
Select the newspaper for ID card registration


In the mainland, the main purpose of ID card publication is to prevent the loss or theft of ID card, by publishing a statement in the newspaper, declaring that the original ID card is invalid, so as to protect personal rights and interests, when choosing a newspaper, the following factors should be considered:

Select the newspaper for ID card registration

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online newspaper service provided by the WeChat mini-program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online newspaper registration from newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Handle] Mini Program in WeChat.

Submit the request and select the report according to the requirements in the Mini Program:

1. Lost report, loss report, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

Select the newspaper for ID card registration

1. The scope of the newspaper's circulation

When choosing a newspaper, you should first consider the scope of distribution of the newspaper, and you should choose a provincial or municipal newspaper in the place where the ID card is lost or where the household registration is located, because after the ID card is lost, the criminals may use it locally, so the local newspaper statement can be conveyed to the units and individuals that may be involved more quickly.

2. The circulation of newspapers

Select the newspaper for ID card registration

Circulation is an important indicator to measure the influence of newspapers, choosing newspapers with a larger circulation can allow more readers to see the newspaper statement, improve the dissemination effect of the statement, newspapers with large circulation often have a higher reputation, and are more likely to be recognized by relevant units.

3. The type of newspaper

At present, newspapers in mainland China can be divided into various types, such as party newspapers, metropolitan newspapers, and professional newspapers.

(1) Party newspapers: Party newspapers have high authority and influence, and the statements published in the newspapers are more likely to be recognized by government departments, enterprises and institutions. "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", etc.

(2) Metropolis Daily: Metropolis Daily is rich in content and has a wide readership, and its statements are easy to be followed by ordinary citizens. "Beijing Evening News", "Guangzhou Daily", etc.

(3) Professional newspapers: newspapers issued for specific industries or fields, such as legal newspapers, financial newspapers, etc., which have a high influence in specific fields.

4. Newspaper publication fee

The cost of newspaper publication is another factor that needs to be considered when choosing a newspaper, the cost of publication varies from newspaper to newspaper, the larger the circulation and the higher the popularity of the newspaper, the higher the cost of publication, in the case of limited budget, you can appropriately compare the cost of publication of different newspapers, and choose a newspaper with high cost performance.

5. The newspaper publication process

Understanding the newspaper publication process can help improve the efficiency of the newspaper, and there may be differences in the publication process of different newspapers, mainly including the following links:

(1) Submit the application: Submit the application for ID card publication to the editorial department of the newspaper, including the identity certificate, the content of the newspaper, etc.

(2) Review: The editorial department of the newspaper will review the submitted application and arrange for publication after confirmation.

(3) Payment: Pay the newspaper fee according to the fee standard stipulated by the newspaper.

(4) Newspaper: The newspaper publishes the newspaper statement at the agreed time and layout.

6. The quality of the newspaper's service

When choosing a newspaper, we should also pay attention to the service quality of the newspaper, a newspaper with good service quality will provide detailed guidance in the process of publishing the newspaper to ensure that the newspaper is carried out smoothly, and the newspaper with good service quality will provide corresponding after-sales service after the newspaper, such as newspaper certificates, invoices, etc.

When choosing a newspaper for ID card publication, you should fully consider factors such as the scope of circulation, circulation, newspaper type, newspaper cost, newspaper process and service quality, and choose a newspaper that suits your needs through comparative analysis, so as to ensure that the newspaper statement can play the greatest role and protect personal rights and interests.

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