
Journey of Spiritual Purification: Achieve great wisdom in life and embrace a brilliant future



"We do not live in a material world, but in a universe created by the mind."

Emerson's words are just like the insight in the book "Power": "Wherever you set foot, the invisible magnetic field is like a shadow, and it is quietly attracting people and things that resonate with it." ”

In the long journey of life, I gradually woke up to the fact that everything in the world is actually the outward manifestation of the inner world. You, i.e., the world; Your state of mind frames the scenery around you.

"Things gather by like, people by groups", this old proverb reveals a profound truth: what kind of person you are, what kind of encounter will attract; The conviction in your heart leads you to experience the corresponding chapter of life.

The trajectory of fate seems to be tortuous and changeable, but in fact it is in everyone's own hands.

Good luck or bad luck is nothing but a direct reflection of an individual's magnetic field. In other words, your aura has forged your destiny. If we want to rewrite our destiny, we must first start by purifying our minds and adjusting our inner magnetic field.

Like a magnet attracting iron filings, when you begin to clear your inner distractions and be positive for good, you will find that subtle and positive changes begin to take place in all aspects of your life.

Transformation begins with the heart; Good luck, whatever you want. This is not only a deep understanding of personal growth, but also the key to a happy life.

Journey of Spiritual Purification: Achieve great wisdom in life and embrace a brilliant future

Mental magnetic field: positive and negative thoughts that determine the trajectory of fate

"Emotions, like the undercurrent in the heart, often inadvertently sow the bitter fruits of life."

This philosophical saying profoundly reveals the decisive impact of emotional management on the quality of life.

The journey of life is full of ups and downs, challenges and dilemmas.

Some people sink in the whirlpool of worry, consuming their inner strength; Others are tenacious, packing up to welcome the dawn of a new life.

Once the quagmire of emotions is deep, the vision is full of gloom, and the action will falter.

Only when the soul is purified and the emotions return to tranquility, those seemingly unsolvable dilemmas will quietly usher in a turnaround. As the ancients said: "Quiet self-cultivation, thrift to cultivate virtue." "Inner peace is the key to breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

At the turning point of 1936, in the face of the torrent of the times, Lao She resolutely bid farewell to the stability of the ivory tower and embarked on the journey of a full-time writer. When he first arrived in Qingdao, the hardships of life followed: he was shy in his pocket, it was difficult for cars and horses to travel, his meals became extravagant, and there was even noise from his neighbors, disturbing his literary thoughts. However, Lao She did not indulge in complaints and resentment.

"If you can't take a car, you measure the temperature of the city with your feet; I can't feast and drink, so I cook with my own hands and taste the fireworks of life. ”

Lao She is so self-contained, transforming difficulties into a poetic philosophy of life.

Walking on a sunny day, he said with a smile: "The beauty of nature does not need to be measured by money." It was this experience that gave birth to the literary gem of "Camel Xiangzi", which proves the power of the mind in the face of adversity.

Mr. Ji Xianlin said: "Don't get carried away when you're proud, don't lose your mind when you're frustrated." "The stage of life, mixed with joy and sorrow, the key is how to use the mentality as the pen to depict the color of life.

Life is not determined by encounters, but by our perspective. "Anger is a short-lived madness", and the wise man understands that controlling emotions is a higher level of self-realization. Learning to reconcile with negative emotions, be cautious about things that can be controlled, and be optimistic about force majeure is the great wisdom of life.

"Optimists see opportunity in disaster, and pessimists see disaster in opportunity." (Winston Churchill) positive attitude, like a compass, leads us through the storms of life, discovers beauty, and embraces peace.

Emotional management is not only the embodiment of personal cultivation, but also the key to a happy life. Only by mastering it can we smile at the ups and downs of life and move forward steadily.

Journey of Spiritual Purification: Achieve great wisdom in life and embrace a brilliant future

Energy efficiency circles: Placing yourself in the midst of exceptional people is key

"Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black", as the ancient adage says, reveals the subtle influence in interpersonal communication.

The encounter between people is actually the mutual reflection of the soul, the exchange of positive energy nourishes each other, and the entanglement of negative energy drags and sinks. We are like the stars in the night sky, and the light of the good not only illuminates ourselves, but also guides others in the direction of progress.

Hu Shi, a literary giant, went to the beach alone in his 18-year-old youth. The neon and hustle and bustle of the city fascinated him, but he also almost lost his way.

A chance cohabitation with a German teacher became a turning point in fate. Under the guidance of this "mentor", Hu Shi stepped into a new social circle, but unfortunately fell into the whirlpool of glamour.

"At first, I was just watching, and eventually, I became part of the landscape."

It wasn't until a drunken impulse woke him up behind bars that he realized that life shouldn't be so wasteful.

The head of the teacher Wang Yunwu is like a light in the dark night, guiding the lost to return.

"Living with good people, such as entering the room of Zhilan, if you don't smell its fragrance for a long time, you will melt with it."

With the help of Wang Yunwu and the encouragement of his fellow villagers, Hu Shi decided to give up and resume his study journey. This transformation is not only a physical journey to the north, but also a spiritual leap, proving the power of the circle of friends - it can reshape a person's trajectory.

Zeng Guofan has a cloud: "Choosing friends is the first thing in life." ”

Indeed, people are often inadvertently shaped by their surroundings, and the magnetic field of excellent people can stimulate their potential and broaden their horizons; The negative group is like a swamp, sinking deeper and deeper until it suffocates.

Therefore, it is very important to choose a companion in the journey of life.

"If you want to be the kind of person you want to be, you should be with that kind of person."

Downward, deep self-cultivation, solid foundation; Upward, the pursuit of light, comparable to excellence.

Changing one's life is not a breakthrough in the external form, but the ascension of the inner world, which is to actively integrate into a circle full of positive energy, and go to glory side by side with like-minded people.

In short, the quality of life depends largely on the circle you are in and the friends you make.

Choosing to walk with the excellent is not only an exploration of the external world, but also a profound revolution in the inner world, leading us to a broader stage of life.

Journey of Spiritual Purification: Achieve great wisdom in life and embrace a brilliant future

Love Magnetic Field: Only by sowing love can we reap love

Bai Yansong's words of wisdom remind us: "Whatever attitude you give to fate, life will be reflected to you in the same attitude." ”

This is not only a profound insight into the philosophy of life, but also an incisive exposition of the close connection between individual behavior and results.

Everything in the world is reincarnated, seemingly complex and changeable, but in fact it follows the law of "cause and effect".

"Good causes will bear good fruits, and evil deeds will eventually attract evil rewards", this is an eternal truth.

It teaches us that what we sow today will affect tomorrow's harvest, and that every choice and action in life is the seed of future results.

Fate is just and selfless, and there is no gratuitous fluke.

Every sowing of kindness, no matter how small, will become a rain that nourishes one's future.

This is not only a tempering of personal character, but also an investment in future well-being.

In the long history, the poet Yin Keng of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties interpreted this truth with his story.

During a winter party, he ignored the strange eyes of others and warmed a glass of wine for the servant who served the wine to share the warmth of the world. It's a small move, but it inadvertently sows good causes.

Years later, when Yin Keng was in the midst of a rebellion, it was the servant who had been treated well by him who stepped forward to save him from danger.

This is not only a life rescue, but also a vivid example of giving back from good deeds. As the old saying goes: "Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans", the seeds of kindness, nourished by the years, will eventually blossom and bear fruit, and give back to the giver itself.

The teachings of the "Four Disciplines of Liaofan" are profound: "All blessings are not far from the square inch." ”

It means that people's happiness and good fortune are rooted in the thoughts of the heart. The inner cultivation of the individual determines the scenery of the external world. Kindness and love, like a beacon of the heart, illuminate the way forward and attract similar souls to meet.

Therefore, good deeds are not only compassion for others, but also soil for self-growth.

Every time I lend a helping hand, I am broadening my spiritual boundaries; Every warm transmission is to build a haven for yourself. The journey of life is not only a journey of individual awakening, but also a display of wisdom that dances in harmony with the world.

All in all, life is like spiritual practice, self-help and then God's help, self-improvement and good luck.

Only with kindness as a boat can we cross ourselves and others, and achieve the road and breadth of life.

Embrace kindness in every choice and spread love in every moment of action, so that you can reap full happiness and blessings in the journey of life.

Journey of Spiritual Purification: Achieve great wisdom in life and embrace a brilliant future

Wang Anshi's sentence "The thatched eaves are long and clean without moss, and the flowers and trees are planted by hand", which not only depicts the simple and elegant scene, but also the mirror image of spiritual practice. It tells us that even if we live in a simple place, we are diligent in wiping and thinking about nature, and beauty will come. This realization is just like a metaphor of life - "the house of the soul, often swept is a flash of inspiration".

The stage of life also needs to be purified in this way. Emotions are the weather in the heart, and they need to be sunny all the time. As Lin Qingxuan said: "Everything is beautiful when the heart is beautiful." The cultivation of positive emotions is the wiping of the window of the soul and makes the scenery of life brighter. Purifying emotions is not a day's work, but it can make the mind as clear as dew drops, reflecting the beauty of the world.

Talking about the interpersonal circle, it is also a mirror image of life. Choose who to walk with, what kind of life scenery you choose. Socrates said, "Make friends with people who are better than you." "Purifying the social circle is not about being broad and general, but about being refined and deep. A good relationship, like a well-cultivated garden, not only nourishes the soul, but also helps to grow. Only by choosing the good and making friends can we appreciate the beauty of the four seasons of life.

As for conduct, it is the foundation of happiness. Meng Ziyun: "The guard of a gentleman, cultivate his body and the world is peaceful." "The virtue of the individual is like the soil to the flowers and trees, and only when it is fertile can it flourish. Purifying character is the deepest carving of oneself and the most solid path to happiness.

To sum up, the path of purification is actually a journey of self-improvement. It asks us to find tranquility in the midst of distraction, and to breed the extraordinary in the ordinary. Like a clear spring washing the heart, removing the dust, leaving a piece of clarity; It seems to be a simple life, fade away from the flashy, and keep a true purity. This is not only an opportunity for transshipment, but also a starting point for the sublimation of quality of life.

Here, may we encourage each other to continue to introspect and purify in the journey of life. Just like a craftsman polishing a gemstone, every time he wipes it, it is to make the light more dazzling.

Together, let's travel lightly and with a pure heart towards a brighter future.

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