
After the disconnection, don't contact again

author:Create excellent coffee
After the disconnection, don't contact again

On the road of relationships, breakups are like occasional light rains, which are quite common. After a breakup, some people choose to continue to be friends and take care of each other; And some people choose to disconnect and turn the page completely.

Speaking of disconnection, it means that he will not contact the other party at all, and he will no longer ask how he is doing. This method sounds ruthless, but seriously, it works for healing wounds in the heart.

Some people, after breaking up, are as if they have lost their souls, they are unwilling, and they are still worried in their hearts, so they can't help but secretly look at what the other party is doing and send a message to say hello. But after going back and forth like this, not only did I feel more uncomfortable in my heart, but I couldn't come back to that relationship that had turned the page.

1. Disconnection is to allow yourself to heal well

"To break up, you have to leave some space and time for each other, heal the wounds in your heart, and then grow up well."

After a breakup, both people need some time to heal their wounds and get used to life without each other. Disconnection is like putting a small fence around yourself, blocking out the other party's voice and shadow, so that you can heal with peace of mind.

After the disconnection, don't contact again

Some netizens said: "I broke up before, and I always thought about contacting my ex-boyfriend, but I made a mess of myself, and I couldn't forget him at all." Later, I was ruthless, cut off contact, concentrated on my own business, and slowly let go. ”

Look, this netizen's story is so real. After a breakup, you really have to give yourself some time to heal. Disconnection is like a vacation for the soul, so that we can get out of the haze faster and welcome a new life.

Disconnection does not mean that you want to disappear from the other party's world forever, but to give yourself a buffer period, sort out your mood, and start again.

Second, the disconnection is to stop hurting each other

"When you break up, the best way to get along is to be okay with each other and not disturb each other."

After the breakup, the two people are no longer the kind of intimate lovers, and contacting as often as before will only make the atmosphere awkward, and maybe even heartbroken again.

After the disconnection, don't contact again

Another netizen shared: "I tried to be friends after breaking up with my ex-boyfriend before, but it turned out that it didn't work at all, and I always quarreled." In the end, we all decided to disconnect, but we were all relieved. ”

This netizen's approach is really a wise move. When you break up, you have to learn to let go and stop dwelling. Disconnection is to give each other the best protection to avoid being injured again.

Disconnection is not ruthless, but a manifestation of affection. It teaches us to respect each other's decisions and stop demanding anything.

Third, the disconnection is to welcome a new beginning

"Only by letting go of the past can we embrace the future with open arms."

After the breakup, we have to learn to let go of those past things in order to have the opportunity to meet better people and things. Disconnection is like closing a door, and at the same time opening a window for us to see the new world outside.

After the disconnection, don't contact again

is still that netizen: "I have been living in memories since I broke up before, and I can't get out." Then I decided to cut off and start a new life. Now, I've found my own happiness. ”

Listen to this story, how inspiring! A breakup is not the end, but another beginning. Disconnection is the first step towards a new life. It gives us the courage to say goodbye to the past and pursue our own happiness.

Disconnection, it is not an escape from reality, but a brave step on the road of growth. Only by letting go of the past can we welcome the future with joy.

So, friends, don't contact you again after the disconnection. It's a sensible choice, and it's a sign of bravery. Only in this way can we give ourselves time to heal, avoid getting hurt again, and embrace a fresh beginning.

Remember, let the past pass! The most important thing is to grasp the present and look to the future. Learn to let go, learn to cherish the present, we can have a more brilliant and beautiful future!