
Sydney and it are "golden partners"! Eating like this dissolves phlegm and moistens the lungs

author: Longnan Wen County released

Sydney, the "sweet princess" of the fruit world, has the reputation of "moistening the lungs and dissolving phlegm" in traditional Chinese medicine; And when it is paired with certain ingredients, it is like a golden partner, exerting a more excellent health effect; Today, we are going to talk about Sydney's "golden partners" and how they play an important role in our daily lives;

First of all, let's talk about one of Sydney's "golden partners" - honey; Honey is known as a natural sweetener, which can not only add sweetness to Sydney, but also enhance its moisturizing effect; The natural sugars and trace elements in honey can help our body better absorb the nutrients in Sydney, so as to achieve a better phlegm and lung moisturizing effect;

Next is the combination of Sydney and ginger; Ginger is a common condiment, and it is also a Chinese herbal medicine; The gingerol in ginger has a good diverging effect, which can help our body dispel cold, and when paired with Sydney, it can relieve cough and throat discomfort caused by cold;

Sydney and it are "golden partners"! Eating like this dissolves phlegm and moistens the lungs

Let's talk about white fungus, its combination with Sydney pear can be said to be a good product for beauty and beauty; Tremella is rich in gum, which can moisturize the skin, and when eaten with Sydney, it can not only moisturize the lungs, but also bring additional nourishment to the skin;

Sydney and it are "golden partners"! Eating like this dissolves phlegm and moistens the lungs

Of course, we can't ignore red dates; In traditional Chinese medicine, jujube is believed to have the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the nerves; When jujube is combined with Sydney, it can not only enhance the lung moisturizing effect of Sydney, but also provide more energy and nutrients for the body;

However, while we enjoy these delicious pairings, we should also pay attention to the right amount; Excessive consumption may cause discomfort in the body, such as excessive honey intake may cause blood sugar fluctuations, and ginger's spicy properties may irritate the gastrointestinal tract;

When faced with small problems in the body, we should first consider adjusting our diet and lifestyle habits; For example, if you feel an irritation in your throat, you can try boiling water with pears and honey. If you feel weak, you can eat some red dates to replenish your strength; But the most important thing is that we should mix food reasonably according to our physical condition to achieve the best health results;

Finally, let's share a medical trivia related to Sydney: Sydney contains a substance called "pectin", which can help our body better absorb vitamins and minerals from other fruits and vegetables;

When enjoying the health benefits brought by Sydney, we should also face it rationally and pay attention to overall health management; Remember, diet is only one part of health management, proper exercise and good lifestyle habits are just as important; Let's use scientific methods together to enjoy a healthy life!

When we encounter symptoms such as throat discomfort and phlegm, we can choose to eat Sydney, a natural ingredient, to alleviate it; Sydney pear is paired with other ingredients, such as white fungus, rock sugar, etc., which can have the effect of dissolving phlegm and moistening the lungs; However, please note that dietary therapy is only an adjunct, if the symptoms are severe or persistent,

Sydney and it are "golden partners"! Eating like this dissolves phlegm and moistens the lungs

Source: Healthy Gastronomy

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