
Submit the content of the circle of friends to the newspaper, and it will be published the next day

author:Tang Xiaoxiao writes easily and efficiently

Text/Moon Creek

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I accidentally found that my bank card had received a manuscript fee.

When I saw that it was sent by Guilin Daily, I thought about it, oh, it turned out to be the essay I voted in January.

A few days later, I received another essay on WeChat.

The manuscript fee is not much, counting down one K80 and one K100.

A little money is money, and a little adds up.

Receiving manuscript fees from time to time is a unique joy for writers!

This year, I participated in the little teacher's annual card running camp, 1-4 months my writing part-time salary + manuscript fee, the income is okay, for the big coffee this little money is nothing, but for me, the writing side job can have this income very happy. I plan to take the baby out to travel for 8 or 9 days during the summer vacation, and the baby is very conscious of studying harder.

Let me share with you my 3 writing and submission experiences.

1. It is easier to write articles following hot topics

No matter what platform you have, it's easier to attract the attention of editors by starting from hot topics.

Because hotspots are born with their own traffic.

What is a Hotspot?

When your circle of friends is swiped by a certain topic, then this topic is at least very hot in the local area, at this time, you should be fast, cut from this hot spot, and quickly write a manuscript to submit to the local newspaper, and the probability of submission is very high.

Take my essay "It's Snowing in Guilin" as an example, on January 22, it snowed in Guilin, and it was a carnival for the little potatoes in the south.

Videos of snow, snow scenes, and pictures of snowmen swiping the screen of friends.

As a writer, I realize what a good writing material this is, and I must grasp this hot topic.

So, I hurriedly flipped through the circle of friends, and wrote the sighs and snow scenes of the circle of friends with the title of "It's snowing in Guilin", which was the most used by people, and quickly completed a 1100-word essay.

The manuscript submitted at 3 p.m. on January 22 was published in the Guilin Evening News the next day. Leisure column.

Submit the content of the circle of friends to the newspaper, and it will be published the next day

In fact, this is not only the case for supplements, but also for platforms. Many of the friends in the writing group operate their own accounts, and they are currently doing more on official accounts and headlines.

I've observed for a long time, and writing drama reviews or hot entertainment reviews of hit dramas is easier to get traffic.

You know, traffic equals revenue.

For example, in May, "My Altay" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2" were on the air, and many friends wrote reviews of this drama, or wrote from this drama, and published many popular articles of 10W+ or even 100W+.

And this month, "The Story of Rose" exploded, and the traffic was better when writing a review of this drama or a draft of related characters.

Writers need to keep a keen sense of smell at all times, pay attention to every dynamic in society, and look for topics that can resonate with readers.

Only in this way can the written article stand out and become indispensable in the hearts of readers.

The manuscripts received by newspapers and periodicals are closely related to hot topics and seasons.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, Father's Day, Mother's Day, write which time period of the manuscript.

Writing summer-related manuscripts in the summer is definitely easier than writing in the winter.

Just like my article "It's Snowing in Guilin", I will definitely not be able to submit it now.

The same is true for other platforms, and it is easier to keep up with hot topics.

2. With a goal, there is endless material to write

Contributing to newspapers and magazines was an idea that came to me when I was in a class with Ms. Qian Meijing in January.

Because I have to go to work, I am still a dual-income family with a baby, and I don't have much spare time, so I can't do daily changes if I operate my own account.

So when I joined the annual card camp, my goal was to focus on submissions, focusing on short stories.

The review improvement class has just opened, and Ms. Qian Meijing asked us to send her a self-introduction in the small class group, and she will give different suggestions according to the situation.

There should be many students in the writing group who, like me, mainly submit papers.

However, I found that there are many fewer receiving platforms nowadays, and it is difficult to earn manuscript fees.

In terms of public accounts, compared with 2016-2020, there are indeed not many accounts received now, especially small and medium-sized accounts.

Teacher Qian Meijing told us that you can consider paper media, many newspapers and magazines across the country accept manuscripts, and the genre types are also relatively wide, such as essays, essays, book reviews, poems, travelogues, short stories, etc., and the manuscript fee is also good.

Not to mention, everyone's provincial and municipal newspapers, supplements or some thematic columns are basically accepted externally, and the manuscript fee is generally 80-150 yuan per thousand words.

Not only local newspapers can be submitted, but many newspapers are not limited to regions and can be voted nationwide.

If the content of the article is more in line with the local customs, it will be submitted to the local newspaper, which is easier to pass.

If the content of the article works all over the country, find a company with a high manuscript fee.

For those who mainly contribute to my work, there are many submission platforms, which is a particularly motivating thing to write.

Mr. Qian told us in the group what kind of stories can be submitted to which official accounts, how to submit newspapers and magazines, and sent us many examples.

The tonality of the research platform is written according to the examples, which is easier to pass the manuscript.

What's more, with a goal, you can find materials by goal.

It can be said that with a goal, different materials have different processing methods.

For example, a friend said in the group: I bought a piece of tender tofu and was going to make egg tofu soup, but when I got home, I found that the tender tofu was gone.

From this sentence, several articles can be cut.

Submit an essay to the newspaper and write a food family essay about tofu.

The story of the official account, you can write a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law article: The mother-in-law was driven back to the urban village by her daughter-in-law because she did not steam the egg and tofu soup, but she didn't expect the village to catch up with the demolition, and the daughter-in-law turned her head and begged her mother-in-law to move in with her.

Zhihu Brain Hole Short Story:

I saved a tofu essence, the boxy white and chubby tofu essence is a useless spirit, living by eating the tears of remorse of scumbags, eating one drop a year can live, only I can see it, and I am entangled by it.

I wanted to turn around and leave.

But the tofu essence said, "If you can make it eat a scumbag tear every year, it will give me a small goal every year"


3. Writing ability is an eternal dividend

The tide of the self-media era is constantly surging, and the dividends of various platforms are like meteors, dazzling and short-lived.

Paper media, public accounts, knowledge, short videos, Xiaohongshu, and then to the recent popular short dramas, the dividends of various platforms are constantly changing.

But as long as you have writing ability, no matter which platform is popular or what type of article is popular, it is just a combination of the tonality of the platform to adjust the writing structure and style, and you can always catch up with wave after wave of dividends.

As far as I am concerned, from the original writing of official account story submissions, to having a fixed part-time income every month as a Xiaohongshu, and now focusing on Zhihu and Tomato short stories, I deeply feel that it is the most important thing to persist and polish my writing ability.

Only by polishing one's writing ability, the dividend will never expire, and those who are prepared will always have the ability to wait for the outlet, rather than waiting for the outlet to come and then improve their ability.

About the Author:

Yuexi, a student of Tang Xiaoxiao's writing class.

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