
The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing

author:Shanghai Baoshan

The continuous rain can't stop the upsurge of Baoshan's national fitness movement. Yesterday afternoon, a badminton tournament played by all non-governmental "grassroots players" kicked off in Luodian Town, Baoshan District.

The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing
The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing
The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, the game kicked off at the Jianfengyun Badminton Hall of the Luodian Town Community Cultural Activity Center.

Mr. Ouyang participated in the mixed doubles competition, and he and his partner participated in the first league this year, and as "Xiaobai", they encountered a "round trip". After practice and improvement, this time the two of them made a comeback, entered the second league with a good mentality, and were able to advance in the first game.

The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing
The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing

Mr. Ouyang, a contestant, told reporters: "After participating in the competition for the first time, I felt that I was a little insufficient, and by the second time, I felt that I had improved, so I would participate in it again, as long as I didn't finish at the bottom this time." ”

The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing

Compared with the central urban area and the southern urban area of Baoshan, Luodian Town, located in the northwest of Shanghai, is relatively late in the popularization of badminton, and the mass base of badminton is being cultivated in an effort to cultivate. Since having its own stadium, creating its own brand events, and establishing its own league mechanism, badminton in Luodian Town has developed in full swing.

The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing

The person in charge of the Jianfeng Yunluodian badminton hall said: "Many golfers came to participate in the competition activities here, and everyone felt very good about the lighting, floor glue and other aspects of the stadium. ”

It is understood that this grassroots badminton league has developed into a "Four Seasons Song" in Luodian Town, that is, there will be a competition every quarter, so as to increase the opportunities for "grassroots players" to participate, so that players can feel their progress more clearly through their usual practice and quarterly competitions.

The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing
The grassroots ball game is becoming more and more "noisy", and the badminton sport here in Baoshan is in full swing

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Reporter: Duan Xiaolong, Zhu Jun

Editor: Lu Tianyu

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Baoshan

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