
After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

author:Zeng Xiaojie

Recently, the news that Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old national badminton player from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, accidentally fainted in the Indonesian arena and finally died shocked the global badminton community, and the news spread to China, causing heated discussions among netizens.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

On July 1, the badminton Asian Youth Championships team competition arrived as scheduled, but unfortunately there was no figure of themselves, and the people present mourned for Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death.

Zhang Zhijie was a promising star of Chinese badminton before his death, a genius and a young man who became famous. However, in what should have been a glorious match, he suddenly fell to the ground, and sadly, this young life fell.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

It is reported that Zhang Zhijie, who was born in 2007, began to contact badminton in the kindergarten class, entered the provincial team in the third grade of primary school, and just entered the national youth team last year, and won the singles championship in many games.

In response, Zhang Zhijie's sister posted on social media questioning the timeliness and effectiveness of medical treatment. She said that after Zhijie fainted, the medical staff at the scene did not immediately carry out first aid measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but wasted precious golden treatment time in the transfer process.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

It is understood that Zhang Zhijie was obedient and self-disciplined when he was a child, and loved badminton since he was a child, and Zhang Zhijie's mother Ms. Jiang worked in a shopping mall in Jiaxing, Zhejiang.

When Ms. Jiang heard the sad news of her son's death, she couldn't stand the blow and fell ill and was hospitalized at that time. Zhang Zhijie's uncle, Mr. Wang, revealed that Zhang Zhijie's father died at an early age, and Zhang Zhijie's mother raised the siblings alone. Now that white-haired people send black-haired people, no one can accept this reality.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

On Ms. Jiang's personal social account, there is also a picture of her son's 17th birthday on January 30 this year, and on this year's Women's Day, Ms. Jiang also happily posted a gift from her son and daughter. In daily life, Ms. Jiang will post photos of her son winning medals from time to time, with the caption "not arrogant, not impatient, keep up the good work".

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

Son Zhang Zhijie has just received a notice to be sent to college, and his daughter has just graduated from college, this mother is very great, but unfortunately God is jealous of talent, and the death of her son makes this mother unacceptable.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

A few days ago, the relevant departments made the rescue situation public at the time of the incident.

The Chinese Badminton Association issued a statement on July 1, expressing deep condolences for Zhang Zhijie's death and detailing the rescue situation at the time of the incident.

According to the association, after Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the game, he immediately received the attention and first aid of all the personnel on the field, including the leader of the Chinese team, the coach and the medical personnel of the organizing committee of the event.

Despite the best efforts of the medical team, Zhang Zhijie eventually died after being taken to the hospital. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Indonesia also actively provided support to ensure that all efforts could be made for Zhang Zhijie.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

As for the specific reasons that led to Zhang Zhijie's sudden collapse, it has not yet been fully clarified. The Chinese Badminton Association has been in close contact with the BWF Asia and the relevant departments in Indonesia to further understand the truth behind the incident. Zhang Zhijie's family and relatives were also supported and arranged at the first time, and their grief and loss were beyond words.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

Subsequent investigations and expert analysis showed that Zhang Zhijie may have been caused by sudden cardiac death, which is uncommon among athletes, but it happens from time to time. Experts point out that heart problems in sports can flare up without warning, so it's important to monitor athletes' health and take emergency measures.

Back in 2019, the well-known artist Gao Yixiang fainted during participating in the variety show "Chase Me", and finally died after being sent to the hospital at the age of 35.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

At that time, a similar controversy was triggered, that is, it was questioned that the rescue was not timely, resulting in the missed golden rescue time.

And Gao Yixiang's parents rushed to the scene of the incident, and the haggard faces of the two also attracted attention from the outside world. Gao Yixiang's father passed away last year, and the age he lived was not too old, in his 70s.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

The white-haired person is the most uncomfortable to send the black-haired person, not to mention that the deceased is so young and so good.

At this moment of grief and reflection, Zhang Zhijie's death is a wake-up call, reminding us to always maintain a high degree of vigilance and responsibility in sports competitions and first aid treatment. It is hoped that the relevant authorities can learn from this and strengthen the safety measures on the field to ensure that every athlete can perform their talents in a safe environment.

Although Zhang Zhijie died young, his badminton dream and hard work will forever be engraved in people's hearts. May the deceased rest in peace, cherish the living, let us work together to escort the dreams of every young person, and let sports become the sunshine and hope for growth.

After the sudden death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, the rescue details were announced, and Zhang Zhijie's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

May Zhang Zhijie continue to chase his unfulfilled dreams in heaven, and may his family find strength and support in their grief. Although his badminton years are short, they shine like a meteor and will never be extinguished.

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