
17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

author:Xiaofan said

In the past two days, the news media has been overwhelming with the news of Zhang Zhijie's sudden death.

A generation of genius teenager Zhang Zhijie, who was only 17 years old, died suddenly at the scene of the competition to win glory for the country, which is really regrettable.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

On June 30, 2024, 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground when he was in the middle of a fierce battle with Japanese players at the Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

Although he was quickly sent to the hospital, Zhang Zhijie passed away regretfully at 23:20 local time, with countless glory and dreams.

Video data shows that from the moment Zhang Zhijie fell to the time when the medical personnel entered, there was a full 43 seconds in between. During this period, a man in red who was suspected of being a coach tried to approach Zhang Zhijie, but was stopped by the referee. Medical personnel did not enter until 1:07 second, but did not immediately administer CPR or AED.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

There is a question here, the athletes have fallen to the ground, and the man stepped forward to check the athlete's situation, which is a normal behavior of people, why was it stopped by the referee? Doesn't the referee have a little bit of humanistic care?

Here, there are several timelines to explain to you.

At 0 minutes and 34 seconds, the man suspected of being coach Zhang Zhijie walked into the stadium to observe.

Zhang Zhijie was still conscious at the time, raised his head, and supported the ground with his hands, but he couldn't get up. The referee then motioned for the man to leave the field.

As soon as the man left the scene, he called the medical staff. At 1 minute and 7 seconds, medical personnel entered the venue and conducted a simple examination of Zhang Zhijie; In 2 minutes and 06 seconds, the stretcher was sent into the venue, and in 2 minutes and 13 seconds, the medical staff signaled to help, and then 2 volunteers and 4 medical personnel carried Zhang Zhijie onto the stretcher; At 2 minutes and 26 seconds, Zhang Zhijie was carried off the field.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

This text is a specific detail published by a well-known news outlet.

Looking back at the timeline, within a minute of Zhang Zhijie falling to the ground, there were no medical personnel to treat him. It wasn't until 1 minute 07 seconds that medical personnel entered the venue and did a brief examination of Zhang Zhijie.

Zhang Zhijie had a chance to live, but this opportunity was delayed by medical personnel.

Two experts from the emergency department of Chongqing tertiary hospitals analyzed the incident.

It was agreed that:

First aid measures at the scene were clearly inadequate. The key to sudden exercise-induced death lies in the "golden 4 minutes", that is, effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED defibrillation within the first 4 minutes after cardiac arrest, which can significantly improve the survival rate. But the video shows that none of these life-saving steps were implemented on Mr. Zhang.

In such an important international event, why is the level of the medical team so good? It's hard to figure out.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

I checked Zhang Zhijie's profile and felt even more sorry for his passing.

Everyone knows that sports events are extremely difficult, and it is not easy to cultivate a sports star, and Zhang Zhijie is the same, he has been practicing badminton since he was a child.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume
17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

Now that Zhang Zhijie has passed away, the 17-year-old badminton player has left this world forever.

In the face of this sad news, the Chinese Badminton Association issued an announcement to extend its deepest condolences to Zhang Zhijie's family, and also said that it is in close contact with all parties and waiting for the exact results of the investigation.

17-year-old badminton genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and it is even more regrettable to read his resume

In any case, we wish Zhang Zhijie no illness and all the best in heaven.

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