
The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation



The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation

In the long river of life, everyone is like a helmsman, driving their own ship of destiny and sailing on the rough sea. Some people are able to ride the wind and waves in adversity and finally reach the other side of success; Others will get lost in the wind and waves, and even encounter the bad luck of sinking the boat. So, how do you take control of your destiny in the voyage of life? This can't help but remind us of the legendary figure in the late Qing Dynasty - Zeng Guofan.

The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation

1. Draw strength from setbacks and reflect on self-cocooning into butterflies

Zeng Guofan, a young man from a small town in Hunan with ordinary background and mediocre talent, his starting point in life is not high. However, it is such a seemingly ordinary person, but with his own efforts and persistence, he has walked out of his own legendary life step by step. In "The Biography of Zeng Guofan", we see how Zeng Guofan achieved a gorgeous transformation from a mediocre man to a great man through introspection and innovation.

Tsang's first major setback came in his sixth imperial examination. Faced with the double blow of falling off the list and criticizing the provincial circular, he did not choose to sink, but chose to reflect. He knows that only by finding out his own shortcomings can he find the way forward. So, he put his own examination papers and model examination papers together, carefully compared and analyzed them in depth, and finally found his own problem: it turned out that he was too restrained in writing articles, only focusing on the fine polishing of parts, but ignoring the overall layout and momentum. After finding the crux of the problem, Zeng Guofan prescribed the right medicine, adjusted his writing style, and carried out targeted exercises.

After a year of hard work, Zeng Guofan finally stood out in the seventh imperial examination and successfully passed the examination. Since then, he has been even more powerful, and a series of honors and achievements have followed: he was selected to study in the Hanlin Academy...... Behind all this, it is inseparable from his spiritual quality of courage to introspect and dare to innovate.

The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation

2. Self-cultivation and family governance of the country and the world, diary self-examination and witness growth

After entering the Hanlin Academy, Zeng Guofan began to serve as an official in the capital. However, he soon discovers many flaws in his character: impetuousness, arrogance, lack of patience, etc. If these problems are not improved, they will seriously affect his career development. As a result, Zeng Guofan decided to upgrade the "review" to a daily compulsory course, in order to urge himself to cultivate his self-cultivation and improve his personality.

In the process of self-examination, Zeng Guofan adopted the method of keeping a diary. Every day, he will record what he has done, what he thinks, and then seriously reflect on the gains and losses. This habit Zeng Guofan persisted all his life, which not only made him more calm and introverted in character, but also more thoughtful and meticulous in handling government affairs.

Once, Zeng Guofan had a fierce quarrel with fellow villager Zheng Xiaoshan over a trivial matter, and almost beat someone. This incident was recorded in detail in Zeng Guofan's diary, and he was deeply self-critical. He realized that his behavior of "wanton abuse and indignation" not only lost his identity as a scholar, but also hurt the feelings of his friends. In order to make up for his mistakes, Zeng Guofan took the initiative to find Zheng Xiaoshan to apologize, and the two finally shook hands and made peace. This incident not only demonstrates Zeng Guofan's introspective spirit, but also shows his wisdom and mind in interpersonal communication.

The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation

3. Break the old and establish the new with the times, and lead the trend with innovative thinking

In addition to introspection, innovation is also an integral part of Tsang's life. In the process of creating the "Hunan Army", he boldly abandoned the traditional army building model of the Qing Dynasty, but innovated in light of the actual situation. He realized that the cavalry had lost its advantage in the face of foreign guns and artillery, so he decisively decided to build a modern army with naval divisions as the mainstay. In order to achieve this goal, Zeng Guofan spared no expense to purchase a large number of advanced foreign guns from Guangdong and installed them on warships, so that the Hunan army occupied an absolute advantage in weapons and equipment. It was with this strong Hunan army that Zeng Guofan successfully quelled the Taiping Rebellion and won an important victory for the Qing Dynasty.

In addition, in terms of talent selection, Zeng Guofan also showed innovative thinking. He broke the stereotype that Qing Dynasty officers must be born in the army, and boldly appointed a group of powerless intellectuals to serve as officers. Although these intellectuals lacked actual combat experience, they possessed firm beliefs and a wealth of knowledge, and were able to bring new ideas and tactics to the army. Under the cultivation and reuse of Zeng Guofan, these intellectuals gradually emerged and became an important force in the Hunan army. Among them, the most typical representative is Luo Zenan, a veteran and talented general who has repeatedly performed miraculous feats on the battlefield with his knowledge and wisdom, and has become the legendary god of war of the Hunan army.

The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation

Fourth, win-win cooperation achieves great causes, and network resources help take off

In Zeng's successful history, cooperation and win-win also played a pivotal role. At the beginning, Zeng Guofan often offended people because of his personality, causing him to hit walls everywhere in the officialdom. However, two years after being relieved of his military power by Emperor Xianfeng and returning home, he finally understood the importance of teamwork. When he went out of the mountain again, Zeng Guofan completely changed his way of life and began to learn to lower his stature and be kind to others.

In order to win the support and cooperation of his colleagues, Zeng Guofan took various measures. He wrote letters to generals and officials in various places asking for support; He personally visited the yamen and the yamen and established good relations with officials at all levels; He also replied carefully to every official letter and letter, showing his sincerity and respect. Through these efforts, Zeng Guofan has successfully established deep friendship and cooperation with his colleagues, laying a solid foundation for his career development.

At the same time, Zeng Guofan also attaches great importance to the cultivation and recommendation of talents. He believes that "to perfect others is to achieve oneself." Therefore, within the Hunan army, he vigorously promoted and trained a number of outstanding young generals, such as Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang. Under the careful guidance of Zeng Guofan, these young generals quickly grew up and became independent military generals. They not only made great achievements for the Hunan army, but also won countless praises and respect for Zeng Guofan.

The Wisdom of Reversal in "The Biography of Zeng Guofan": The Road to Counterattack of Introspection and Innovation

Fifth, contemplation and self-reflection achieve a brilliant life

Looking back on Zeng Guofan's life, we can't help but be impressed by his introspection and innovative spirit. It is with these two qualities that he is able to rise to the occasion in the face of adversity and achieve great results; in order to be able to navigate the complex officialdom with ease, left and right; Only then can we leave a strong mark in the torrent of history. For us ordinary people, although we may not be able to reach the same height and achievements as Zeng Guofan, we can learn from his successful experience and strive to improve our ability and quality.

On the road of life, we will encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the face of these predicaments, we should learn to be as courageous as Zeng Guofan was to introspect and innovate. Only by constantly reflecting on oneself and surpassing oneself can we find the right direction in the voyage of life and sail to the other side of success. At the same time, we should also focus on the importance of teamwork and win-win. After all, one person's power is limited, and only by working hand in hand with others can we achieve greater goals and values. Let us remember the wisdom and spirit of Zeng Guofan, and continue to move forward and pursue excellence on the road of life!