
Since July, the new regulations for electric vehicles have been implemented, and owners of two-wheeled, three-wheeled, and four-wheeled vehicles should pay attention

author: Longnan Wen County released

At present, the electric vehicle market, whether it is an electric two-wheeler, a three-wheeler or a four-wheeler, has ushered in a more standardized management. For car owners, there are many requirements in travel. It can be said that every month, there will be some new policies for electric vehicles issued in different regions, and today I will give you an inventory, starting from July 2024, what new regulations will be ushered in in the national electric vehicle market, two-wheeled, three-wheeled, four-wheeled vehicles, car owners should pay attention.

New requirements for non-standard electric bicycles on the road

Since July, the new regulations for electric vehicles have been implemented, and owners of two-wheeled, three-wheeled, and four-wheeled vehicles should pay attention

The "Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Electric Bicycle Management Measures" clearly stipulates that non-standard electric bicycles are subject to a three-year transition period of management; After the expiration of the transition period, you are not allowed to drive on the road. Xinjiang Korla is calculated according to the three-year transition period, and it is clear that from July 1, 2024, non-standard electric bicycles are strictly prohibited from driving on the road.

New requirements for electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles that have not been registered and filed on the road

Since July, the new regulations for electric vehicles have been implemented, and owners of two-wheeled, three-wheeled, and four-wheeled vehicles should pay attention

Shizuishan City, Ningxia has made it clear that from July 1, 2024, non-standard electric three-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles that have not been registered on the road will be seized in accordance with the law.

Unregistered tricycles are not allowed on the road

Taking into account the actual situation, Qujing, Yunnan Province has recently adopted record number management for tricycles that are in use but cannot be registered and do not meet the scrapping standards. In accordance with local requirements, the filing deadline is June 30, 2024. From July 1, 2027, unregistered tricycles will be banned.

Since July, the new regulations for electric vehicles have been implemented, and owners of two-wheeled, three-wheeled, and four-wheeled vehicles should pay attention

The above is the beginning of July, the new policy of electric vehicles to be implemented in various places, through a series of regulations it is not difficult to find that the management of electric vehicles will only become more and more strict in the future. For car owners, driving electric two, three, four-wheeled vehicles on the road, the most important thing is to get a good license, take a good driver's license, at present, many places to unlicensed and unlicensed, driving does not conform to the investigation and punishment of illegal acts are still very large. What do you think about the successive formulation of new regulations for electric vehicles in various places to regulate travel? Welcome to leave a message to communicate.

Source: Electric Vehicle Business Review

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