
Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

author:It's better to laugh than to cry

Calculating the time, Zheng Hao's live broadcast has been blocked for almost a month, and according to his violation, it should also be banned for a month. Zheng Hao said on his social media that he was ready to resume live broadcasting! It's not been a few days. July 8th. Angry people are not angry!

Zheng Hao himself said that on July 8th, it seems that this day will become the day of his rebroadcast, of course, when will Zheng Hao rebroadcast? It should be only he who can see it in his background, so others can only speculate. Although Zheng Hao himself said an accurate date, because it is not yet the time for the real rebroadcast, everything is still variable.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches. Zheng Hao's supporters, his fans can't control so much, in their cognition, Zheng Hao will definitely be able to resume the broadcast on time on the day he said, the only regret is that there seems to be no "canned yellow peach" as a gift for the anchor. But it's not a problem for supporters, and without this kind of gift, isn't it the same for something else? Of course, canned yellow peaches must be the best, because Zheng Hao said when he stopped broadcasting that when he rebroadcasts, he will rain canned yellow peaches all over the screen. This kind of picture must be very much expected to see by Zheng Hao and fans.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

A cross talk anchor caused a lot of shock after being banned, and many fans have been looking forward to the resumption of the broadcast since the day he was banned, Zheng Hao can do this, and he is really a very good person.

In the circle of cross talk anchors who are also masters and masters, it is indeed not easy for Zheng Hao to break out of the encirclement. There are many people who like and recognize him, thinking that he has the level, ability, and full of positive energy. There are also another group of people who think that Zheng Hao will do nothing but scare people, he always claims to be a professor, how high his education level is, and often talks about his experience as a radio host. These people think that the more they behave like this, the more they prove that they have no real talent and real learning, and the more high-profile they are, the more inferior they actually feel in their hearts.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

The benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wise, cultural relics come first, is Zheng Hao's live broadcast good? Is there any interest and value? I'm afraid different people will come to different conclusions. From a personal point of view, Zheng Hao is indeed a material to be a host, and today's anchor is actually a popular presentation of the host on the Internet. Zheng Hao's thinking logic and mouth are definitely enough, and he also has the level of entering the first echelon among many cross talk anchors.

As for the problem that some people criticize Zheng Hao for not doing anything but scaring people, it needs to be understood from another angle. Zheng Hao definitely didn't start scaring people when he first started live broadcasting, he must have started after gradually gaining influence, gradually being targeted, and gradually becoming black fans. It can be said that Zheng Hao's earliest scolding was out of self-defense, out of the need to fight black fans and maintain order in his live broadcast room. Of course, it cannot be denied that Zheng Hao later discovered that this was still a traffic password in the process of scaring people. Because there are too many people who like to watch this situation, like the anchor to scare people, and the more powerful the scolding people, the more ruthless, and the more they say everything, the more the onlookers like it, the more excited, and the more they love to call others over to watch the magnificent scene of scaring people in various ways.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

Can't make a subjective conclusion that Zheng Hao's later scolding was intentional or just a true expression? Maybe people's actions are diverse, and doing something will not be just for one purpose, but should have multiple thoughts and motivations. There are even many times when you don't think so much and you will do it, and in the process of doing it, some will become clear with time and rhythm, and some may continue to be confused. What kind of situation does Zheng Hao belong to? Only he should know best.

No matter what purpose he started scolding people? It must be admitted that Zheng Hao's level is definitely very difficult to high. He is not like some anchors, scolding people is scolding, it is completely an emotional venting, without any discipline and level. Zheng Hao is worthy of being a radio host for many years, and he is worthy of talking about cross talk for so many years, and his reaction and level are definitely online. He has scolded Cao Yunjin, He Yunwei, and Li Yinfei, all of which can be described as wonderful and show relatively deep skills.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

However, I personally think that it is definitely not possible to just rely on scolding people. Since Zheng Hao is a cross talk anchor and has been in Deyun Club for many years, he is also a good cross talk actor, so he should talk more about the content of cross talk itself in the live broadcast, and at the same time, he should also try to say two paragraphs in the live broadcast. This is the only way to really promote the spread and development of cross talk.

Over the years, through the efforts of cross talk groups like Deyun Club, the influence of cross talk is much stronger than when it was at a low point and was about to be forgotten. But objectively speaking, many fans and netizens who pay attention to cross talk today are indeed more interested in the so-called gossip content in cross talk, or more interested in the various situations of certain actors. It's not that you can't be interested in these, but if you really want cross talk to be revived and develop rapidly, it's not enough to just rely on gossip and the actor's personal rice circle. It is necessary to cultivate more fans and audiences who really like cross talk and understand cross talk, only in this way can cross talk be truly improved from works to actors, and the revival and development of cross talk is not an empty word.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

Nowadays, many cross talk anchors actually have to shoulder such a responsibility, and cross talk anchors should talk more about cross talk culture, cross talk works, and various positive energy information in the cross talk circle in the live broadcast room. Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't talk about gossip, you can't talk about old things, and you can't scare people. All of these can be done, but it is necessary to master the quantity, master the standards and principles.

Overall, Zheng Hao is an excellent cross talk anchor, no matter when he will rebroadcast? It's still quite exciting. Presumably he will turn on the strong man mode after the rebroadcast, but I don't know who he will shoot first? I believe that many fans and supporters of Zheng Hao will definitely look forward to Zheng Hao's resumption of the broadcast as soon as possible, and they can soon hear him scolding people with a clear voice in the live broadcast room.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

Many fans and supporters must also be ready to give gifts in the live broadcast room, if there is no canned yellow peach, they will say goodbye, in short, let the scene be lively and lively, and the picture will be gorgeous and beautiful. On the day Zheng Hao rebroadcasts, there will definitely be a lot of black fans in the live broadcast room. It seems that Zheng Hao is going to show his skills again at that time, and the first batch of people he will scare after the resumption of the broadcast is not a certain big name or other people and things in the cross talk circle, they should be black fans. It's also very pitiful for these black fans, Zheng Hao's ban can suffocate himself during this time, and after the rebroadcast, he will definitely find a target to start the crazy mode, and interested friends can pay attention to it when they have time.

Zheng Hao's rebroadcast date confirmed? Fans cheered, but unfortunately they couldn't see the rain of canned yellow peaches

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