
The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

author:Huihai picks up pearls

The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to swipe my phone.

Recently, the comment area of my article has been full of scolding words:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

Seeing this, most of the time I didn't want to speak, I seemed to understand why he was called Mo Yan.

There is really nothing to say to these people who claim to be conscientious ordinary people.

That is, they won't listen either.

But after a long time, I can't help but sigh.

Among us Chinese, there are so many people who buckle their hats and beat sticks to their compatriots without investigation.

Many of them are shouting in their mouths to support Chairman Mao and miss Chairman Mao, but they don't know what Chairman Mao said? What is the content of Mao Zedong Thought?

Chairman Mao famously asserted in "Against Essentialism": If you don't investigate, you don't have the right to speak.

And the vast majority of these people who labeled Mo Yan and even abused and attacked Mo Yan were not investigated.

They stand on the moral high ground and point fingers, they label him with all kinds of labels and use them to attack him online, and there is no evidence in their accounts.

Just take an example.

The gentleman, who claims to be a retired teacher, said that I wrote an article about Mo Yan to cry out for bad people:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

So did he prove that Mo Yan was a bad guy?


In his account, there are only two blogs of cyberbullying Mo Yan that can be seen:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

What's funny is that he also keeps saying that he loves Chairman Mao:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

As a teacher, an intellectual, and an educator who relies on educating children to get a pension, when he abuses a Chinese citizen online, he can't produce any evidence to characterize a person as a bad person, isn't it absurd?

When he shouted that he would take up the legal weapon to fight against the bad actors, he completely ignored the laws of China.

According to Article 12 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, no one shall be convicted without a judgment made by a people's court in accordance with law:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough


Let's see what he supports.

He believed that Mao Xinghuo was still a man of insight and supported his struggle.

Looking at what Mao Xinghuo he supported, he has been suing Mo Yan.

In his top Weibo, he kept saying that Mo Yan was just alleged:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

But in a large number of his blogs, he even scolded Mo Yan so badly, is this still the rule of law?

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

And his so-called Mo Yan's crimes, as long as you have read Mo Yan's book, you know that it is nonsense, and I have written a special article to refute him one by one:

The more people scold Mo Yan, the more it shows that there are too few writers like Mo Yan and what is exposed is far from enough

And Mao Xinghuo's ridiculous farce, not only does he not think it's ridiculous, but he is also fully supporting, this is our people's teacher?

I think Mo Yan's revelations are still too little.

He has not yet written that there are still so many so-called intellectuals in the teaching staff who have incorrect views, abuse the numbers, and mislead people's children.

If they don't investigate, they will distort the facts and shout and kill, not to mention only some unqualified teachers?

They are pervasive in all industries, in every corner of our country.

It's hard to imagine how much there is.

Thinking about it, there are too few Mo Yan who speak up, and so much social chaos can't be exposed at all.