving vegetables, not suitable for scooping soup. Xiao'e took two from the house, and now one is broken, and only one remains. Xiao'e saw it, but she didn't pout (scold), but only told him to be careful and don't scratch his hands.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing?" Xiao'e washed and wiped the pot dry, poured vegetable oil on it, put it on the bricks that were erected, lit a handful of bud stalks, and Yueru came.

"Hey! Why are you?! High, take a board head and come out. Xiao'e looked at Yueru and thought to herself, what is she doing at this time? If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, isn't there something wrong?

"Sister-in-law, you haven't eaten yet?" Yueru was wearing a coarse cloth dress, with a collar, sleeves, and placket all rolled up. Her body was like a bamboo pole, and although she looked thin, her flesh had grown to the point where it should be. It's no wonder that the men on the street have nothing to do, nothing to do, and run towards the blacksmith shop.

[217]: Xiao'e and Ganda

"Don't be sister-in-law, sister-in-law, just call me Xiao'e." Gao Gao went to the sleeping house and didn't come out for a long time, Xiao'e ran in to take a look, and saw him lying on the side of the bed doing his homework, so he had to quietly come out to Yueru with a board and tell her to sit down.

Yu'e's man was a mason, and he also did carpentry. At this time, he was building a house in the village and staying at that house to eat. Yu'e was harvesting buds in the courtyard, and A's mother was holding a snakeskin bag. The baby is on the road, playing with the babies in the village.

Because the mountain is too high and the ditch is too deep, the papaya ditch is always darker than the street. Tiger Ling, Cangling, and the brothers are still in the field, the Sichuan girl is carrying the firewood on her back, and Xiaoli and Yuehong have just returned to the house.

"Or, tell me to go down and watch the door." Huifen said to Zhao Bangsheng, "You eat first, and I'll wash the pot after you finish eating." Even though Xiao'e locked the door when she left, she was still not at ease. She said that there were many rats in the house, and she had to go down to see them.

"And the pigs, what if the wild fox is pulled away?" Huifen always worries about this and that, but her worries seem to be justified.

"Are you going?" Zhao Bangsheng also felt that someone had to watch the door, especially in the dark.

So after eating and cleaning up the pots and pans, Huifen took a flashlight to Xiao'e's house to watch the door.

[217]: Xiao'e and Ganda

Xiao'e naturally didn't know about this, and talked a lot to Yueru. After Yueru left, she closed the front door and the back door and lay down on the bed, thinking about the big circus in the house (the piles in the house).

Wang Jianjun and a group of village cadres in Toushi Town accompanied the county leaders to watch the movie with the theme of the construction of the four modernizations, and after eating with them at 9 o'clock, it was 11 o'clock when they returned to Papayagou.

At this time, most of the people in the village were asleep, and Jun Feng was still watching TV. Liu Qizi went to the kang early, but he kept turning over and rolling over. It seemed that there were lice on his body, which made him upset.

When Wang Jianjun passed by Liu Qizi's door, he saw that both windows and doors were lit. Huang Lala's light came out of the broken window paper and shone on the courtyard, shining on the treetops at the edge of the courtyard. Those lights made Wang Jianjun, who was walking at night, feel warm and down-to-earth.

Bonus and Zhimin came back from Guannan today, saying that they were taking a two-day break from work, and they came back to see by the way.

The two of them arrived at the house at four o'clock today, and at that time, Xiao'e and the two babies were already on the street.

"Don't say anything in advance when you come back, I'll make you what you want to eat?" Bonus is tanned, but he is still a moon-red man. As soon as he returned, the moon red was very rare.

[217]: Xiao'e and Ganda

"I'll eat what you do." As soon as the bonus entered the door, he didn't sit down, and hurriedly took food out of the army's green canvas bag.

Niu Dan and Yuanyuan looked at the bag with wide eyes, as if it was a treasure chest, no matter what they wanted, the bonus could be taken out of their hair.

"You won't say you want to eat rice and meat?" Xiao Li stood at the door and looked at the bonus, thinking, he is still real, and the purchase is all useful. Unlike Zhimin, he knows how to buy hairpins, buy milk covers, and buy underwear. I don't know what he thinks, so I buy something that makes her embarrassed to say to people.

"What is delicious about rice and meat, I am tired of eating it every day in Guannan. I just want to eat rolled noodles. "Bonus to tell the truth, in Guannan, he wants to eat rolling noodles every day. There are ones sold in restaurants, and he has eaten them once. It's not as good as the moon red rolling, and I'll never eat it again.

"Yuehong, then can you hurry up and roll out the dough for the dividend?" At this time, Yue Xiaoli was wearing the pink breast cover that Zhimin bought for her, and wrapped her arms around his thick body, thinking of what she said to Yuehong during the day, she felt that she was too lazy.

When Zhimin came back, Ju Hong told her to stop cooking, and she really didn't make fireworks. Ju Hong rolled out the table on both sides of the strait and burned an enamel pot of spinach eggs. When the meal was ready, Huifen shouted as she dusted off her handkerchief. Zhimin hugged her and didn't want to get up, humming and chirping. said, "If you don't see each other, you don't see each other for three days." Said, "A long absence is better than a newlywed". He said, "Come and serve her well this night."

[217]: Xiao'e and Ganda

Xiaoli knew that Zhimin loved to read, but when those meaty words came out of his mouth, she still felt ashamed.

Sure enough, when it was dark, before she could pull the lamp, Zhimin took the wax out of the drawer and told her to light it.

"Why don't you wear the clothes I bought you?" Xiaoli lit the wax, and Zhimin stared at her.

"Don't mention it again, make me call Yuehong a joke." When Xiaoli took off her clothes, Zhimin didn't turn her back.

"What's the joke, just her body, I'm afraid I can't wear it if I want to." Zhimin said as he closed the floral curtains that Xiaoli had rolled with a sewing machine .......

Ju Hong walked to the door with two catties of eggs, saw that the lights were on in the house, and was about to shout, listened carefully, and immediately left the eggs at the door and left. Zhimin and Xiao'e are "doing business", and she can't alarm them.

Ever since he came back and lived in the Zamaozi house for a few nights, Frost has always missed him. I also want to get off work when I go to work, and I can't sleep when it gets dark.

During the night (yesterday) Jun Feng received a letter, and the people at the post office rode a bicycle to deliver the letter directly to him. Jun Feng took it apart and looked at it, and breathed a sigh of relief at the moment.

[217]: Xiao'e and Ganda

"Jun Feng, although I love you very much, I still have to break up with you ruthlessly. The twisted melon is not sweet, I don't want to fall in love with a man who has another woman in his heart, it's unfair to me. Tonight, I plucked up the courage to write this letter to you, in addition to proposing to break up, to express my gratitude to you. Thank you for taking care of me ...... in the provincial capital. Jun Feng laughed as he watched, it was best if Frost could think like that, after all, he didn't like her as much as he thought. If they are still together, it will indeed be unfair to her," ...... Hopefully we'll say goodbye. The letter is signed "Frost" at the bottom right, and the time when the letter was written.

Before coming to the kang in the dark, Jun Feng read the letter again, and finally folded it up and put it in an envelope and put it in a drawer. He thought of the sale of electricity on Toushi Street, but Liu Hedgehog did not agree. But he is not a three-year-old baby, he can do whatever he wants, Liu Hedgehog has no right to interfere. The reason why he told him was because he was big, and he had to reassure him. As the saying goes, "a child is worried about a thousand miles of mothers", and now he has become a big guy without a mother, and his closest person is only Liu Liu Hedgehog.

At about two o'clock in the morning, when Jun Feng had just fallen asleep, Xiao'e had a dream. At first, she dreamed of Niu Wa, then dreamed of Liu Qizi and his godmother Qiuyun, and then dreamed of Peony.


[Picture: from the Internet]