
The beginning of a lifelong romance: love solitude

author:Soul Library

Andy Lau left a message on Weibo: "I like to be alone more and more, even if I travel or something, I like to be alone." Every morning and evening, except for going to the table tennis club to play for a few hours, the rest of the time is alone. ”

When you drink tea alone, walk alone, read alone, travel alone, have no telephone, no invitation, no party, no socialization, pampering and humiliation, see the flowers bloom and fall, go and stay unintentionally, let the clouds roll in the sky, you are truly free. No one else bothers you, you don't want to trouble others, you don't need to look at words and looks, you just need to be alone in a person's world and entertain yourself.

The essence of life is a hundred years of solitude. Loneliness is also our rare freedom, into loneliness, love loneliness, and dance with loneliness, is the highest state of life, is the beginning of a person's lifelong romance.

The beginning of a lifelong romance: love solitude

After Liu Zongyuan, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, was relegated to Yongzhou, Hunan, he was tired of the disturbing officialdom battles, let go of his attachment to fame and fortune, and often drove a flat boat alone to fish on the river.

One day, the snow was falling endlessly. The weather is cold and frozen, and the mountains and rivers are white. Birds are extinct between the mountains and forests, and the land is inaccessible. Liu Zongyuan sat alone on a lonely boat, in the boundless snow, fishing by himself, without distractions.

He left behind one of the loneliest poems in literary history, which infected countless people:

Thousands of mountains and birds fly away, and thousands of people disappear.

Lonely boat, fishing alone in the cold river and snow.

Communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth, and share the soul with the nature of mountains and rivers. Enjoy the solitude of the world and revel in the freedom of being alone.

When people reach a certain age, they become more and more silent, and they like loneliness more and more, not because they have no ability to socialize, but because they have lost their interest in acting on the spot.

The beginning of a lifelong romance: love solitude

Another retired old man described his life in his later years as follows: "Class reunions, comrades-in-arms reunions, colleague reunions, and ball friend reunions, all of which are not attended, and stay away from these meaningless socializations."

Stay at home enough, take the free bus card, go out and get on a bus at will, and then let it wander aimlessly, and when you are hungry, you get off the bus, find a small shop along the way to eat something, and so the day passes. ”

I don't want to go to a place where a crowd gathers to consume myself, look at other people's faces, listen to unpleasant words, drink wine that tastes like chewing wax, eat greasy meals, and force a smile to cater to others, there is really no need for that.

Loneliness is a person's feelings, and liveliness is the loneliness of a group of people.

The beginning of a lifelong romance: love solitude

Maturity is a bright but not dazzling brilliance, a mellow but not greasy sound, a kind of calmness that does not need to be observed by others, and an atmosphere that stops complaining to the people around you. Go with the flow in someone else's world and work hard in your own world. Go to bed early and get up early, exercise, please yourself, the clouds are light and the wind is light, you don't care about the gains and losses of things outside your body, you don't care about the disturbances of the outside world, and you just want to live a stable and peaceful life in the deepest red dust and fireworks.

The most powerful force in the world is loneliness, you hate it, it haunts you like a poisonous snake. If you enjoy it, he will give you enough tenderness and romance to do whatever you want, enjoy the beauty of life, and accept everything that happens in life.

When we came into this world alone, we had to leave this world alone. Accept the state of being a person and enjoy the beauty of being alone!

The beginning of a lifelong romance: love solitude