
The appearance of Chinese aircraft carriers around the Philippines sent a strong deterrent signal to the United States and the Philippines!

author:Comment on the school captain

The Chinese Navy has a dimensionality reduction crushing advantage over the Philippine Navy.

In previous maritime conflicts between China and the Philippines, China's law enforcement forces were basically coast guards, and in fact, China's coast guard has surpassed the Philippine Navy's combat power.

As a result, recently the 055 drive of the Chinese Navy has also appeared many times in the waters of the Philippines such as the Sulu Sea. You must know that the combat power of the entire Philippine Navy may not be able to catch up with the combat power of a 055 destroyer.

Now the Shandong aircraft carrier fleet has been dispatched, although it is to carry out a routine patrol mission in the western Pacific, but it is not believed that it is not a deterrent fool when it is a walk around the door of the Philippine monkey's house.

It stands to reason that a cattle slaughtering knife is used to kill pigs, but China has shown a cattle slaughtering knife, so the real purpose is not only to deter the Philippine monkey, because he is not qualified, but to deter the US Navy behind the Philippines.

The appearance of Chinese aircraft carriers around the Philippines sent a strong deterrent signal to the United States and the Philippines!

In addition, the Southern Theater also published pictures of the night training of H-6 bombers.

The H-6 bomber took off with four YJ-21 hypersonic missiles on a full load, and this full-load configuration diagram was officially announced for the first time.

The appearance of Chinese aircraft carriers around the Philippines sent a strong deterrent signal to the United States and the Philippines!

This way of mounting the H-6K is for anti-ship strikes.

A bomber regiment can carry up to 80-90 rounds of YJ-21 missiles, which is enough to pack two fully equipped carrier strike groups.

With a range of more than 1,000 km, this missile can be launched and attacked outside the range of the carrier-based aircraft of a US aircraft carrier. Even at this distance, it is difficult for carrier-based AWACS aircraft to discover the specific position of surface ships, and they can only be discovered by optical reconnaissance satellites.

The key point is that this anti-ship missile flies at 6 times the speed of sound throughout the whole process, and the speed of the terminal attack stage can reach Mach 10, and it is another attack on the top, and the US military really has no effective means to intercept it at present.

The appearance of Chinese aircraft carriers around the Philippines sent a strong deterrent signal to the United States and the Philippines!

In fact, the deterrent power of the H-6 with the YJ-21 hypersonic missile is stronger than that of Shandong in a sense.

Even if the H-6K bomber carries 4 YJ-21s, its own combat radius plus the range of the YJ-21 can reach a total combat radius of nearly 3,000 kilometers. In this way, the strike range already covers the entire territory of the South China Sea, and in wartime it can ensure the destruction of any large fleet entering the South China Sea.

The two-pronged attack by the PLA aircraft carrier bombers this time is obviously a deterrence exercise aimed at the US Navy.

The appearance of Chinese aircraft carriers around the Philippines sent a strong deterrent signal to the United States and the Philippines!

(The activity route of the Shandong ship in the past few days)

This year, the US Navy's aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt and allies such as Australia and Japan have conducted several joint military exercises against China in the South China Sea to support the Philippines.

It is precisely with the support of the West that the Philippines dares to continue to carry out rampant provocations in the South China Sea.

The appearance of Chinese aircraft carriers around the Philippines sent a strong deterrent signal to the United States and the Philippines!

Since May, the Southern Theater of the People's Liberation Army has successively dispatched large ships including 055, 071, and 075 to be deployed near islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

The joint deterrence operation of the Shandong warship and the H-6 bomber shows that the PLA is ready to deal with all emergencies.

This is not only a powerful response to the recent provocation of the Philippines, but also a serious deterrent and warning to the US Navy!

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