
Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

author:Longnan Danchang released

Hello everyone, I'm Wenwen. On a summer afternoon, the sun shines through the windows in every corner of the kitchen, and today I bought a few handfuls of fresh red amaranth from the market, with green leaves and purple-red veins, as if it were a painting given by nature. I remember when I was a child, my grandmother used to tell me: "Amaranth is an egg in June, and amaranth is not changed in July." At that time, I didn't understand the deep meaning, but now I know that this red amaranth is not only beautiful, but also has an amazing nutritional value.

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

Red amaranth, a seemingly ordinary vegetable, is actually rich in minerals such as iron and calcium, making it an ideal ingredient for those of us who pursue a healthy diet. However, many people either choose to blanch red amaranth or stir-fry it directly in the pot, although these methods can make delicious dishes, but they are not the best way to eat red amaranth. Today, I'm going to reveal to you a new way to eat red amaranth, which is guaranteed to make you want to eat it and can't stop!

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

Next, I will teach you a new way to eat amaranth that is both simple and delicious, which is guaranteed to make you want to eat it again and can't stop!

Ingredient Preparation:

Fresh amaranth: a handful (about 500 grams), eggs: 3 pieces, flour: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, cooking oil: appropriate amount, garlic paste: appropriate amount, red pepper noodles: 2 tablespoons, aged vinegar: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount

Production process:

1. Choose and handle amaranth

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

First, we're going to the market to pick up a handful of fresh amaranth. Fresh amaranth leaves with emerald green leaves and purple-red veins make it look mouth-watering. After choosing, we pick and wash the amaranth to remove old leaves and impurities, then cut it into small pieces and put it in a pot for later use.

2. 腌制苋菜

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

Next, we crack three fresh eggs into the pot, add an appropriate amount of salt, and stir gently with our hands so that the amaranth is evenly coated with the egg mixture. The pickling process not only adds flavor to the amaranth, but also makes the subsequent cooking process smoother.

3. Flour it

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

To marinate the amaranth, we need to add a small amount of flour in batches. Be careful to stir while adding to ensure that each slice of amaranth coated in egg wash is coated in a thin layer of flour. It's a bit of a patient test, but the thought of the delicious taste you're about to taste makes everyone happy.

4. Make amaranth dumplings

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

When the flour and amaranth are well mixed, we can start making the amaranth gnocchi. Gently mix the amaranth and flour mixture into small balls with your hands, taking care not to make them too tight, so that the steamed balls will be softer and tasty. The dumplings are neatly arranged in a steaming drawer covered with a cage cloth, ready to be steamed.

5. Steam the amaranth dumplings

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

Once the water is boiling, place the steamer in a pot and steam on high heat for 15 minutes. In these 15 minutes, we can use the time to make a simple oil and spicy sauce to match. Put the garlic and red pepper noodles in a bowl and stir well, then pour over the hot oil. Then add aged vinegar, light soy sauce and an appropriate amount of salt, and stir well.

6. Taste delicious

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

It's time! The steaming amaranth dumplings are out of the pan! Look at the color, red and green, it's just as beautiful as a painting. Moreover, the steamed dumplings can not only keep the nutrients of the amaranth from being lost, but also preserve the delicious taste of the amaranth to the greatest extent. It's really nutritious and delicious!

Eat more amaranth in summer, some people blanch and some people fry directly, it's not right, teach you the right way, you have done it wrong before

When you eat it, dip it in the oil you just made and splash the garlic and spicy seeds, and the taste is simply amazing! Delicious, spicy, and rich in taste, it will make people have an endless aftertaste. It is a great dish for both breakfast and dinner. I believe that the elderly and children in the family will fall in love with this delicious amaranth gnocchi.

Textual Tips:

The choice of amaranth: try to choose fresh amaranth with green leaves and purple-red veins, which have a better taste and higher nutritional value.

The amount of flour: The amount of flour should be adjusted according to the amount of amaranth and personal taste. In general, just make sure that each slice of amaranth is coated in a thin layer of flour.

Steaming time: The steaming time should be adjusted according to the size and heat of the dumplings. Generally speaking, steaming on high heat for about 15 minutes is fine. If the dumplings are relatively large or the heat is not enough, the steaming time can be extended appropriately.

Well, that's all for today's sharing! If you also like amaranth, why not try this new way of eating? Guaranteed to make you happy and healthy! Don't forget to like and share! See you next time!

Source: Wenwen Food Record

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