
During the "July 1st" period, the leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty

author:Shanghai Baoshan

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. During the "July 1st" period, Li Chenhao, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Deng Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Acting District Mayor, Li Ping, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Ling Huikang, Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, Lu Yiyi, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, and other leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty, sent them cordial condolences and sincere blessings, and thanked them for their outstanding contributions to the party and the country.

During the "July 1st" period, the leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty

At the home of veteran party member Qiu Xueyin, Li Chenhao asked her about her life and physical condition. Qiu Xueyin has been a party member for 46 years, suffers from a variety of chronic diseases, and has a difficult life, but at the same time actively participates in and supports various community activities, and has been awarded the Shanghai 38 Red Flag Bearer. Li Chenhao paid tribute to Qiu Xueyin, who made positive contributions to the development and construction of the country when he was in office, and still exerted his residual heat after retirement, and played a good role as a pioneer and exemplary party member in the grassroots of the community, serving and guiding the majority of residents while also setting an example for young party members. Li Chenhao said that the older generation of party members has laid a solid foundation for today's development, and we must learn from the old party members and pay tribute to them, and carry forward and inherit the revolutionary spirit. Li Chenhao hoped that he would take care of his health, and that the staff of the community and relevant departments would also help solve the difficulties and problems encountered in life, so that the old party members could truly feel the care of the party and the government.

During the "July 1st" period, the leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty

At the home of Shao Minqi, a party member in difficulty, Deng Xiaodong extended cordial condolences to him and inquired about his physical condition and living conditions. The 82-year-old Shao Minqi is still in good spirits, and after 57 years of joining the party, he still cares about serving the community after retirement, and serves as the building team leader in the corridor where he works. Deng Xiaodong thanked him for his outstanding contributions to the country's development and construction, and learned that he needed to take care of his lover who was suffering from illness, and that his monthly medical expenses were large and his life was difficult. At the same time, the community and relevant departments are required to always care about the demands of old party members and effectively bring the care and concern of the party and the government to them.

During the "July 1st" period, the leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty

At the home of Zhou Gendi, a party member in difficulty, Li Ping learned more about her life and physical condition. Zhou Gendi has been a party member for 28 years, and although her life is more difficult, she actively participates in party organization activities and is committed to community service. Li Ping expressed her appreciation for Zhou Gendi's vanguard and exemplary role as a party member in the community, and instructed her to report to the party organization if she had difficulties. Li Ping demanded that the town and neighborhood committees should always pay attention to the lives of party members and people in difficulty, conscientiously study the assistance policy, and solve their worries and difficulties with practical measures.

During the "July 1st" period, the leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty

At the home of He Minglu, a party member in difficulty, Ling Huikang asked him about his physical condition and living conditions. He Minglu has 51 years of party experience, and after retirement, he still actively participates in community public welfare activities. At present, he needs long-term medication and his life is difficult. Ling Huikang encouraged him to maintain a good attitude, and the community and relevant departments should listen carefully to the voices of party members who are in difficulty, effectively help solve practical difficulties, do more practical and good things to help in the snow, and do a good job in various guarantees with heart and affection.

During the "July 1st" period, the leaders of the four sets of teams in the district visited the old party members and party members in difficulty

At the home of the martyr's bereaved family Du Jun, Lu Yiyi inquired in detail about his living situation and physical condition, Du Jun's father Du Shaomin was a soldier who had participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Du Jun is a veteran who has been awarded as an advanced worker many times, and he is also a good neighbor in the community and actively participates in community governance. Lu Yiyi told the relevant staff to care more about their lives and convey the care and help of the party organization.

Reporter: Song Fanqiang, Wang Yun, Shen Yan, Zhao Yuang, Li Tao, Sun Xiaochen

Editor: Song Ge

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Baoshan