
Pediatricians tell the truth: when you don't give your child these, the spleen and stomach will basically recover! You can also rub around!

author:Longnan Danchang released

Throughout my career as a pediatrician, I have been working with parents to focus on the healthy development of their children. On the one hand, it is necessary to let children eat nutritious and healthy food, and on the other hand, it is also necessary to pay attention to avoid those improper eating habits that may damage the spleen and stomach and affect growth.

Outpatient Cases:

Xia Xia is a little girl in adolescence, which is supposed to be a period of rapid physical growth, but her height and weight are much lower than her peers.

When I saw Xia Xia, I was really shocked by her thinness, 12 years old only 143.2cm, weighed only more than 50 pounds, and her face was yellow!

Pediatricians tell the truth: when you don't give your child these, the spleen and stomach will basically recover! You can also rub around!

After a detailed examination and communication with the parents, I found that the child was greedy for cold, and usually liked to eat some cold food, and in the long run, the spleen and stomach were seriously damaged.

We all know that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, and it is an important part of the human body to absorb nutrients.

For Xia Xia's situation, I customized a TCM conditioning plan:

1. Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning: The child was prescribed Shiwei Jianchang Granules, which contained dozens of Chinese medicinal materials such as chicken inner gold, Poria cocos, and Liushenqu, which nourished the spleen and stomach through the conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine, and repaired the damaged spleen and stomach.

2. Dietary adjustment: Parents are given specific dietary advice, the key is to avoid some foods that are harmful to the spleen and stomach, especially in the golden period of children's development.

Pediatricians tell the truth: when you don't give your child these, the spleen and stomach will basically recover! You can also rub around!

In particular, these three types of foods must be eaten sparingly:

1. Cold food: cold food is easy to damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in the weakening of the spleen and stomach function, the child's body needs a warm environment to complete various biochemical processes, long-term intake of cold food will affect the absorption and transformation of nutrients.

2. High-sugar and high-fat foods: Excessive intake of sugar and fat is not only easy to increase children's weight and cause a burden on the body, but also has adverse effects on the digestive system, resulting in a decrease in spleen and stomach function.

3. Spicy and irritating food: Although children may especially like this type of food, spicy and irritating food can irritate the gastric mucosa, cause harm to the spleen and stomach, and long-term consumption may even lead to diseases such as gastric ulcers.

Pediatricians tell the truth: when you don't give your child these, the spleen and stomach will basically recover! You can also rub around!

But fortunately, Xia Xia conditioning is timely, after 6 months of conditioning, parents told me that the child's skin condition has improved a lot, and the diet is relatively light and nutritious, not only the weight has increased, but the height has also increased by 6cm!

Source: Director Peng Youhui