
If you want to have a good spleen and stomach, do one thing well in the summer, which is better than eating anything

author:Longnan Danchang released

The spleen and stomach are like a pot, and if you want to cook and digest the food you eat, there is a prerequisite, that is, the pot should be hot. However, in summer, the temperature is high, and many people are greedy for cold, eat raw and cold food, and drink cold drinks, so that the spleen and stomach are always cold.

If you want to have a good spleen and stomach, do one thing well in the summer, which is better than eating anything

Interviewee: Ma Shuhua

Beijing affiliated to Capital Medical University

Chief Physician of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

If you want to have a good spleen and stomach, do one thing well in the summer, which is better than eating anything

In this way, the food in the pot cannot be cooked, and the food eaten in it is not easy to digest, and the spleen and stomach must be overloaded, and the spleen and stomach will be damaged after a long time, and slowly you may have a white and greasy tongue, mild abdominal pain and diarrhea, and severe nausea and vomiting.

If you want to have a good spleen and stomach, do one thing well in the summer, which is better than eating anything

If you want to relieve the discomfort symptoms, it is best to drink some ginger soup, and if you are nauseous and want to vomit, you can also drink some Huoxiang Zhengqi water.

If you want to have a good spleen and stomach, do one thing well in the summer, which is better than eating anything

In addition, when eating cold drinks, it is best to hold them in your mouth for a while, which can reduce the irritation of cold drinks to the spleen and stomach.

Source: CCTV Science and Education

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