
The party flag flutters high on the front line of the grassroots ("I am a party member, I am at the post")

author:Good friends on the 986 road


The party flag flutters high on the front line of the grassroots ("I am a party member, I am at the post")

Picture (1): Zhao Yuefang (left) instructs villagers to raise seedlings in the field.  Photo by Wang Shaoyun (2): Ma Liangwu (left) conducts voltage test on signal equipment.  Photo by Wen Yi (3): Xia Yu (middle) and his colleagues research the project design scheme.  Photo courtesy of the Publicity and Internet Information Bureau of Xiong'an New Area Figure (4): Huang Qiang (right) instructs the new driver on the door machine.  Photo by Xu Jun (5): Wang Hui (left) communicates with the elderly in the community.  Photo by Long Lei

  In the main battlefield of reform and development, at the forefront of serving the masses, the majority of party members and cadres have been loyal to the party and love for the masses, taking responsibility, doing solid work, uniting the people with outstanding achievements, and letting the party flag fly high on the front line of the grassroots level. On the occasion of "July 1st", this edition selects 5 grassroots party members to tell readers their stories of struggle.

  -- The editor

  "Choose a city, build a dream"

  Reporter Zhang Yang

  Under the scorching sun, in a newly built school in Xiong'an New District, Hebei Province, Xia Yuzheng, secretary of the Party branch and president of the Xiong'an Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, led the design team to choose the color of the wall paint with the construction party. They have been here four or five times before, and they have carefully selected to create a comfortable learning environment for the students.

  In fact, people are the same, they will face many choices in their lives. How to choose is a test of the original intention. In the past seven or eight years, Xia Yu has made her own choices again and again.

  In 2017, after the news of the establishment of Xiong'an New Area was released, Xia Yu submitted a letter of intent as soon as possible. I am already the backbone of the business in the original unit, do I have to go? Who will take care of the elderly and children in the family? Starting a business is difficult, do you have confidence? There are many practical problems in front of us, but Xia Yu's attitude is very resolute: "Urban construction, planning first." The construction of Xiong'an New Area is a millennium plan and a national event, I am in the planning and design industry, and I must go! ”

  When I first arrived in Xiong'an New Area, the office conditions were very simple, and even the office supplies were brought by myself. The work is very difficult, and there is no precedent for planning and construction here.

  "If there is no road in front of you, then jump out of the way." Xia Yu and his colleagues worked hard to carry out a "carpet" investigation, which lasted 4 months, from the appearance of the village to the environment and geography, and the local humanities, and recorded the situation of 33 towns and 637 villages in detail, and compiled more than 30 volumes of written materials.

  During that time, they were busy with research during the day and research at night, looking for direction from the spirit of the Party Central Committee and gaps from international advanced standards, and sketching the blueprint of the "City of the Future" one by one. The planning materials and opinions written by them have been widely adopted in the "1+4+26" high-standard and high-quality planning system of Xiong'an New Area. They also further sorted out the "Planning Outline of Hebei Xiong'an New Area", translated the deployment requirements and development concepts into technical language and index parameters, and compiled the "Xiong'an New Area Planning Technical Guide", which provided a strong basis for engineering design and construction.

  From blueprints to real scenes, the summer rain does not stop for a moment. She and her colleagues went to the construction site again and again to provide professional and technical services.

  The station is the window of the city. Xiong'an Station, there is photovoltaic power generation on the top of the station, an urban corridor underground, and a city park under the high-speed rail bridge. At the beginning of construction, some experts disagreed. "At the debate, I argued with reason. When I think that this is a high-speed rail station in the 'city of the future', to achieve high quality, high standards and high levels, and to be responsible for history, I can't help it. If you should fight, you have to fight, and if you can do more, you can do more. Xia Yu said.

  Over the years, the "City of the Future" has grown jointly, and Xia Yu has also encountered many good personal development opportunities, but she has never taken it to heart. She said: "I just want to do the tasks assigned to me by the organization, do the cause I love well, and do it without hesitation, and do it in a down-to-earth manner." Party members and cadres should be pure, this is my understanding of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility. ”

  She sold the house in Shijiazhuang and took deep roots in the hot land of Xiong'an; I donated all my books to the unit, "the Planning Institute is my home". She has been thinking about how to strengthen the echelon construction of talents in the Planning Institute, how to promote the intelligent and information-based development of the planning and design industry, and inject more lasting and stronger vitality into the "City of the Future".

  "It is a great blessing to choose a city, build a dream, and to be able to participate in this great cause. In order to create a wonderful future, my colleagues and I will do our best and give everything. Xia Yu said.

  "Do the people's affairs one by one"

  Reporter Zhao Cheng

  "Grandma Wang, I'm here!" As soon as school ended on Friday, Ma Zihao, who was in the third grade, jumped to the Peony Community Party and Mass Service Center to attend the "four-and-a-half class", and when he entered the building, he pushed open the door of Wang Hui's office, poked out half of his head and asked, "What is delicious today?" ”

  The "Grandma Wang" in Ma Zihao's mouth is Wang Hui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Peony Community, Santaizi Street, Huanggu District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. "I know I have snacks here." Wang Hui said with a smile while taking the candy.

  Calligraphy, model airplanes, psychology classes...... On the second floor of the Peony Community Party and Mass Service Center, there is a daily class schedule hanging on the wall. Six years ago, the Peony community opened a free happiness education class to provide public welfare courses such as homework care and interest cultivation for children in the community, also known as the "four-and-a-half classroom".

  "When I first came to the community in 2017, some residents asked, 'I also want to go out to twist Yangge and move my muscles, but what about my grandchildren?' Picking up and dropping off, cooking, watching homework, what do you say? "To this end, we have set up a 'four-and-a-half classroom', inviting university professors, primary and secondary school teachers to give free lectures, and children from 3 to 12 years old in the community can sign up, and more than 20 courses have been opened." ”

  Children fall in love, parents are satisfied, and happiness education classes have entered the hearts of residents. But the process of starting a business was not easy. "How to solve the problem of venues and teachers? Which children will be given priority to attend classes? Wang Hui snapped his fingers to tell the details, "Every child is a treasure, and if you hand it over to us, you can take good care of it." ”

  Establish a community resource bank, visit university professors, retired faculty and staff in the community door-to-door, and mobilize everyone to show their strengths; Docking with social welfare organizations again and again, assisting in curriculum setting, activity planning, etc.; Widely recruit community volunteers and do a good job in providing supporting services in the classroom...... Wang Hui put his mind to it, thought of ideas, worked embroidery, and did the work one by one.

  "When the people call for something, I will respond", this is the reason why Wang Hui opened a happiness education class, and it is also her original intention to engage in community work for many years.

  When he first came to the Peony Community, Wang Hui was more concerned about the residents' dissatisfaction with the living environment and the rejection of community cadres than the poor infrastructure. "We have to dissolve the emotions of the residents." Wang Hui said, "What and how to change the community? You have to let everyone see the sincerity. Wang Hui led his staff to visit homes 26 times, distributed more than 2,800 questionnaires, and sorted out a list of needs covering more than 800 questions. At the same time, it connected with professional design companies and discussed with resident representatives to discuss the renovation plan.

  In 2021, the Peony community will start a comprehensive transformation. In today's community, wires and cables are on the ground, insulation boards are on the wall, urban study rooms, home care service centers, happiness squares, and leisure pavilions and corridors are built from scratch, the living environment is better, and there are more smiles on the faces of the people.

  A thousand things are, in the final analysis, the business of thousands of households. "When I work in the community, I have to do the people's affairs well one by one, so that the people can feel that the party is by their side." Wang Hui said.

  "Happiness comes from struggle"

  Reporter Zhang Chi

  On the banks of the Lancang River, mountains are connected to mountains. When he wakes up in the morning and has free time, Zhao Yuefang always likes to run to the top of the mountain. She likes the morning sun to dye the majestic sea of clouds gold, but what she likes to see more is the industrial forest that gradually distributes from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, which is the treasure bump of the village.

  Zhao Yuefang is the secretary of the general party branch of Matai Village, Matai Township, Linxiang District, Lincang City, Yunnan Province. When I first saw her, she had short ear-length hair, a petite figure, and a low and hoarse voice. "I made eight or nine phone calls in the morning, and I was so busy that I didn't even drink my saliva." Zhao Yuefang said. For more than 10 years, she has been like this, with high enthusiasm and enthusiasm, leading the villagers to do one thing after another: industrial development, relocation, green beauty construction......

  To revitalize the countryside, there must be industrial support. The industry in the village is the most intuitive from the top of the mountain, above 1,350 meters above sea level is the ancient tree tea garden and the improved varieties of terrace tea, from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain are planted with coffee, nuts, sweet dragon bamboo.

  The ancient tree tea in Matai Village is special in that the tea tree grows from the cracks in the stone. Zhao Yuefang has feelings for ancient tea trees. "It turns out that tea farmers earn little from selling fresh leaves, and the efficiency of tea factories is not good. Everyone wants to cut down the ancient tea trees and plant terrace tea, so that they can harvest more tea. Zhao Yuefang resolutely disagreed, "Ancient tea trees have been passed down from generation to generation, and it is definitely not possible to cut down trees." So, she took everyone to study and analyze, and thought that the quality of fresh tea in the village was fine, mainly because of the lack of mature processing skills.

  In 2020, relying on the project funds, a processing plant was built in the village to prepare for the introduction of processing enterprises. Zhao Yuefang ran east and west to attract investment, "The skin of his mouth is about to wear out." In the end, the hard work paid off, and the village introduced Yunnan Xingqueen Tea Company to form a "branch + enterprise + cooperative + tea farmer" model, and the brand of "Mataiyan Tea" was developed. Nowadays, a 2.3-kilometer-long plank road has been newly built in the ancient tree tea garden, planted with ornamental plants such as cherry blossoms and camellias, to create a tea development complex integrating tea production and processing, tea culture experience, and leisure tourism, and the industrial system has gradually become large-scale.

  In addition to industrial development, it is also necessary to do a good job in village construction. In Zhao Yuefang's minivan, there are 4 notebooks, in addition to meeting minutes, study diaries, and diaries of people's feelings. Over the years, she has recorded more than 20 "running accounts" of village affairs.

  Looking at the contents of the diary, in June, in addition to "flood prevention and disaster prevention", words such as "pay attention to hygiene" and "a variety of flowers and grasses" are also very prominent. When visiting households, she took a chance to see if the roads in the village were clean and whether the villagers' living environment was clean. "If a village wants to be beautiful, you can't rely on me alone." Zhao Yuefang said that mobilizing the masses to build a beautiful countryside depends to a large extent on a pile of "sundries" from the village committee.

  In the village committee, the wood retrieved from the mountain is used as a flower pot, which looks tattered, but the output is not small: 7 varieties of triangular plum blossoms open in layers, and more than 10 kinds of succulents in different postures. When the people in the village came to do errands, they looked good-looking, so they took one or two seedlings and planted them at home. Zhao Yuefang also took the initiative to help: "The purpose of building a small garden is to bring everyone up." ”

  Nowadays, when Zhao Yuefang visits the household, he likes to record some small videos and send them to Moments: the flowers of the Longshuqing villager group are in full bloom, the small vegetable garden of the Liangzitian villager group is in sight, and the road of the fork of the village group under the highway is clean...... Ma Yonglan, a villager, said: "She really has a way! Who doesn't love cleanliness and beauty, she pulls homely and boasts, and naturally puts the awareness of ecological and environmental protection into the head of that family! ”

  "Happiness comes from struggle!" After speaking, Zhao Yuefang hurried to the point where the bamboo shoots were expanded, and the minivan drove on the mountain road and on the road of comprehensive rural revitalization.

  "Do your best"

  Reporter Shen Tongrui

  "Have you ever played with a crane machine? My job is similar to 'catching dolls'. Standing next to the wharf by the Yangtze River, Huang Qiang, the door driver of the port branch of Zhangjiagang Port Group in Jiangsu Province, pointed to a row of "giant beasts" standing in the distance and enthusiastically introduced.

  Huang Qiang said that the "crane machine" is a 50-meter-high gantry crane, and the operator needs to lift the goods in the cab more than 20 meters from the ground, only with the operating lever and foot pedal, the difficulty can be imagined. Huang Qiang can make these "giant beasts" obedient and obedient, so that there is zero loss of goods, this superb "skill" of free operation, he has practiced for more than 20 years.

  In 2000, Huang Qiang graduated from Shanghai Harbor School and became the first batch of door crane drivers with full-time secondary school degree in Zhangjiagang. The first time he climbed into the cab of the door machine, his hands and feet were shaking. Diligence! After that, he took every opportunity to train on the door-to-door machine. Every time another student got off the plane to rest, he stayed on the spot and practiced repeatedly. Master Wang Guoxing said that among the apprentices he has led, Huang Qiang is not the most talented, but the most serious one.

  In his view, the development of port equipment, technology and technology is changing with each passing day, and in order to keep up with the tide of the times, it is not only necessary to improve operational skills, but also to spend energy to overcome technical difficulties and optimize the loading and unloading process.

  In 2004, the company carried out the first operation of receiving and unloading steel pipes. Due to the light weight of the steel pipe, the swaying of the wire rope during the operation is very obvious, and many drivers find it difficult to operate. Huang Qiang observed carefully and thought about ways to solve the problem. Finally, he discovered that by controlling the luffing operation, he could limit the sloshing amplitude of the wire rope to a certain range.

  Since then, Huang Qiang has deliberately collected the information and operation characteristics of the goods coming to Hong Kong, combined with the operation experience, and decomposed the overall hoisting process of bulk cargo, timber, general cargo and other types of goods in a standardized manner, forming a set of "Huang Qiang door machine operation method". In the face of a situation, how the hands and feet should move, and how long they should last, these steps are clearly written. Nowadays, this "treasure book" has become the basic teaching material for door crane drivers.

  "As a party member, I want to take the lead in studying technology, which must have the spirit of craftsmanship, and do my best." At present, he and his colleagues are discussing the perfect solution of the remote operating system of the door machine. The remote operating system enables the driver to operate the door operator through the screen and handle, and no longer has to climb into the narrow cab more than 20 meters from the ground, making the working environment more comfortable and safer. At present, several door cranes have been remotely operated in the port branch, and Huang Qiang hopes that this system will be fully rolled out in the port.

  "For port companies, a small improvement and innovation of tools can play a huge role in improving efficiency and reducing costs." Huang Qiang said. Over the years, he has researched and solved the hoisting problems of many types of goods, led the studio to carry out more than 60 technological innovations and technological innovations, and obtained 17 national utility model patents and 9 national software copyrights.

  "We've won another battle"

  Reporter Zhu Jiaqi

  "The water level is still rising, and if it continues like this, it will soon flood the switch chassis box!" On June 17, the rain situation in Guilin, Guangxi Province escalated again, and the Quanzhou Signal Workshop of the Xianggui Railway reached the rainfall blockade value. Ma Liangwu, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Quanzhou Signal Workshop of the Liuzhou Electric Depot of the Nanning Bureau of the National Railway, and the members of the Party member commando team moved and made every effort to rescue the emergency.

  In front of me, the No. 13 turnout switch box box of Jeonju Station has been soaked in water nearly 40 centimeters deep. The turnout is the railway steering equipment, which is responsible for changing the direction of travel for the train, and once the switch machine is damaged by water, it will cause the train to be unable to handle the entry and exit signals.

  "It can't be delayed any longer." He took the lead in dismantling the external structure and urgently raised the signal switch machine weighing more than 300 pounds by 27 centimeters.

  "Switch 13 is safe for the time being! The rain is still falling, the line is heavily waterlogged, and we are stepping up to deal with it. The torrential rain almost overwhelmed the sound of Ma Liangwu's report to the production dispatch command center. In order to thoroughly investigate the possible problems at the scene, Ma Liangwu did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately divided the rescue personnel into two groups to investigate the signal equipment in the waterlogged section one by one.

  Suddenly, a shout came from the walkie-talkie: "The stone ballast and soil on the roadbed of the No. 1 turnout have been lost due to erosion, and the cable piles and equipment foundations have collapsed to varying degrees, and there is a risk of exposed cables." ”

  "Follow me!" Ma Liangwu led the rescue personnel to wade through the muddy water, and rushed to the No. 1 turnout with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

  There was a mess in front of me, with branches and other debris scattered all over the ground. Ma Liangwu grabbed the iron rake, dug out the signal cable at the disaster site, removed the cable trough, carefully wiped off the yellow mud on the surface of the cable with cotton yarn, and after confirming that the cable was not damaged, he used colored striped cloth to waterproof the collapsed part and drove it into the wooden pile for anti-collapse reinforcement.

  The rain poured into the neckline one by one, and the water shoes had already been filled with muddy water, but Ma Liangwu never put down the iron rake in his hand, and there was only one thought in his heart: "Ensure the safe operation of the train!" ”

  "Secretary Ma is doing well, as a member of the commando, we also have to work hard!" Tang Yongwen's old problem of leg pain on rainy days was committed again, and after standing up with a shovel and drinking a sip of water, he continued to lean over to bury the cable marker.

  At 0:21 a.m. on the 18th, all signal equipment at Jeonju Station returned to normal. On the 20th, the level III emergency response for flood control on the Xianggui Line ended. Ma Liangwu, who has been on duty for 8 consecutive days, has bloodshot eyes, but he still can't rest assured about the operation of the signal equipment.

  "It is our duty to ensure the safe operation of the railway." During the rescue period, although his family was in Guilin, Ma Liangwu had no time to go home to visit. It wasn't until the end of the rescue mission that Ma Liangwu talked to his family on the phone, "We won another battle!" ”


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