
There are 4 signals in your mouth frequently, beware that your blood sugar has "exceeded the standard", don't take it seriously

author:Longnan Danchang released

In today's society, with the booming economy and the accelerating pace of life, people's eating patterns have also undergone significant changes. High-sugar, high-fat foods have gradually become the protagonist of most people's daily diet. However, this long-term poor eating habit has caused many harms to our health, including diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by an abnormally high concentration of blood glucose in the blood, and if it is not intervened and controlled in time, it can seriously impair the quality of life of patients.

There are 4 signals in your mouth frequently, beware that your blood sugar has "exceeded the standard", don't take it seriously


4 signals appear frequently in the mouth

Beware that your blood sugar is "over the limit"

Dry mouth

Elevated blood sugar can lead to increased water loss in the blood, which can cause symptoms of dry mouth. If you often feel dry in your mouth, especially at night, it could be a sign of elevated blood sugar.

Frequent thirst

High blood sugar causes an increase in osmotic pressure in the blood, causing frequent feelings of thirst. If you find yourself feeling thirsty often, especially if you're eating a normal amount of food, you should be alert that your blood sugar may have exceeded the limit.

Bad breath

High blood sugar can affect the balance of microflora in the mouth, leading to problems with bad breath. If you notice that you have persistent bad breath odor, especially fruit-like sweetness, it could be a sign of elevated blood sugar.

Oral infections

High blood sugar can reduce the body's resistance, making the mouth susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, gingivitis, oral candidiasis and other problems.

If the above signs appear, it is advisable to have a blood glucose test in time and consult a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, control blood sugar levels through a healthy lifestyle, such as a reasonable diet and moderate exercise.

There are 4 signals in your mouth frequently, beware that your blood sugar has "exceeded the standard", don't take it seriously


How to adjust your blood sugar through your diet

Eat a balanced diet

Make sure your diet contains enough protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to provide balanced nutrition.

Control your carbohydrate intake

Choose foods with a low glycemic index (GI), such as whole grains, legumes, and most vegetables, which release sugar slowly and avoid a sharp spike in blood sugar.

Eat healthy fats in moderation

Unsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in olive oil, fish oil, nuts and seeds, help improve insulin sensitivity.

Timed and quantitative

Maintaining a regular diet and eating at the same time every day can help keep your blood sugar stable.

Choose low-fat dairy products

Low-fat or fat-free dairy products can provide essential calcium and protein while reducing saturated fat intake.

Add non-starchy vegetables

Such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, etc., they contain low carbohydrates and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach

Alcohol can affect blood sugar levels, especially if you're not eating.

There are 4 signals in your mouth frequently, beware that your blood sugar has "exceeded the standard", don't take it seriously


What are the common complications of diabetes

Diabetic foot

Lower extremity ischemia, sensory loss, and foot ulcers and infections are susceptible to neuropathy and vascular disease, which may require amputation in severe cases.

Skin lesions

These include diabetic dermatitis, diabetic pruritus, and skin infections.

Ocular lesions

In addition to retinopathy caused by microangiopathy, cataracts and glaucoma may also occur.

Cardiovascular disease

People with diabetes are at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and stroke.

Metabolic acidosis

May occur in severe metabolic disorders of diabetes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis.


People with diabetes often have high blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Dental problems

These include periodontal disease, which is associated with poor glycemic control.

Source: 99 Health Network