
A good interpersonal relationship, in addition to interests, is more about mutual achievement

author:Xiao Ming talks about emotions

Someone once said: "A good interpersonal relationship, in addition to interests, is more about mutual achievement, mutual warmth, what makes people comfortable at the beginning must be language, and what makes people comfortable later must be character." ”

A very realistic passage, in life, we all need to deal with people. If we want to manage our relationships with others. This needs to be understood.

More often than not, people need to achieve each other. If we always like to tear down the stage, we can achieve ourselves by blocking others. In the end, we can only narrow things down.

A good interpersonal relationship, in addition to interests, is more about mutual achievement

As the old saying goes: "The weak step on each other, it is difficult to move an inch, and the strong help each other and cross others and themselves." ”

Similar things are common in our lives. It's like the story in a movie "Green Book" that I watched before tells us that people need to achieve each other.

It's like Don Sherley, a black pianist in it, who is a successful pianist, but because of his race, he is not treated well by others.

The story begins when he starts to go on tour. But because there were a lot of problems he had to solve, for which he decided to find a driver and bodyguards.

After looking for a long time, there was only one reason named Tony Lip to accept his job. The two were not happy when they first met.

The pianist thinks his bodyguard and driver are not professional enough, and the bodyguard thinks he is too fastidious. It was in this atmosphere that the two of them began a journey.

A good interpersonal relationship, in addition to interests, is more about mutual achievement

In the process of getting along with the two people, the relationship between the two people also began to change. The two began to understand each other constantly. It's as if Tony Lip didn't discriminate against him because of his appearance.

It is in this process of continuous understanding that the two people slowly build trust and friendship. It's like there is a scene in the movie where Tony buys his favorite fried chicken halfway through, and then shoehorns the fried chicken to him despite Don's refusal.

Then Don took a cautious bite, and Tony asked him how he felt, and he said it was fine, but it didn't feel very hygienic. Then Tony said something very contagious:

"Just relax and enjoy."

"You work hard, laugh when you laugh, and enjoy it as if it were your last meal when you eat."

As a result, Don was successfully assimilated by Tony, and he began to let himself go, and even did what he couldn't do, which was to throw the leftover chicken bones out of the car.

A good interpersonal relationship, in addition to interests, is more about mutual achievement

Slowly, the relationship between the two people also began to get better, and their lives began to change. It's as if Tony's family has improved what was already a bad relationship with Don's help. And Don, under the influence of Tony, began to be brave enough to be himself. And this is actually the mutual achievement of two people.

Yes, the relationship between people is not only about interests and competition, but more often about mutual achievement. This is true between relatives, lovers, friends, and colleagues.

If you always pull high and step low, and always dismantle each other's platforms, then there is no winner in this relationship. As the old saying goes, "Those who love love to return, and those who are blessed are blessed." ”

It means that those who give love will also receive love in return, and those who give blessings to others will also receive blessings in return.

Indeed, many times people who like to stumble on others and tear down others will end up pitting themselves. Because his pattern is only so big, even if he has the opportunity to be by his side, he can't see it, and others won't remind him.

A good interpersonal relationship, in addition to interests, is more about mutual achievement

As someone said: "Demolishing other people's platforms is nothing but digging a hole for yourself." Blocking other people's roads is only blocking the way for yourself. ”

After all, people are never alone in each other, and only mutual help can make each other's path wider and wider. Because how you treat others, how others will respect you in return.

Therefore, we should all know that the best relationship between people, in addition to interests, needs to achieve each other more often. Only in this way can we achieve a win-win situation. You say yes or no.

Text: Ming Fusheng

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