
Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Yang Jinying

July 1 is the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. On June 30, a Jimu News reporter saw on the streets of Hong Kong that it was lit up and filled with a festive atmosphere. Among them, the "Thousands of Meteorological Views of China: Victoria Garden Celebrates the Return of the Garden" event was held in Victoria Park, Causeway Bay, and both local citizens and tourists came to watch the exhibition.

Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received

The streets of Hong Kong are hung with national and regional flags, many huge propaganda posters are decorated between buildings, and colorful flags with the words "Warmly celebrate the 27 th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland" and "Develop new productive forces and enhance international competitiveness" are fluttering on the roadside, and the festive atmosphere is very strong.

Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received

In addition, Hong Kong has hosted a series of exciting and diverse celebrations. From June 29th to July 2nd, with the theme of "China through Thousands of Weathers", the Hong Kong Celebrations Committee held an exhibition in Victoria Park entitled "China through Thousands of Weathers: Victoria Park Celebrates the Return of the People's Republic of China". The exhibition area is divided into six themes, "Splendid Rivers and Mountains", "Cultural Tourism World", "Innovation and Technology Rejuvenation of Hong Kong", "Cool Summer", "Healthy Bay Area" and "Fragrance World", with booths in Shaanxi, Ningxia, Sichuan, Liaoning and other places, with exhibits of local customs and specialties, traditional cultural products, intangible cultural heritage, etc.

Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received

The free stamping and text rubbing experience activities of the Shaanxi booth attracted many citizens, and the visitors competed to collect stamps. According to the staff, by about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, all the stamps had been distributed.

The Liaoning booth has intangible cultural heritage products such as Shenyang Sugar Man and Lingyuan Shadow Puppet. The intangible cultural heritage craftsmen of the sugar man showed off the production skills of the sugar man on the spot, attracting onlookers to take photos and check in. At the scene, the audience can also experience Lingyuan shadow puppetry. According to the staff, these shadow puppets were brought by them from Liaoning Province, and they were made by more than 10 crafts, hoping that Hong Kong citizens could also feel the charm of traditional culture from thousands of miles away.

Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received
Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received
Hong Kong celebrates the 27th anniversary of its return to the motherland: the street festival atmosphere is strong, and the exhibition held by Victoria Park is well received

One of the local residents in his 70s told reporters that he had come to watch the exhibition and felt that he had worked hard to arrange the exhibition. He also bought Ningxia's specialty wolfberry juice, "I have never seen this flavor, try it, and also support the exhibition." ”

(Source: Jimu News)

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