
Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

author:Versatile Kitchen

Eat the yellow peel kernel, don't throw it away, it's too powerful to boil it in a pot, the practice of the older generation.

Hello everyone, this is Variety Kitchen. Many friends may not have heard of yellow peel, in fact, yellow peel is a tropical fruit, although this fruit is little known, but it has a rich cultural heritage and unique charm.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Yellow skin, its appearance looks similar to our Longyan, the size is not much different, although similar but the taste is completely different, the color of its peel is also similar to the color of our longan, and the flesh inside is translucent, it tastes sweet and sour, there is a super rich aroma, this aroma, so the yellow skin is a fruit that is not only delicious but also smells good.

And in some places, people will regard the yellow peel as a particularly auspicious fruit, it symbolizes reunion and auspiciousness, and eats the yellow peel in some specific traditional festivals to pray for good wishes and wishes.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

In addition, yellow peel contains a lot of vitamin C and other trace elements and fiber, and eating a little bit regularly has many benefits for the human body.

But after many people eat the yellow skin, they throw away all the yellow shell and the core inside. Like some of the old people in our village, because they understand, they say that the pit of the yellow peel is never thrown in their opinion, and the nutritional value of the pit is higher than that of our flesh itself.

I remember the yellow skin we ate when I was a child, we threw the pits directly on the ground, and my grandmother would pick it up when she saw it. When we saw this scene at the time, we didn't know why, and we didn't know until we grew up that the yellow peel pit had so many uses.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Since I learned the purpose of the yellow box, my family has never thrown away the leftover kernels every time I buy the yellow skin.

I unconsciously hoarded half a bag of yellow peel kernels, poured the shells into a basin, added an appropriate amount of water, and added a little salt, and washed the kernels several times.

After washing the pit, we set it aside to control the moisture a little.

Next, let's prepare a handful of red dates, red dates are very familiar to everyone, and it is also a very auspicious fruit. The jujube is generally divided into dried jujube and our fresh jujube, the common one that can be bought all year round is dried jujube, and the one we want to use today is also dried jujube.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Jujube contains a lot of iron, and eating it often has a lot of benefits for the human body, especially for female friends, it is simply a "gospel". Otherwise, how could the people often hear the saying of "three dates a day"? Isn't this because our jujubes are not only highly nutritious, but also very cheap, who doesn't like cheap things?

Although red dates are good, you can't eat too much at one time, and under normal circumstances, we can prepare a small handful of 3 to 5 pieces.

Pick up a red jujube and see if you can see that the surface is particularly slippery, not to mention slippery, and there are fine grooves one by one, and there are a lot of dirty things in these fine grooves, all of which are hidden here like dirt and dust.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Therefore, when we wash jujubes, if we wash them directly with water, then only the surface of the jujubes will be washed, and we will not be able to touch the dirty things in these ravines and ravines below the surface.

Therefore, when we wash the jujubes, we can first put the jujubes in a bowl in advance and soak them for 5 to 10 minutes, and the jujubes can absorb some water during the soaking process, and in the process of water absorption, these fine grooves will slowly swell, and the stains and dirt in the ditch will also be softened.

In this way, it will be much more convenient for us to clean the soaked red dates, we pour out part of the water, and then add a little flour to it, as well as edible salt, so that we can catch a friend who often eats flour knows that the flour will become sticky after encountering water, so these sticky flour will absorb the dirt inside the fine lines on the surface of the jujube.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Then we rinse the jujube with running tap water several times repeatedly, and after all the flour is washed away, then the dust in it is also cleaned with the flour.

Washed red dates, we can use a straw to remove the middle of the jujube core, and if you feel troublesome, you can also use scissors to cut off the jujube flesh along the edge of the jujube core.

Pitted jujubes, we now put it into the pot, and then add a handful, just now we washed the yellow skin core in, and then add a small handful of rock sugar, that is like usually can't eat sweet, or in the special period of friends who don't eat sweet, then rock sugar does not need to be added, originally our jujube it also has a certain sweetness, but what, if you don't add rock sugar, its taste is slightly lighter.

Then add plenty of water, and every time I cook this soup, I will add 1500ml of water, so you can also choose how much water to use according to the total amount of ingredients you use and the number of people in your family.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Cover the pot with a lid and bring the water to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and cook for 30 minutes.

After boiling, our yellow skin and red date water will be boiled, and we can bring it out while it is hot, and we can also boil the water back and forth 3 to 4 times with the yellow skin core inside. Of course, it can only be in the middle of the day, because if it is put for a long time, then the yellow box will be broken.

And the red dates can be filled with water, all poured into a large glass pot, and then poured into a small cup, drink as much as you want, especially delicious.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Many friends may be most concerned about what is the use of us drinking like this? And seeing this, I believe that most friends already know his usefulness, like this tea, our mother or usually likes to eat seafood, or likes to eat supper, and always eats a round belly before willing to stop drinking friends, very good.

Of course, no matter how good things are, no matter how good the practice, it is not suitable for all friends, so we must see if we can drink it according to our actual situation, and do not blindly follow it.

After our yellow skin and red date soup is boiled, we also told you how to do it, so many friends may be concerned about the remaining yellow skin cores, how should we preserve it? Of course, we clean it all and put it in the sun, and the more dry the water, the longer it is kept.

After drying, we can put it in a sealed bag, or seal it in a sealed jar. Then friends who have conditions can also sprinkle a handful of salt on it, mix the yellow skin core and salt evenly, and then seal and preserve, which can be stored for a longer time.

Don't throw it away when you eat the yellow peel pit, put it in a pot and boil it, it's too powerful, the practice of the older generation

Because of our yellow skin, it is a seasonal fruit, under normal circumstances, after this season, it is difficult to see it again throughout the year, so if we want to store the yellow box, we must be as soon as possible.

As long as you save enough, it is very convenient to use and take it all year round.

So, if you like it, collect it and give it a try! So that's all for today's sharing, we'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye. #头条创作挑战赛#

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